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ALBANIA : Radio Tirana 7465 kHz QSL in 15 days. Report sent to: (Christian Ghibaudo, France)

ALGERIA : JIL FM (Generation FM) 531 kHz via web email da (Roberto Sadun, Italy) WEB :
JIL FM (Generation FM) 531/549 kHz full detailed E-mail in 63 days for E-mail-rpt to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)

ARGENTINA : "AM America" - 1630 kHz - San José, Entre Rios - E-mail QSL in 3 days. V/s : Sr. Armando Pietroboni, Director. Email : Relay "Melody 105.3" and at night "Cadena 3 Argentina". ( Mauricio Molano, Spain,
LS11 - 1270 kHz - Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires - La Plata. E-mail QSL after 5 !!!!! Follow ups. V/s : Profesor OMAR JOSÉ SOMMA, subjefe técnico LS11. Productor Dx-program LA ROSA DE TOKYO. WEB : E-mail : QTH : Avenida 53 esquina 11 n° 810, 1700 La Plata. ( Mauricio Molano, Spain.
Radio Diagonal 1630 kHz, QSL-Letter reply in 30 days. E-mail : V/s : Veronica Merigo (Segretaria) ( Antonio Madrid, Cardanyola, Catalunya)
Radio Juventud, Florencio Valera, 1700 kHz, pers. E-mail : E-mail QSL in 19 days. V/s : Yesica Lopez. Email : (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
R.A.E 15345 kHz - E-mail QSL in 4 days. Report sent to : ( Christian Ghibaudo, France) R.A.E. 15345 kHz Email - QSL in 17 days Email : ( Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)

ARMENIA : FEBA relay, 12125scanned f/d verie Letter via E-mail from "Republican Centre of Communicatios" in Yerevan, reply in 53 days. Report Sent to Republican Centre of Telecommunications. Ministrer of Transport and Communication. Email: ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
Radio Aurora FM Yerevan 100.60 MHz reply in 1 day, E-mail : V/s : Michael Jampoladyan, Director Radio Aurora. WEB : ( Norbert Reiner heard in Armenia!)
Radio Kavkaz, via Yerevan, 1395 kHz, partly detailed E-mail confirmation in 2 days for E-mail report sent to : and V/s : Rushan Bikaev. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
TWR-Gavar 1350 kHz Email-QSL, reply in 38 days. web : V/s : Kalman Dobos (QSL-Manager) Email : ( Antonio Madrid, Cardanyola, Catalunya)
WYFR Relay Kamo 11505 kHz. QSL-Card + Sticker + Schedule + pocket calendars + bookmark + booklets religious in 31 days. No RP. QTH : Oakland, CA. 94621, USA. Sent CD MP3. (200th BC station from Asia verified) ( Norbert Reiner, Germany)

ASCENSION : Ascension Island BBC Relay, Cotton Tree News 11875 kHz, full data QSL-Card, Sent 1 Swiss stamp. Reply in 30 days. Address : Fondation Hirondelle – Avenue du Temple 19c, CH-1012 Lausanne, Switzerland. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)

AUSTRALIA : HCJB, 15525 kHz, Email-QSL, reply in 33 days, E-mail : (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain, Club DX S500)
3WV, ABC Western Victoria, Horsham, 594 kHz, PPC, Pers. note, ABC frequency guide, sticker, temporary tattoo reply in 63 days after follow up. V/s illegible WEB : QTH : Shop 3 / 148 Baillie St, Horsham,3400 VIC. (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
4TI, ABC Far North, Thursday Isl., 1062 kHz, p/d pers. Letter, Postcard, Sticker, Traveller's guide to ABC Radio, reply in 36 days. V/s : Debbie Kalik (Regional Content Manager). ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa) QTH : PO Box 932 Cairns 4870. (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
6KP, Karratha, 702 kHz, PPC and a business card in 50 days after follow up. V/s : Kris Bathgate (Manager Technical Services) WEB : QTH : P.o.Box 994 Karratha 6714. (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
6SE, R. West, Esperance, 747 kHz, E-mail verie in 10 days. V/s : Rod Ashworth (Western Regional Chief Engineer) WEB : QTH : 8-10 William Street, Esperance, WA 6450 Email: (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
6TZ, R. West, Bunbury, 963 kHz, E-mail verie in 10 days. V/s : Rod Ashworth (Western Regional Chief Engineer) QTH : 8-10 William Street, Esperance, WA 6450 Email: (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)

AUSTRIA : Austrian Military Radio Society (AMRS) 6155 kHz Special Program via ORF. Sent 1 IRC, f/d QSL-Card, reply in 120 days. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)

BAHAMAS : ZNS Broadcasting Corp. Bahamas, 1540 kHz , in 12 days for English E-mail report, V/s : Deon Morris, ( Programm Manager), E-mail : ( Leo Bolli, Italy) ZNS Broadcasting Corp. of the Bahamas, 1540 kHz , in 65 days for English airmail report and US $2.00, V/s : Deon Morris, ( Programm Manager), E-mail : ( Al Muick, USA, Hard-Core-DX mailing list Address : 3rd Terrace Centerville, Nassau.

BANGLADESH : Bangladesh Betar 7250 kHz QSL-Card + Letter in 28 days. Report via E-mail to : V/s : Abu Tabib Md. Zia Hassan, Senior Engineer Research and Receiving Centre Bangladesh Betar ( Norbert Reiner, Germany) Bangladesh Betar 15105 kHz QSL-card in 34 days Email : or V/s : Abub Tabib (GeneralManager) (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)

BARBADOS : Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation, 900 kHz, n/d confirmation reply in 297 days V/s : Pearson Bowen,( Programm Manager), English airmail report and 1 IRC and f/up via email. E-mail : ( Al Muick, Williamsport, PA. USA, via

BELARUS : Radio Hrodna 101.20 MHz. QSL-Letter E-mail in 42 days after f/up-report - Report to : Uliza Horkaha 85, BY-230015 Hrodna. Received f/d copy of my ppc and 2 E-mail stickers. (in total 554 days.) V/s : Sergei Shmarev, PR-manager of the Grodno Broadcasting Company. E-mail : ( Norbert Reiner, Germany, Heard in december 2010 in Belarus)
Radio Belarus 7255 kHz. QSL in 91 days. Report sent to : Radio Belarus 4, Krasnaya str. 220807 Minsk. ( Christian Ghibaudo, France) Radio Belarus 6155 kHz QSL-card 127 days. Address : 4 Krasnaya St., Minsk, BY-220807 Belarus V/s : Polina Bartseva (Locutora) (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunia) Radio Minsk 6155 kHz, F/d QSL-Card, reply in 60 days, V/s : Spanish Section Larisa Suarez. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)

BELGIUM : RTBF 621 kHz, QSL Card, reply in 8 days. Report sent to E-mail : ( Christian Ghibaudo, France)

BHUTAN : BBS 5030 and 6035 kHz. QSL-Letter w/ BBS letterhead, full data and detailed. V/s : Kaka Tshering, BBS General Manager (Bruce W. Churchill, USA, DXplorer March 5 Via : BHUTAN BROADCASTING S. 6035 kHz, Timphu, QSL Card E-mail : V/s : Kaka Tshering (Mr.), (General Manager). ( Mauricio Molano, Spain. 186 country confirmed, see :

BOLIVIA : Radio ECO 4410 kHz. QSL-Letter E-mail in 3 days. Report sent to E-mail : (Rafael Rodriguez R. Bogotà, Colombia, Imagenes :
Radio Illimani 6025 kHz. QSL-Letter E-mail in 4 days. Report sent to E-mail : (Rafael Rodriguez R. Bogotà, Colombia, Imagenes :

