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Learn Monferinglish
Welcomed all to the first & unique webpage, dedicated to internationals & interdisciplinarians Monferinglishanian studies, ok Folks ?

As you surely know, Monferinglish is indispensable for (a) to being a real DXer, and (b) to reading the famous "PlayDX" magazine. At proposite, in those days are in course the celebrations of the Millenial Number of PlayDX, & therefore we want to expressing our more sincere compliments to the Milanese DXer Dario Monferini. We augurate PlayDX another ten thousands numbers more. Excellential job, Dario !

Now, a brief introduction to Monferinglish. It is a special, complex and harmonious language, studied and developed in the course of many years, in order to making DX news understandable to readers in the all world. Monferinglish takes some time to be learned, but after it becomes a superbial mean of communication between the peoples, regardless of race, religion and over all language.
Certain, you must first being fluential in Italian comics, Milanese and some others South-European dialects. If, for example, you are of English mother tongue, then you better spending some months in order to forgetting all the useless garbage that you learned since now, ok folks ?

In those pages we will be beginning to exposing the fundamentals of Monferinglishanian grammatic. It will be a very hard task, cause some of it don't has no apparent explanation. But attention: we said apparent, cause in reality every single grammatic rule has a deep meaning in Monferinglish.

Let's begin with the term "c/o". It is essential that you grasp the complex meaning of the "c/o" if you wanna to being able to understanding Monferinglish. "C/o" can be meaning "in", "at", "to", "over", "under" and another some dozens of things. For example, you say "The radio is c/o the table c/o my room". But, in a more complexed acception, it can be said "Go c/o making ass!", this last being a somewhat unpolite expression of rage.
Now, like exercise, please take your last number of PlayDX and begin to analyzing all the various significances of all the "c/o" that you encounter. Continue until you begin to feeling the need of running c/o the next bar & to drowning yourself c/o your favourite alcoholistic drinking. Then you will be ready for Lesson Second.

We are willing to read your comments, questions and doubts. You can E-MAIL us your messages, but please, use Monferinglish only, ok Folks ?

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