BRASIL : Radio Aparecida, 11855 kHz, f/d. QSL card + nice Stickers, 33 days, V/s : Antonio Celso Pinelli (Gerente Operacional de Radio), E-mail : Address : Av. Getulio Vargas 185, Caixa Postal 02, CEP - 12570-970, Aparecida, SP. Sent 1$ (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain, Club DX S500)
Radio Bandeirantes, 1360 kHz, Rio de Janeiro - ZYJ464 - E-mail QSL "Melodias de Terreiro" WEB : E-mail : V/s : Atila Alexandre Nunes. Reply in 1 hour ! "Melodias de Terreiro" program dedicated to the " música y poesía de las religiones afro-brasileñas, Umbanda y Candomblé " program transmitted in the past 61 years !!!!!! ( Mauricio Molano, Spain.
Radio Brasil Sul, 1290 kHz, Londrina, PR, pers. Email-verie in 35 days after follow up. Email: WEB : (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
Radio Clube do Parà, 4885 kHz, non detailed Letter + Post-Cards + Pennant 80 years + Golden Pin 80 years. Reply in 42 days. No Rp. QTH : Avenida Almirante Barroso 2190, 3º andar, CEP-66095.000 Belém, Pará. V/s : Camilo Centeno, Director General ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Cultura Parà, Belem, 5045 kHz tests in 2012. Address : Rede Cultura de Comunicação, TV Radio Portal Cultura Av. Almirante Barroso, 735 - Marco, Belem, Pará, CEP 66093-020. WEB : E-mail : ( Ralph W. Perry, USA)
Radio Difusora Acreana, Rio Branco, AC. 4885 kHz. Reply E-mail confirmatorio in 1 day (After Follow/up 1,5 years tentatives) V/s : Francineide Dias. E-mail : see details ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, Brasil, via
Radio Difusora de Macapà, 4915 kHz, full detailed E-mail Letter in 14 days. QTH : Rua Candido Mendes 525, CEP-68900-100 Macapá-AP, E-mail : V/s : Martins Filho, Gerente Financeiro. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Radio Difusora de Macapà, 4915 kHz, personal Letter sent registered. Reply in 150 days. NO RP. Address : Rua Candido Mendes 525 - Macapa - Amapa, CEP-68900-100. V/s: Juliana Alves Coutinho, Gerente de Radio Difusora de Macapà. WEB : WEB real audio : ( Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)
Radio Globo Macaé, RJ, 820 kHz, pers. Email-verie in 28 days after follow up. V/s : Bruno E. Azevedo (Diretor Geral). Email: WEB : (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
Radio Globo, Porto Velho, RO, 1310 kHz, Email. V/s : Flavia Gurjao, Coordenaçao de affiliadas. (Jan Edh, via Arctic Radio Club, 2013)
Radio Iguatemi, 1370 kHz, Osasco, SP, E-mail QSL Letter after 3 tentatives ! Reply in 1 day. V/s : Osmar Zani, ( comunicadores y responsable de la emisora). E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain.
Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 15190 kHz, f/d QSL-Card, reply in 55 days. NO RP. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)
Radio Iracema de Ipu - Ipu, Cearà - ZYH650 - 1360 kHz - QSL E-mail in 1 day. Reply after 3 tentatives E-mail. V/s : Dario Augusto Sosa Ferreira, Locutor. E-mail : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain,
Radio Itatiaia 5970 kHz, QSL Letter in 45 days. Address : Rua Itatiaia 117, Bonfim, CEP-31210-170 Belo Horizonte MG. V/s : Severino Carneiro (Gerente Tecnico). Sent 1 IRC. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy) Radio Itataia, Belo Horizonte 5970 kHz, f/data QSL-Card, personal Letter, Sticker, reply in 7 days. NO RP. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) Radio Itataia, Belo Horizonte 5970 kHz, f/data QSL-Card, personal Letter, Sticker, reply in 660 days!!!!!!!. NO RP. V/s : Severino Carneiro, (Gerente Tecnico). Address : Rua Itatiaia 117, Bonfim, Belo Horizonte, MG., CEP-31210-170 ( Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogotá, Colombia, see details
Radio Nacional Amazonia, 6180 kHz, non detailed letter in 44 days., by registered mail. QTH : C.P. 070.747, Brasilia, 70359-970. V/s : Luciana Couto, Coordinadora. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Radio Nacional de Amazonia 11780 kHz, reply personal Letter after Follow/up 340 days. NO RP. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)
Radio 9 de Julho 9820 kHz QSL-Letter in 44 days. Address : 177 Rua Manoel de Arzao 85 , CEP 02730-030 Sao Paulo. V/s : Padre José Renato Ferreira, Director. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy) Radio 9 de Julho, 9820 kHz, full detailed Letter + Sticker + Info sheet. Reply in 35 days. QTH : Rua Manoel de Arzao 85, Freguesia do O, Sao Paulo, CEP-02730-030. V/s : Padre José Renato Ferreira, Director. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Radio 9 de Julho 9820 kHz QSL-Letter. V/s : Jose Renato Ferreira. QSL + Program informations + Stickers + Santo Rosario. ( Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya) Radio 9 de Julho 9820 kHz, reply QSL-Letter 15 days. NO RP. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) Radio 9 de Julho 9820 kHz QSL-Letter in 29 days. Address : 177 Rua Manoel de Arzao 85 , CEP 02730-030 Sao Paulo. V/s : Padre José Renato Ferreira, V/s : Padre José Renato Ferreira, Director. (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain, Club DX S500)
Radio Rio de Janeiro, 1400 kHz, RJ., PPC assinado/carimbado in 160 days. (51 days Follow/up). V/s : Altair Figueiredo da Silva. (Fabricio Andrade Silva, Tubarao, SC., Brasil.
Radio Senado Brasilia 5990 kHz, QSL-Card and Letter after Follow/up, total 575 days. NO RP. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)
Radio SIM, Vitoria, ES, 1290 kHz, Businesscard with a verie statement on it and REDE SIM publicity leaflet, reply in 55 days, V/s : Jose Roberto Mignone. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
Radio Transmundial RTM, Santa Maria 11735 kHz, V/s : QSL-Manager DXer Rudolf Grimm, reply in 30 days. NO RP. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)
Voz Missionaria, 5940 kHz, big QSL Card + Religious Magazine. QTH : Rua Joaquim Nunes 244 Centro, Camboriú SC. CEP-88340-000, Caixa Postal 2004. V/s : Luiz Carlos Machado, Diretor. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Radio Voz Missionaria 5940 kHz QSL-Letter in 72 days. Address : Rua Joaquim Nunes 224, Centro, Camboriu, 88340-000. QSL + Informations depliant + Sticker. ( Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)

BULGARIA : KBC, via Kostinbrod, 6150 kHz, E-mail QSL in 1 day for E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Bulgaria 9400 kHz, QSL-card. Reply in 44 days. Email : ( Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)

CANADA : CFRX 6070 kHz, f/d QSL-Card, sent 2 $ as requested, V/s : QSL-Manager, Dxer Steve Canney, reply in 25 days. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) CFRX 6070 kHz , Report sent via E-mail + Audio file mp3. Reply with E.mail in 12 hous. QSL Card received in 14 days, QSL Manager for Toronto Radio Stations CFRB 1010 and CFRX 6070 kHz. Reception reports must be sent to : (Reports are always welcome). V/s : HAM op. VA3SC Stephen Canney, QSL-Manager. ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy) CFRX 6070 kHz, f/d QSL-Card, sent 2 $ as requested, V/s : QSL-Manager, Dxer Steve Canney, reply in 16 days. (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain, Club DX S500)
CKZN-St.John's 6160 kHz, QSL-card. Reply in 623 days !! Report sent to: CBC/CKZN P.o.BOX 12010, Station A, St.John's NL A1B 3T8. V/s : W.Antle. QSL+ Depliant CBC en FM + Sticker CBC. ( Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya) CKZN-St.John's 6160 kHz, QSL-card. Reply in 572 days !! Report sent to: CBC/CKZN P.o.BOX 12010, Station A, St.John's NL A1B 3T8. V/s : W.Antle. QSL+ Depliant CBC en FM + Sticker CBC. ( Christian Ghibaudo, France)
KBS- Relay Sackville 6045 kHz QSL-card. Reply in 10 days + Stickers + Depliant + Schedule. Email : (Antonio Madrid, Cardanyola, Catalunya)

CANARY ISLE : Coast-FM 92.2 MHz, San Sebastian de La Gomera. QSL E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, listened in Caceres area, Spain,
Onda Tagoror 88.5 MHz, Playa de Santiago/Alajeró, La Gomera (CNR) - esporádica-E 1.603 km de distancia. QSL Email. V/s : Jesús Simancas EA8-KT. E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, listened in Caceres area, Spain,
Radio ECCA EAK92 1269 kHz, Las Palmas de G.C. - QSL PPC 30 days. V/s : Santiago Bolaños González, Area de Comunicacion, Radio ECCA. Report sent to : Radio ECCA, Avda. Escaleritas 64,1º- ES-35011 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. ( Mauricio Molano, Spain. Blog :
Radio CLM, 90.2 MHz, Valle Gran Rey, La Gomera, QSL E-mail. V/s : Gonzalo Armas. Email : ( Mauricio Molano, listened in Caceres area, Spain,
Radio Firgas, 89.2 MHz, Firgas, Gran Canaria, QSL E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, listened in Caceres area, Spain,
Radio San Borondon, 92.1 MHz, Sta. Cruz de Tenerife. (Listened 12 june 2012, super tropo) QSL Email. V/s : Anabel Leal. E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, listened in Caceres area, Spain,
Radio Sintonia, 88.0 MHz, La Oliva, Fuerteventura. (Listened 12 june 2012, super tropo) Reply After Follow/up. V/s : Ivan Santiago Travieso (Director). E-mail :
RNE R1 Canarias, Las Palmas 576 kHz, E-mail post, V/s : José Carlos Garcia Montesdeoca (Torgeir Woxen, via Arctic Radio Club, 2013)

CATALUNYA & BALEARES : ABC Punto Radio Catalunya, Vilanova i la Geltrú, 1485 kHz. Reply with E-mail V/s : D. Francisco Saez (Director en Catalunya de ABC Punto Radio, Barcelona) Email : (Juan Antonio Arranz, Segovia, Spain)
Catalunya Radio Mallorca, 93.3 Mhz, QSL Card + Stickers/Adhesius, Report sent +MP3 via E-mail : em V/s : J. Francesc Castelló i Estany (Cap de Manteniment Tecnic). (Rafael Martínez , Catalunya)
Flaix FM Mallorca, 100.6 MHz, QSL Letter. V/s : Jordi Gol Arias, (Director Area Tecnologica Grup Flaix), received T-shirt + 2 piruletes. Report Sent +MP3 via E-mail. Reply in 6 days. Address : Passeig de Gracia 55, 9 planta , ES-08007 Barcelona. EMail : WEB : (Rafael Martinez , Catalunya)
Hit FM 828 kHz Tx Terrassa. Reply with E-mail : (from Madrid headquarters) in 21 days. V/s : Alex Vlader (Programador Musical HIT FM & KISS FM in Madrid) Central Studios : Ciudad de la Imagen - C/ Josè Isbert 8, ES-28223 Pozuelo de Alarcòn, Madrid. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
Radio Rusa España, 91.2 MHz, Barcelonia. Full detailed E-Mail letter in 13 days for E-Mail report to E-mail : V/s : Eduardo Gonzalez (Advertising Manager) WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella,Catalonia)
Radio Sant Cebrià, 103.2 MHz, Full detailed E-Mail letter in 4 weeks for E-Mail report to E-Mail : WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella,Catalonia)
RNE R.5 Illes Balears, RNE R.1 90.1 MHz + RNE R.5 104.5 MHz Mallorca. Reply with Letter + Stickers adhesius. V/s : José María Tomé, Departamento de Medios Técnicos RNE Islas Baleares. Reply in 34 days after follow up. No Reply from E-mail : E-mail written in the Letter reply : Also confirmed : RNE Balears R.1 621 kHz + RNE R.5 909 kHz ( Rafael Martinez, Barcelona, Catalonia)
Rock FM Barcelona, 103.8 MHz, Barcelona. E-mail QSL in 91 days for E-Mail report to E-Mail : V/s : Alex Garcia (Tecnico) WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella,Catalonia)
SER Radio Reus EAJ11 1026 kHz - Reus, Tarragona, E-Mail QSL. V/s : Angel Palau Vergés (Jefe de Emisiones) . Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain. Blog :
Xtra FM Costa Brava, 103.7 MHz. Full detailed E-mail letter in 13 days for E-Mail report to E-Mail : V/s : David Gonzalez (Director) WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella,Catalonia)

CHECHIA : *Hitradio FM Labe, Usti nad Labem, 91.7 MHz, PPC and Stickers in 19 days after follow up. Heard in Czech Rep. (Vashek Korinek, Heard in Czech Rep.) QTH : Sidlo Praha 2 , Kopernikova 794/6, CZ-120 00 Praha
*HitRadio Orion, Morava, Kelcsky Javornik, 89.3 MHz, f/d Letter-QSL + Pers. Letter, reply in 60 days, V/s : Miroslav Pelegrin (Programme Director). ( Vashek Korinek, listened in Chechia area)
*Oldies Radio Prague, 103.7 MHz, PPC in 17 days after follow up. V/s: Mrs Lenka Mahdalová (Director) WEB : Email : QTH : Korunní 98, CZ-110 00 Praha 10. (Vashek Korinek, *listened in Chechia)
Radio Bila Dira 6325 kHz, E-mail QSL-card, reply in 5 Hours. E-mail : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
*Radio Cas Valassko, Hranice, 97.9 MHz, pers.letter, post-card, business card, CD in 36 days. WEB : QTH : Radio Cas, Stavební 992, CZ-708 00 Ostrava-Poruba. Email: (Vashek Korinek, *listened in Chechia)
*Radio Jizera, Mlada Boleslav, 105.7 MHz, pers. letter and PPC in 56 days after follow up. V/s : Milan Pruner (General Director).(Vashek Korinek, Heard in Czech Rep.) QTH : Jana Palacha 1025, CZ-293 01 Mlada Boleslav.
*Radio Kiss Delta, Kutna Hora, 90.2 MHz, PPC, Stickers, Schedule in 22 days after follow up. (Vashek Korinek, Heard in Czech Rep.)
Radio Prague, Web Service. Send QSL (new one for 2013) in 8 days. Report sent through web site. (Christian Ghibaudo, France)
*Radio Region, Stredni Cechy (Cesky Rozhlas), Praha, 99.0 MHz, stamped copy of the report, PPC, Stickers in 43 days after follow up. (Vashek Korinek, Heard in Czech Rep.)
Radio Zournal 270 kHz, QSL and calendar received in 21 days for follow up reception report and audio clip sent to : ( Rafael Martinez, Barcelona, Catalonia)
*RFI relay, Prague, 99.3 MHz, E-mail card in 49 days. Via RFI France WEB. V/s : Chrystelle Nammour. (Vashek Korinek, *listened in Chechia)
*Skyrock 100 FM (part of Radio Haná network), Olomouc, 100.0 MHz, pers. E-mail verie in 35 days. V/s : David Foretník WEB : second channel Skyrock WEB : Email : (Vashek Korinek,*listened in Chechia)

CHILE : CVC La Voz Cristiana 17680 kHz, QSL Card in 151 days. E-mail : WEB : V/s : Antonio Reyes, Gerente General del sitio de Onda Corta de CVC-La Voz en Calera de Tango (Chile). ( Mauricio Molano, Spain,
CVC La Voz Cristiana 17680 kHz, Special QSL for last day of CVC on the SW. Reply in 157 days. Report sent to : (Christian Ghibaudo, France) CVC La Voz, 17680 kHz, special QSL in 180 days. Report sent to : and V/s : Antonio Reyes, Gerente General. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)

CHINA : Voice of Pujiang 5075 kHz, sent F/D QSL-letter E-mail in 2 days follow-up to Feb 2011 report. V/s : Qian (Victor) Xiaoyan. Report sent to E-mail : The station is now QLSing, see WEB : for details. ( Bruce Portzer, USA, Via Group

CLANDESTINE : Radio Biafra London 11870 kHz, Reply in 2 days E-mail : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
Radio Free Sarawak 7590 kHz QSL-Card. Sent 1 IRC, reply in 7 days. Info WEB Contact in Spanish : (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) Radio Free Sarawak confirm an old transmission on 7590 kHz with Email-QSL in 24h. Report sent via contact form on WEB site : www Pictures available : (Francesco Cecconi, Italy)
Radio Okapi 11690 kHz QSL in 13 days. Report sent to : Fondation Hirondelle Avenue du Temple 19C CH- 1012 Lausanne Switzerland ( Christian Ghibaudo, France)
Radio Tamazuj 11650 kHz, QSL in 72 days. Report sent to E-mail : Radio Tamazuj Sudanese news crossing borders. WEB : Address : Witte Kruislaan 55, NL-1217 AM Hilversum, Netherlands ( Christian Ghibaudo, France) Radio Tamazuj, 15400 kHz, f/d QSLcard in 54 days. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
Sound of Hope 7105 kHz, f/d QSL-Card, used Taiwan stamps, reply in 30 days. No Rp. Info Web in English : (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) Sound of Hope, 7105 kHz, QSL, Sked in 28 days for report to : 6-4 Lane 84, Guotai St, North Dist, Taichung 404, Taiwan. Sent 1 $. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Sound of Hope 7105 kHz, QSL + Sticker in 33 days. Sent 1 IRC. Address : 6-4, Lane 84, Guo Tai st. – North Dist – Taichung 404 - Taiwan. WEB : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
Voice of Tibet 17535 kHz – Reply with QSL in 48 days – Sent 1 IRC – Address for reports : Gangchen Kyishong – Dharamsala 176215 – India. (Roberto Pavanello,Italy) Tibet B.S., 7385 kHz , QSL, letter in 210 days. Report to Holy Tibet English Programme, Foreign Affairs Office, China Tibet Broadcasting Station, 41 Beijing Middle Road, Lhasa, Xizang 850 000, China. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)

COLOMBIA : Alcaravan Radio 5910 kHz, Puerto Lleras, E-mail QSL Card in 3 days V/s : Rafael Rodriguez R. (QSL Manager). Report sent to E-mail : (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso, Paraná, Brasil). COLOMBIA: Alcaravan Radio, 5910 kHz, Email-verie and pers. E-mail in 63 days after follow up. V/s : Russel Martin Stendal (Director) and Rafael Rodriguez R. (QSL Manager) QTH : LIBRERIA COLOMBIA para CRISTO , Calle 46 Nº. 13-56 Blq.C, Apto. 215, Bogotá, DC., Email : or alternativa : RAFAEL RODRIGUEZ R., Apto Aereo No. 67751, Bogotá, DC. (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
HJAH - 1070 kHz - Emisora Atlantico - Barranquilla - Organizacion Radial Olimpica - QSL E-mail in 1 day. V/s : Sr. Nicanor Rojas Salas, Ingeniero de Sistemas Area de producción. E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano , Spain,
HJAS - 1400 kHz - Antena 2 RCN - Barranquilla - QSL E-mail in 1 day. V/s : Oscar Vargas Fúquene, Director Técnico Nacional de RCN. E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano , Spain,
HJLY - 1060 kHz - Radio Delfin - Riohacha - QSL E-mail in 1 day. Report sent to E-mail : reply from : ( Mauricio Molano , Spain,
HJNL - 1450 kHz - "La Cariñosa - Manizales" - Manizales - QSL E-mail in 1 day. V/s : Jaime Sánchez Restrepo, Director Artístico de RCN-Manizales. E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano , Spain,
HJNZ - 1440 kHz - Colmundo Radio - Medellín - E-mail QSL Card in 5 days. V/s : Ramiro Alonso Zapata. E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano , Spain,
HJQZ - 1580 kHz - Radio Maria - Barranquilla - E-mail QSL Letter in 9 days. V/s : Paola Calderón Gómez, (Comunicadora Social - Periodista). E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano , Spain,
Radio Guatapuri - 740 kHz - E-mail QSL in 2 day. V/s : Lenin Stalin Marmolejo H. - Ingeniero. E-mail : (Rafael Rodriguez R. Bogotà, Colombia, Imagenes :

COSTA RICA : Radio Republica TEST 5954 kHz via Tx Cariari, QSL Card, reply in 30 days. Reported by E-mail to : WRMI. V/s : Jeff White, (QSL Manager) see details Postal Address : WRMI Radio Miami International, 175 Fontainebleau Blvd., Suite 1N4, Miami, Florida ZIP-33172 USA. E-mail : (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA, Dx-editor DX LISTENING DIGEST)

CROATIA : Voz de Croacia 1134 kHz, QSL-Card in 328 days. Address : Prisavlje 3, HR- 10000 Zagreb. V/s : Janos Romer. Reply after many follow ups!!!!!!. No IRC. (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya) Voice of Croatia, 1134 kHz, QSL Card in 14 days. Report sent to E-mail : V/s : Mladen Golubic. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Voice of Croatia, 1134 kHz, QSL Card in 146 days. NO RP sent. Address : Prisavlje 3, HR- 10000 Zagreb. V/s : Mladen Golubic, Frequency Manager. (Aldo Meroni, Italy)
Voice of Croatia, 7410 kHz, QSL in 84 days. Report sent to E-mail : and ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) La Voz de Croacia 3985 kHz E-mail, Letter, schedule for reception report sent to E-mail : Reply in 1 day. V/s : Mladen Golubic, Frequency Manager. ( Rafael Martinez, Barcelona, Catalunya)

CUBA : Radio Rebelde 5025 kHz, via web E-mail : WEB : (Roberto Sadun, Italy)
Radio Habana Cuba 15230 kHz, QSL especial "90 años de la radio cubana" V/s : Equipo del programa "En Contacto" E-mail : Reply in 76 days. (Rafael Rodriguez R. Bogotà, Colombia, Imagenes :

DOMINICAN REP. : Radio Amanecer 1580 kHz - QSL E-mail in 7 days. E-mail : WEB : ADDRESS : Juan Sanchez Ramirez N. 40, Gazcue, Santo Domingo. ( Mauricio Molano , Spain,

ECUADOR : Centro Radiofonico Imbabura 3380 kHz V/s : Luis Adriano Calero Rojas ( Gerente Propietario WEB : Reports to be sent E-mail : ( Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogota, Colombia)

EGYPT : Radio El Cairo, 6270 kHz, E-mail QSL-card. after f/d QSL card for registred mail, in 115 days. V/s : Mrs. Samia Abdel Haidi (Director of wave propagation departament) E-mail : (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain, Club DX S500)

ESTONIA : T.W.R./ ELI - 1035 kHz - Tartu, QSL-Card E-mail in 2 days. V/s : Kalman Dobos, Broadcast Monitoring TWR. E-mail : Report sent to E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain. ELI Your Family Radio Russia 1035 kHz. Reply with E-mail 15 days. V/s : Kalman Dobos. E-mail : ( Leo Bolli, Italy)

ETHIOPIA : Amhara State Regional Radio 6090 kHz. Address : Amhara Mass Media Agency, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. E-mail : Reply in 50 days. V/s : Chalacew Achamyehe, Head of Amhara Radio Station. Sent 1 IRC. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
Voice of Oromia 6030 kHz, E-mail Letter confirmation. Email : V/s : Habtamu Dargie, reply in 2 days. Address : Radio Oromiya, P. o. Box 2919, Adama, Ethiopia. WEB : (Gigi Naj, Italy) Voice of Oromia 6030 kHz. Reply with E-mail , no data, 4 days. V/s : Habtamu Dargie Gudeta. E-mail : (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain, Club DX S500)

EUSKADI : EITB Radio Vitoria 1602 kHz, reply with f/d Letter, Stickers, in 40 days. No Rp. Jefe tecnico Javier Machain E-mail : WEB : Address : Domingo Martinez de Aragon 5-9, ES-01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Gigi Nadali, Asti, Italy) EITB Radio Vitoria, 1602 kHz, QSL-Card in 42 days. E-mail : V/s : Roberto Bardeci ( Departamento Técnico). ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia,
Radio Euskadi-EITB Alava, 819 kHz, E-mail f/d Letter, in 104 days. V/s : Gregorio Torrontegui Olondo (Jefe de emisiones de Radio Euskadi). E-mail : (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain, Club DX S500)

FINLAND : Baltic Sea Radio 14950 kHz, E-mail QSL-card. Reply in 148 days. E-mail : V/s : DJ Sailor. (QSL-Manager) (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Scandinavian Weekend Radio via Tx Virrat 11720 kHz, E-mail in 41 days. E-mail : V/s : Tapani Haakkinen (QSL-Manager) (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Spaceshuttle Radio 12790 kHz via Tx Virrat. E-mail QSL reply in 114 days. E-mail : V/s : Dick (Dj) (QSL-Manager) (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)

FRANCE : AWR Relay Issoudun 9790 kHz, QSL-Card + Visit Card in 94 days. Sent RP : Francobollo nuovo da 0,60 €. QTH : Radio Voce della Speranza, Viuzzo del Pergolino 1/4, IT-50139 Firenze (FI). ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
Bretagne 5, 1593 kHz, full detailed E-mail confirmation in 8 days for E-mail-report to : and Answer came from : V/s : Frédéric Guyon. ( Christian Ghibaudo, France) Bretagne 5 1593 kHz, full detailed E-mail confirmation in 1 day for E-mail-report to : and Answer came from : V/s : Frédéric Guyon. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Bretagne 5, 1593 kHz, full detailed E-mail confirmation in 8 days. ( Roberto Pavanello,Italy) STATION HAS BEEN CLOSED IN 2012.
JSWC 60th anniversary broadcast via Issoudun 6015 kHz, E-mail-QSL in 7 days. Report sent to E-mail : V/s : Kazuhiko Iwas, QSL manager ( Christian Ghibaudo, France)
MV Baltic Relay Issoudun 6140 kHz, QSL-Card in 62 days. Sent RP 1$. QTH : Seestrasse 17, DE-19089 Goehren, Germany. V/s : Roland Rohde. Sent CD MP3 Audio. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
Radio Orient, 1350 kHz, full detailed letter, promos, sticker, keyring in 21 days. Report sent to : 98 Boulevard Victor Hugo, FR-92110 Clichy, France. V/s : Mazen Khalil, Directeur de la Production et des Programmes. Sent French mint stamps. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Radio Orient, 1.350 Khz, letter QSL+small stickers and advertisements, very rapid response, 6 days, f/d, v/s: Mazen Khalil (Directeur de la Production et des Programmes), address: 98, boulevard Victor Hugo, 92110 Clichy, (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain, Club DX S500)
Radio Notre Dame 100.7 MHz. Paris : 6 Boulevard Edgar Quinet, FR-75014 Paris. E-mail : WEB : (Radio Actu, France, via Dario Monferini)
Radio RFM, 89.6 MHz. Via Tx Ajaccio - Returns PP letter and stickers in 7 days. Report to : 28 Rue François 1er, FR-75008 Paris. V/s : Patrice Albarelli. WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella,Catalonia)
TSF Jazz, 89.9 MHz, Tx Paris. Reply in 1 day after many E-mails tentatives. V/s : Sebastien Vidal (Directeur de Antena) E-mail : & second E-mail : V/s : Benoit Simon (Direction Technique) ( Mauricio Molano, Spain, Esporadic June 2012, listened in Caceres area, see info :
TWR Roumoules 1467 kHz, QSL in 65 days. Report sent to E-mail : V/s : Kalman Dobos ( Christian Ghibaudo, France)

GABON : Africa N°1 9580 kHz. Letter in 80 days. Report sent to: (coordinateur d’antenne) (Christian Ghibaudo, France) Africa N°1 9580 kHz, E-mail reply in 1 day. V/s : Guy Kalenda Mutelwa (Coordinateur d'antenne) E-mail : Address : 33, Rue du Faubourg Saint Antoine, FR-75011 Paris, France. ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy)

GERMANY : Athmik Yatra Radio, 15285 kHz. Via Tx Nauen. Hindu religious station owned by Gospel for Asia. Email QSL Letter : reply in 3 hours. (Juan Antonio Arranz, Segovia, Spain) Athmik Yatra Radio, 7240 kHz, Via Tx Nauen. E-mail-QSL : adjuntando audio.mp3 No V/s, reply in 40 hours. ( Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogota, Colombia) Atlantic 2000 International, 9480 kHz, via MVBR, QSL-Card + Letter in 14 days. E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Atlantic 2000 International 9480 kHz (relay via TX Gohren) reply with electronic Email QSL, 5 days. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) *R. Atlantic 2000 Int., Kall-Krekel, 6005 kHz Email-QSL card and station info in 9 days. V/s : Tiphanie. Email : (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
DR Kultur, 177 kHz, QSL-Card, in 13 days, for report sent to E-mail : ( Rafael Martinez, Barcelona, Catalunya)
E.M.R., EUROPEAN MUSIC RADIO, 6005 kHz, via Radio 700, E-mail QSL in 3 days for E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
E.M.R., EUROPEAN MUSIC RADIO, 9480 kHz, via MVBR, E-mail QSL in 2 days. E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Europe 1 183 kHz, reply f/d QSL-Card, in 7 days. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) Address : 26 bis Rue François 1er, FR-75008 Paris-CEDEX, France. (Play-dx Archives info)
Gemeinde Gottes Herford via HCJB Relay Weenermoor 3995 kHz, QSL-Card - Letter in 8 days. Email-rpt con Audio MP3 File sent to : QTH : Zimmerstrasse 3, DE-32051 Herford, Germany. V/s : Nikolai Hernst. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy) Gemeinde Gottes Herford, 3995 kHz, via HCJB Weenermoor, QSL, personal letter in 56 days. Report sent to E-mail : V/s : Nikolai Ernst. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265 kHz, QSL-Card in 107 days. E-mail report to : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
HCJB relay Germany 3995 kHz, QSL-Card, Letter, reply in 35 days. NO RP. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) web : E-mail : E-Mail: Address : Radio HCJB e.V. Postfach 8025 DE-32736 Detmold (Play-dx info Archives)
ICHTYS Radio via HCJB Relay Weenermoor 3995 kHz, Email-QSL in 6 days. RP : Sent 1$. QTH : Z. Hd. Sven Tasche, Rudolf Breitscheid Strasse 3,01945 Ruhland, Germany. V/s : Sven Tasche-Leader Ichtys R. (Program Director) E-mail : Sent Audio CD MP3. (Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
JSWC Special DX-program, via Wavescan/AWR Tx Nauen, 17510 kHz, E-mail QSL in 1 day for E-mail-report to : V/s : Kazuhiko Iwasa (QSLManager) ( Norbert Reiner, Germany)
MDR Sachsen-Anhalt 94.6 MHz TX Brocken, Full detailed QSL-Card and Sticker in 14 days. Reports to : MDR Betriebsdirection, GB Technische Zentralaufgaben, RF Frequenzmanagemen, Kantstrasse 71-73, DE-04275 Leipzig. NO RP. WEB : (Uwe Sennewald, Germany)
MDR Jump 90.4 MHz TX Leipzig, QSL in 46 days. E-Mail report to : V/s : Michael Pabst. WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella,Catalonia, ESporadic)
Mega Radio Bayern 229.072 (DAB ch 12 D) Letter + Sticker + Souvenir-Card in 21 days. QTH : Karolinenstr. 2, DE-86150 Augsburg. V/s : illegible ("Programmleitung"). ( Norbert Reiner, hrd at Oberammergau, Germany)
Missionswerk Relay Weenermoor, 3995 kHz, via HCJB, QSL-Card + Personal Letter + Skedule + Info Sheets in 21 days. E-mail report to : V/s : Peter Bronclik ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
NordAM Relay Weenermoor 3995 kHz, QSL-Card in 7 days. Email-rpt sent to : ( Norbert Reiner, Germany) NordAM-Kall-Krekel 3995 kHz, QSL in 5 days. E-mail report to : V/s : Daniel Torben (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Norddeutscher Rundfunk 9850 kHz, 11965 kHz TX Wertachtal, 11720 kHz TX Nauen. Received 3 QSL cards in 17 days. Report sent to : (Christian Ghibaudo, France) NDR special transmission TX Nauen 9490 kHz, QSL-Card, reply in 40 days. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)
Planet Radio 100.3 MHz Full detailed QSL-Letter and little gifts pins & stickers in 6 days. NO Rp. WEB : Email : Address : FFH- Platz 1, DE-61111 Bad Vilbel. ( Norbert Reiner, hrd near Kempten in Bavaria, Germany)
Pur Radio 1 6085 kHz, reply with f/d QSL-Card, in 5 days. CLOSED IN 2013. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) Pur Radio 1 6085 kHz QSL-pdf in 83 days. Report sent to Email : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
Radio Augsburg 206.352 (DAB ch. 9C) Letter + Sticker + ppc in 2 days. Rpt sent to QTH : Hafnerberg 2, DE-86152 Augsburg. V/s : Ulrich Bobinger, Geschaftsfuehrer. ( Norbert Reiner, hrd near Kempten in Bavaria, Germany)
Radio Colonia Relay NDR Info-Hamburg, 972 kHz, QSL-Card in 10 days. Email-rpt sent to : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya) Radio Colonia Relay NDR Info-Hamburg, 972 kHz QSL, sticker and CD received in 34 days for reception report sent to E-mail : ( Rafael Martinez, Barcelona, Catalunya)
Radio Freundes-Dienst, via Wachenbrunn, 1323 kHz, QSL + Calendar in 21 days. Rpt sent via web : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Radio Freundes Dienst 6005 kHz (relay via Radio 700), QSL-Card, Pamphlets, Calendar, reply 45 days, Address : Missionwerk Freundes – Dienst, Postfach 1432, DE -79705 Bad Sackingen. Germany. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)
Radio Iceman, 6045 kHz, via Wertachtal, E-mail QSL downloaded from their web : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Nerderland, via Wertachtal 6065 kHz, QSL-card 85 days E-mail : V/s : Jaime Baguena (QSL-Manager) (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Radio OOoomrang, 15215 kHz, via Wertachtal 500 Kw. E-mail QSL in 3 days for E-mail report to : V/s : Michael Puetz (Program Director Media Broadcast GmbH) ( Juan Arranz Sanz, Segovia, Espana) Radio OOoomrang, 15215 kHz, via Wertachtal 500 Kw. E-mail QSL in 2 days for E-mail report to : V/s : Michael Puetz (Program Director Media Broadcast GmbH) ( Christian Ghibaudo, France)
Radio Saxonia 9480 kHz, E-mail QSL-card 13 days E-mail : V/s : Augustus Rex (QSL-Manager) (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Radio 700 via Relay Kall-Krekel 3995 kHz, E-mail QSL in 38 days for E-mail report to : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya) Radio 700, 6005 kHz, QSL Letter. Reply in 60 days. Report with mp3 file sent to E-mail : Pictures available here: ( Francesco Cecconi, Italy)
Radio 6150 6070 kHz, Email-QSL in 2 days. Email-rpt sent to : message unfortunately contained nothing that could be regarded as a QSL... ( Norbert Reiner, Germany) RADIO 6150 6.150 kHz, E-mail-QSL in 388 days. E-mail report to : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya) Radio 6150 6150 kHz. Report sent to Email : Reply in 18 days. Email : with photos & pdf qsl card. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy) Radio 6150 relay Germany, 6150 kHz, reply with Email-QSL, in 1 day. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) Radio 6150, 6150 kHz E-mail QSL in 2 hours. Email : ( Christian Ghibaudo, France)
Radio 90elf - Dein Fussballradio 178.352 (DAB ch. 5C) Letter + Sticker + ppc in 2 days. QTH : C/o REGIOCAST DIGITAL GmbH, Thomasgasse 2, DE-04109 Leipzig. V/s : Daniel Bornberg (90elf - Redaktionsleiter) ( Norbert Reiner, Germany)
SWR3 - 90.0 MHz - Haardtkopf - QSL in 24 days. tarjeta QSL, adhesivos y postales de la emisora. V/s : Udo Merzig. E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain,
SWR1-RP - 89.9 MHz - Weinbiet/Neustadt - QSL in 24 days. tarjeta QSL, adhesivos y postales de la emisora. V/s : Udo Merzig. E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain,
THE MIGHTY KBC via Relay Wertachtal 6095 kHz, E-mail-QSL in 4 hours. Email-rpt, Sent Audio clip MP3 to Email : V/s : Eric Van Willegen (Chief Engineer) ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)THE MIGHTY KBC via Relay Wertachtal 9835/15470/21600 kHz, E-mail report in 1 day to : V/s : Eric van Willegen. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) KBC 6095 kHz, QSL Letter & Email electronic QSL, reply in 1 day. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) *The Mighty KBC, 6095 kHz, card in 31 days. Report to : WEB : (Vashek Korinek, South Africa) THE MIGHTY KBC via Relay Wertachtal 6095 kHz, E-mail-QSL in 4 hours. Email-rpt, Sent Audio clip MP3 to Email : V/s : Eric Van Willegen (Chief Engineer) ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy) THE MIGHTY KBC 6095 kHz, E-mail report in 1 day to : V/s : Eric van Willegen. ( Giampiero Bernardini, Italy)
Wavescan / AWR, 17510 kHz, via Nauen, QSL-Card in 240 days. E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
YOU FM 97.7 MHz Frankfurt am Main. Undetailed greeting card in 10 days. NO RP. WEB : Reply with Email : (Uwe Sennewald, Germany)
XVRB relay Wertachtal 6045 kHz, E-mail-QSL in 20 days. E-mail : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya) XVRB, 6045 kHz, E-mail QSL received in 1 day for reception report sent to E-mail : ( Rafael Martinez, Barcelona, Catalunya)

GREECE : Dromos FM, 89.8, Full detailed E-Mail letter in 1 day for E-Mail report to E-Mail : V/s : Dromos FM Team WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella,Catalonia ESporadic)

GROENLANDS : KNR Gronland Radio 3815 kHz USB mode, f/d folder, reply in 30 days. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) WEB : Address : KNR, Kissarneqqortuunnguaq 15, Box 1007, 3900 Nuuk. (Play-dx archives)

GUAM : KTWR, 11840 kHz, QSL, schedule, Letter in 256 days, report sent to Email : V/s : Rebecca Philyaw. Address : Box 8780, Agat, Guam 96928. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) AWR WAVESCAN via Tx Agat , 11800 kHz, QSL-Card in 108 days. Report sent to E-mail : V/s : Adrian Peterson ( QSL-Manager) ( Christian Ghibaudo, France)

GUATEMALA : Radio Verdad 4055 kHz, E-mail Letter in 8 days + Personal Letter + Cloth Pennant + Sticker + Calendar A4 + QSL Card + Info papers. V/s : Edgar Amilcar Madrid (Director). Address : Apartado 5, Chiquimula. E-mail : WEB : WEB : ( Saverio De Cian, Italy)

GUINEA EQUATORIAL : The Overcomer Ministry via AFRICA 1, 15190 kHz, QSL Card in 20 days. Address : P.o.BOX 691, ZIP-29488 Walterboro, SC., USA. Sent 1 IRC. ( Roberto Pavanello,Italy)
Radio Africa 1, 15190, kHz, QSL Card Informe+MP3 E-Mail report to E-Mail :, QSL Pan American Broadcasting "Radio East Africa"; received in 57 days (Rafael Martínez , Catalunya)

HUNGARY : Kossuth Radio, 1251 kHz, QSL Letter in 56 days, (by registered mail!). Address : MTVA, Kunigunda utja 64, H-1037 Budapest. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
MR4, Magyar Radio, 1188 kHz, full detailed Letter in 190 days. V/s : Edit Julia Kaupert. Address : Stefania utja 7, H-6720 Szeged. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)

ICELAND : Icelandic Radio, 189 kHz Email letter V/s : Mrs Jonina Lydsdottir (Segretary International Relations Iceland Radio) Personal Email : WEB : ( Leo Bolli, Italy)

INDIA : AIR All India Radio GOS 7550 kHz, sent Email - QSL in 3 days, report sent to Email : ( Bruce Portzer, USA, Via Group ALL INDIA RADIO 11670 kHz, QSL-Card in 242 dats. Email Report to : V/s : T.Doljar (Assistent Chief Engineer) (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
AIR Rajkot, 1071 kHz, QSL received in 53 days for reception report and audio clip sent to Email : ( Rafael Martinez, Barcelona, Catalunya)
AIR Shimla 50 kW on 4860 kHz. The sked is 0025-0200, 1235v-1730 (Sat, Sun 1741) Reports may be sent to : Mr. Sunil Bhatia, Director Engineering. E-mail : Mr. Sunil Bhatia also welcomes listeners to visit his station in Himachal Pradesh, North India and offers free guest house ( Iinfo via Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur Radio, Hyderabad, India, Via
AIR Tiruchirapalli, 936 kHz, pers. Email-verie and a scanned PPC in 45 days after follow up. Directly from Tiruchirapalli. V/s : K. Daksnamurthy (Programme Head). Email : (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)

IRELAND : Radio North 846 kHz, E-mail Letter in 1 day. E-mail : V/s : Paul. Power is 2.5 kW carrier, Pulse Width Modulation peaking 10 kW PEP, the antenna is 140 feet high vertical over radial ground system. ( Norbert Reiner, Germany)
RTE Radio 1. 90.0 & 90.2 MHz, Txs Mullaghanish & Kilduff Mountain. QSL in 7 days. V/s : Cyril Ryan E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Esporadic reception 2012, Spain,
Spirit Radio Ireland 549 kHz. V/s : Garvan Rigby (Program Director). Reply in 7 days with Letter + Stickers. WEB : E-mail : WEB formular for Report : (Keith D. Phillimore, Rugby, England) Address : Spirit Radio, Radio Centre, Killarney Road, Bray. Co. Wicklow.

ITALY : Challenger Radio, 1368 kHz, E-mail-QSL, in 52 days. V/s : Dr. Maurizio Anselmo E-mail : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya
Prima Radio Napoli, 89.6 MHz, Tx Camaldoli, Napoli. V/s : Gino Conte. E-mail reply in 3 hours. E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Esporadic reception July 2012, Salamanca, Spain,
Radio Amore Napoli, 95.2 MHz, Tx Monte Faito, QSL E-mail. V/s : Antonio Romano, (Direttore Artistico del Consorzio Emittenti Radiofoniche). Correct E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Esporadic reception July 2012, Salamanca, Spain,
Radio Azzurra Salerno, 89.9 MHz, Tx Monte Stella, Salerno, QSL Letter E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Esporadic reception June 2012, Salamanca, Spain,
Radio Bruno (Toscana) 103.0 MHz Tx Monte Serra. QSL post- card, Stickers in 6 days. Report sent to : (Christian Ghibaudo, listened from hill above Monaco)Radio Bruno, 103.0 MHz, Tx Monte Serra. full detailed e-mail in 35 days for E-mail report to No v/s. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio City "MORE CARS" via IRRS via Challenger Radio Nord Italia, Villa Estense, 1368 kHz, QSL-PDF in 1 day. Sent Audio clip MP3 to : ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy) Radio CITY "MORE CARS" via IRRS via Challenger Radio , 1368 kHz, E-mail report in 1 day to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Gamma Stereo Uno Latina, 89.9 MHz, Norma, Latina - QSL Email. V/s : Alessandro Andreani, (Presidente). E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Esporadic reception May 2012, Salamanca, Spain,
Radio Kolbe SAT, Schio 1566 kHz, QSL in 100 days, report sent via their web-site : V/s : Alberto de Pretto (IW3IJI Ham Op.) stated that my QSL is the first confirmation card from Radio Kolbe ("questa è la prima cartolina di conferma che viene spedita nella storia di Radio Kolbe") ( Norbert Reiner, Germany) Radio Kolbe, Schio 1566 kHz – QSLcard in 68 days. Sent 0.70 Euro mint stamp. V/s : Alberto De Pretto ( Ham op. IW3IJI, Responsabile Tecnico). Report sent via their website : Postal Address : Via Ischia 9, IT-36015 Schio (VI). (Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
Radio Linea N°1 104.0 MHz, TX Fermo Capodarco (AP). PPC stamped, Listened in Valpentina (PN), Friuli. WEB : E-mail : Address : Via Parini 1, IT-62012 Civitanova Marche (AP) (Studi). (Alessandro Groppazzi, Trieste, Italy)
Radio Luna Latina, 94.0 MHz, Norma, QSL Letter E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Esporadic reception July 2012, Salamanca, Spain,
Radio Milano 89.7 MHz (Gruppo Editoriale Murcia) Reply with Letter + stickers in 6 days. V/s : Andrea Brandi, Direttore Responsabile. Sent RP stamp 0.70 Euro. Address : Strada 4 Palazzo A5 – Milanofiori – IT-20090 Assago (MI). ( Roberto Pavanello, Vercelli, Italy)
Radio Onda Libera, Umbertide, 105.9 MHz. Tx Pesaro-Novilara. Reply with PPC Signed & Stamped. Listened in Valpentina, Friuli. Address : Centro Commerciale "Fratta" IT-06019 Umbertide (PG), E-mail : amministrazione@radioondalibera ( Alessandro Groppazzi, Trieste, Italy)
Radio Toscana, 88.0 MHz, Tx Capannori/Monte Serra, QSL Letter Email in 1 day. V/s : Jonathan Mensi (Responsabile Tecnico) E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Esporadic reception July 2012, Salamanca, Spain,
RAI GR Parlamento, 106.7 MHz, Tx Monte Serra. QSL in 120 days, for Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
RAI 1 SARDEGNA Tx Cagliari-Decimoputzu 1062 kHz, E-mail reply 2 days. V/s : Ignazio Fois (Chief Engineer RAI WAY Sardegna) E-mail : (Norbert Reiner,Germany) RAI 1 SARDEGNA Tx Cagliari-Decimoputzu 1062 kHz, 60 kw DECLARED. Reply Email-Letter in 23 days. NO Rp. Report to : RAI WAY, Via Barone Rossi 27/29, IT-09125 Cagliari (CA). NO V/s. ( Aldo Meroni, Arese, Italy)
RAI 1 SARDEGNA 91.3 MHz Tx Punta Badde Urbara-Santu Lussurgiu, Full detailed E-Mail : letter in 1 day for E-Mail report to E-Mail : V/s : Ignazio Fois (Responsabile Produzione) (Artur Fernandez Llorella,Catalonia)
RAI 1 VENETO Tx Venezia 936 kHz, QSL-Letter + Sticker + Pin-spilla 75th Years Anniversary in 15 days. No RP. QTH : Rai Way S.p.A., Gestione Territoriale, Zona AF Veneto, Controllo Qualità Servizio, Palazzo Labia, Campo San Geremia 275, IT-30121 Venezia (VE). Sent Audio CD MP3. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy) RAI 1 VENETO Tx Venezia 936 kHz, QSL-Letter + Pin-spilla 75th Years Anniversary in 12 days. No RP. QTH : Rai Way S.p.A., Gestione Territoriale, Zona AF Veneto, Controllo Qualità Servizio, Palazzo Labia, Campo San Geremia 275, IT-30121 Venezia (VE). ( Christian Ghibaudo, France)
RETE SPORT Tx Monte Cavo-Roma 105.6 MHz, Letter QSL in 23 days. Sent RP mint stamp da € 0,60. (August 2012). QTH : Via Tiburtina 719, IT-00159 Roma (RM). V/s : Franco Nicolanti (Editore Rete Sport) Sent CD MP3 Audio. (station listened from Rapallo-Liguria Summer 2012 Super Tropo) (Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
RTL 102.5, 90.0 MHz, Tx Reggello/Monte Secchieta, FI. (Toscana). E-mail : in 1 day. E-mail : V/s : Armando Finocchi (QSL Manager RTL 102.5) ( Mauricio Molano, Esporadic reception June 2012, Salamanca, Spain,
Suedtirol 1, Bozen / Bolzano 105.4 MHz, Letter + Sticker + Souvenir-Card + Pens in 23 days. QTH : Innsbrucker Strasse / Via Innsbruck, IT-39100 Bozen / Bolzano. ( Norbert Reiner, hrd at Bozen / Bolzano, Norbert Reiner, Germany)

JAPAN : NHK World 5975 kHz, QSL in 10 days. report via web : (Christian Ghibaudo, France)

KALININGRAD : Radio Rossii 171 kHz, TX Bolsakovo, Kaliningrad regional Centre, reply with f/d QSL-Card, depliant, pocket calendar, in 90 days. ( Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) Address : Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network, Kaliningard Regional Centre, 184 Sovetsky prospect, Kaliningrad 236023, Russia (Play-dx archives) Kaliningrad Regional Centre / Voice of Russia, 1215 kHz , QSL in 100 days for report to : 184 Sovetsky prt, Kaliningrad 236023, Russia. Sent 1 $. ( Mauricio Molano, Spain,
Voice of Russia 1215 kHz, QSL Card in 120 days. Report sent to : (Christian Ghibaudo, France)

KOREA SOUTH : HLAZ FEBC KOREA 1566 kHz, QSL Card reply in 24 days via E-mail, sent audio file mp3 via Address : FEBC Korea, MPO Box 88, Seoul 121-707. WEB contact : Korea Web : ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy)

KUWAIT : Radio Kuwait 21540 kHz, QSL nice diploma with golden edges, I've taken years to get this station QSLed. V/s : Layali Mulla Hussain (Head of Frequenies Propagation Section Departament of Frequencies Management), Address : P.o.Box 193, Safat, 13002 Kuwait. (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain, Club DX S500)

LESOTHO : LM Radio relay, 1197 kHz, E-mail verie in 8 days. V/s : Manuela dos Santos (Studio Manager, Johannesburg) Email : (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)

LITHUANIA : Radio Waves Int. 6055 kHz, via Sitkunai, QSL + CD + Letter in 15 days for Email-rpt to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
RMRC- DX CLUB via Sitkunai 6035 kHz, E-mail QSL, reply in 11 days. Report to : V/s : Michael Haun (QSL-Manager) (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya) RMRC- DX CLUB via Sitkunai 6035 kHz, Email-QSL in 2 days for E-mail report to : V/s : Michael Haun. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) RMRC (Rhein Main Radio Club) special transmission, 6130 kHz via relay Sitkunai, f/d QSL.Card, reply 15 days. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) Rhein-Main-Radioclub (EDXC 2012) via Sitkunai, 11900 kHz, card in 29 days. V/s : Heinz Schulz (Dxer QSL Manager), Email & QSL pdf. Email : WEB : (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)

LUXEMBOURG : RTL 234 kHz, QSL-Card TX Beidweiler, NO RP. QTH : 45 Bd. Pierre Frieden, L-1543 Luxembourg. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) RTL, 234 kHz, QSL-Card, reply in 71 days, V/s : J. Junk. ( Rafael Martinez, Barcelona, Catalunya) RTL 234 kHz, QSL Card in 18 days. Report sent to : BCE, 45 Bd Pierre Frieden, L- 1543 Luxembourg. ( Christian Ghibaudo, France)

MADAGASCAR : AWR 17670 QSL in 98 days. (Christian Ghibaudo, France)

MALAYSIA : Radio TV Malaysia, 9835 kHz. Address : Mr. Othman Md. Said, Deputy Director (Network Section), Batu 13, Jalan Cheras, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia. Email : or ( Dmitry Mezin, Russia, dx-signal, WEB :
RTM - TraxxFM, 7295 kHz, QSL-Card, reply in 987 days !!!!!!!. E-mail : V/s : Zulkifli Bin Abdul Rahim (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya) Traxx FM 7295 kHz, Tx Kajang, first reported in december 2007. A new Technical Section now confirm reports. Sent follow up , got reply in 4 hours !!!!! V/s : Zulkifli bin Ab Rahim (Technical Network Section RTM). Follow up sent to email : (Juan Antonio Arranz, Segovia, Spain. 145 th Country confirmed) Traxx FM 7295 kHz, f/data Letter and Sticker, sent 1 $, reply after F/up, total 510 days. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)
RTM - Way FM, 11665 kHz, E-mail f/d. QSL, reply in 16 days, V/s : Lai Jin Jin. Address : Jabatan Penyiaran Malaysia Sarawak Bangunan Penyiaran, Jalan P. Ramlee, 93614, Kuching, Sarawak. E-mail answer : NO RP. (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain, Club DX S500)

MELILLA : Radio Melilla EAJ21 1485 kHz, Melilla, QSL E-mail in 1 day. V/s : Antonia Ramos Peláez, (Directora) E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain,

MEXICO : "La Mexicana" XEVOZ - 1590 kHz - México DF - QSL E-mail in 1 day. V/s : Ldo. Federico Cánovas, departamento de Ventas Nacionales de Radiorama Valle de México. Power 20 kW. E-mail : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain,
Radio Educacion 6185 kHz, f/d QSL-Card, Personal Letter, reply in 45 days. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) WEB : (Play-dx archives)

MOLDOVA : Radio PMR 9665 kHz, E-mail QSL in 78 days. Report sent to: (Christian Ghibaudo, France)

MONGOLIA : Radio Free Asia via Relay Mongolia 7460 kHz, QSL-Card, reply in 22 days. Report via WEB : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Voice of Mongolia 12085 kHz, QSL-Card in 177 days. Report sent to : CPO Box 365, Ulaanbaatar 13. V/s : Densmaa Z. (Mail Editor) (Christian Ghibaudo, France)

MOZAMBIQUE : R. Mocambique, Emisora Provincial de Sofala, Beira-Dondo, 873 kHz, p/d E-mail verie, reply in 40 days after Follow/up, V/s : Jose Licumbe (Chief Engineer). ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa)

MYANMAR : Thazin Radio 7110 kHz, Naypyidaw, QSL Card + Letter in 78 days. V/s : Win Aung (Director of Broadcasting). Address : Myanmar Radio & Television, 426 Pyay Road, Kamayut-11041, Myanmar. ( Ivan Dias Jr., Sorocaba, Brasil, see details info via

NETHERLANDS : Albatros Radio, 1670 kHz, Email-QSL f/d in 1 day. V/s : Alex. E-mail : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya
Johnny Camarota 1625 kHz Email QSL-Card reply in 1 day sent to : ( Jouke Van den Gallen, Netherlands. via QSL REPORT Communications, March 2013, UK)
Omroep Flevoland, Lelystad 89.80 MHz, ppc QSL in 23 days. QTH : Postbus 567, NL-8200 AN Lelystad. f/up report , in total 180 days. ( Norbert Reiner, Germany, station heard in the Netherlands)
Omroep Venlo 96.90 MHz, ppc + Sticker in 35 days. QTH : Postbus 900, NL-5900 AX Venlo. V/s : Ruud Stickelbrooch, Chef Redakteur. ( Norbert Reiner, Germany, station heard in the Netherlands)
OOG – Omroep Groningen 106.60 MHz, ppc + Letter + Pens in 7 days f/up in total 182 days. Address : Postbus 1316 NL-9701 BH Groningen. V/s : Evert Janse, director OOG Omroep Groningen ( Norbert Reiner, Germany, station heard in the Netherlands)
Orion West 1675 kHz, Email QSL-Card reply in 10 days. E-mail : ( Jouke Van den Gallen, Netherlands. via QSL REPORT Communications, March 2013, UK)
Radio Armada, 1620 kHz, Email-QSL f/d, info, in 1 hour. V/s : Jan Willem. E-mail : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya
Radio Boomerang, 1668 kHz, Email-QSL f/d, info, personal note in 9 days. V/s : Arie. E-mail : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya
Radio Maria-Lopik 675 kHz. QSL-Letter reply in 4 days. E-mail : or V/s : Jeroen Manten (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Radio Matrix 1670 kHz, QSL f/d in 10 days. E-mail : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya
RadioNL 89.10 MHz, (transmitter Groningen) Letter + Sticker in 56 days. QTH : Postbus248, NL-8600 AE Sneek ( no address on envelope, unfortunately ppc was not returned nor any other verie) ( Norbert Reiner, Germany, station heard in the Netherlands)
Radio Seagull, 1395 kHz, partly detailed E-mail confirmation in 21 days. for E-mail-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Radio Seagull 1395 kHz QSL in 173 days. Sent 1 IRC. : Postbus 24, NL - 8860 AA Harlingen, Netherlands. WEB : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
Radio Spanningzoeker, 1620 kHz, Email-QSL f/d in 1 day for E-mail-report to : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya
Radio SterrekiJker, 1620 kHz, Email-QSL, personal note in 3 days. V/s : Gerrie for E-mail-report to : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya
Radio Tynaarlo Lokaal 105.90 MHz (transmitter Paterswolde) ppc + Sticker in 150 days. QTH : Baahler Boermalaan 4, NL-9765 AP Paterswolde, Drenthe. ( Norbert Reiner, Germany, station heard in the Netherlands)
Radio Zwarte Arabier, 1620 kHz, Email-QSL f/d in 2 days. V/s : Wouter. E-mail : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya
Radio 5 Nostalgia, 747 kHz. Reply with E-mail V/s : Emma Willems (Secretary) Email : web : (Juan Antonio Arranz, Segovia, Spain) Radio 5 Nostalgia, 1251 kHz Reply with E-mail in 27 days. V/s : Sicco Klein. Email : WEB : ( Ignacio Sotomayor
RTV Drenthe, Assen 90.80 MHz, ppc + bus-Card + Sticker + Chocolate (Guten Appetiten !) in 22 days, f/up in total 210 days. QTH : Postbus 999, NL-9400 AZ Assen. ( Norbert Reiner, Germany, station heard in the Netherlands)
RTV NOORD, Groningen 97.50 MHz, ppc + Stickers + Pencils + mini balloons, reply in 14 days after F.up total 180 days. QTH : Postbus 30101 NL-9700 RP Groningen. ( Norbert Reiner, Germany, station heard in the Netherlands)
Simone FM 91.30 MHz, ppc + Sticker, reply in 14 days after f up total 180 days. QTH : Nijbracht 138, NL-7821 CE Emmen. ( Norbert Reiner, Germany, station heard in the Netherlands)
Transport Radio KBC 1395 kHz, f/data QSL-Card, Stickers, reply 90 days. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)
Vahon Hindustani Radio 1557 kHz reply E-mail-Card in 3 days. QTH : Newtonstraat 25, NL-2562 KC Den Haag. Very nice E-mail Card "Do it yourself – QSL Card" from Koos Wijnants (QSL-manager and member of the Benelux-DX-Club). Vahon Hindustani Radio is a "popular cable radio station". They were authorized to transmit on 1557 kHz in 2008 and started to transmit on this medium wave channel in october 2012 with 500 watts ( Norbert Reiner, heard at Karlsruhe, Germany)

NEW ZEALAND : Radio New Zealand International 17675 kHz, E-mail QSL Card, reply in 8 days. Report via WEB : V/s : Adrians Sainsbury (QSL-Manager) ( Norbert Reiner, heard at Karlsruhe, Germany) Radio New Zealand International 9765 kHz E-mail QSL received in 10 days for reception report via website, V/s : Adrian Sainsbury, Frequency Manager. ( Rafael Martinez, Barcelona, Catalunya) Radio New Zealand International 5950 kHz E-mail QSL received in 10 days ( Fabio Cambisi, Italy)

NIGER : ORTN La Voix du Sahel, 9705 kHz, f/d logo/africa outline QSL Card, reply in 80 days for 3 IRCs and French report via airmail. V/s. Brah Amadou, ( Chef du Service Technique de la Radio), nice personal E-mail : ( Al Muick, USA, Hard-Core-DX mailing list

NIGERIA : Radio Gotel, Yola, 917 kHz, pers. Letter, PPC in 110 days after follow up. V/s : Kwaji Tari Kwaya.(Engineering Manager). (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
VON 7255 kHz , Zuma Rock QSL card in 23 days, specific as to date and freq. I've sent two postal/email English service reports and a couple of followups during the past couple of years, with no success. This time I sent a report in French for the French service (Voix de Nigeria) E-mail : received a prompt reply! ( Bruce Portzer, USA, Via Group

NORTHERN MARIANAS ISLANDS : Radio Free Asia 5855 kHz, QSLCard in 17 days. Report sent to : ( Christian Ghibaudo, France)

NORWAY : LKS - 1314 kHz - NRK P1 - Kvitsoy (NOR) - QSL old report with F/up. Station closed 2009. V/s : Svein Olav Pedersen, "DX-Listeners Club of Norway" Official QSL Manager. QSL-Letter. E-mail : nrk­ ( Mauricio Molano, Spain,
LKD - 675 kHz - NRK P1 - Rost - V/s : Svein Olav Pedersen, "DX-Listeners Club of Norway" Official QSL Manager. QSL-Letter. E-mail : nrk­ ( Mauricio Molano, Spain,
Radio Northern Star, test 5895 kHz , E-mail QSL-Letter, in 46 days. E-mail : (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain, Club DX S500)

PALAU : NHK Radio Japan, 11705 kHz, QSL in 21 days for report via web : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) NHK Radio Japan relay, 11705 kHz, f/d card, schedule, reply in 49 days. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
RFA 9905 kHz, QSL in 10 days for reception report and audio clip sent to E-mail : ( Rafael Martinez, Barcelona, Catalunya)

PAKISTAN : API5 - 9560 kHz - Radio Pakistan - E-mail QSL-Card in 3 days. V/s : Asad Ayub, (Engineering Manager). E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA : Radio Fly, Kiunga, 3915 kHz, QSL-Card, form-Letter in 150 days after follow up. V/s : Kabua J. Momo. (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)

PERU : Radio Chaski 5980 kHz, report sent to : Padre Misionero Bruce Maddux ( WEB : V/s : Valentin Quispe H. (Administrador de la emisora) Email : Reply in 3 hours. They relay programs from Red Radio Integridad at 2200 to 0100 Hours. ( Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogotà, Colombia)
Radio Ilucan 5678 kHz, E-mail QSL-Card in 1 days. V/s : Over Helí Sanchez B - Administrador Email :
Radio Logos 4810 kHz, Chazuta. E-mail-QSL 108 days. V/s : Ray Rising (Director de Proyectos de la organizacion Ethnic Radio). Ingeniero Ralph Wayne Borthwick report the lack of electricity in the area is the main problem the station is often off air. Correct E-mail : ( Rafael Rodriguez R. Bogotà, Colombia, Imagen en
Radio Nuevo Tiempo 1380 kHz - Lima, E-mail QSL-Letter Joel Rivas, (Asistente Multimedia) Email : Report via WEB formular ( Mauricio Molano, Spain.
Radio Tacna 9505 kHz, E-mail-QSL 1 day V/s : Alfonso Cáceres Contreras - Gerente. Report sent to E-mail : ( Rafael Rodriguez R. Bogotà, Colombia, Imagen en

PHILIPINAS : Voice of America - Tinang 15250 kHz, reply in 57 dias. Report sent to E-mail : QTH : International Broadcasting Bureau "Philippines Transmitting Station, P.O. Box 151" CPO 1099 , 1050 Manila. (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso, Bandeirantes, Paraná, Brasil, web info info via Radioescutas yahoo groups Brasil)
Vatican Radio, Tinang relay, 9900 kHz, f/d card, calendar, schedule, reply in 70 days. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa)

PIRATIA : Baltic Sea 6915 LSB kHz, Email-QSL in 160 days. Email-rpt sent audio MP3 file. to : V/s : DJ Sailor. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
BNL Rock Radio via Radio 700 Kall Krekel 6085 kHz , QSL-PDF in 14 days. Email-rpt sent audio MP3 file. to : V/s: Hans-Peter Dohmen - BNL Team. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
Bogusman 3932 kHz, Email-QSL in 793 days !!!!!! Report has been sent to Email : Reply is arrived from : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy, better later than never....)
Cool AM, 6735 kHz, Email-QSL in 4 days for Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Flying Dutchman 6292 kHz, QSL in 1 day. Report sent to : V/s : Herbert. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy) Radio Flying Dutchman 6308 kHz, E-mail QSL-Card. Reply in 1 day. E-mail : V/s : Herbert (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
FRSH, Free RadioService Holland, 7600 kHz, Email-QSL in 270 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) FRSH 7600 kHz, E-mail-QSL Card reply in 63 days. E-mail : V/s : Peter V. (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Halloween Radio 6216 kHz, E-mail-QSL Card reply in 8 days. E-mail : V/s : Dr.Blood (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Mike Radio, 15060 kHz, Email-QSL in 35 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Onda Caliente, 6307 kHz, E-mail QSL in 1 day. E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Pirates for Peace, 6300 kHz, E-mail QSL in 63 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Python 6915 kHz , Email-QSL in 8 days. Email-rpt sent audio MP3 file. to : (tnx info Roberto Rizzardi). ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
Radio ACDC, 6200 kHz, Email-QSL in 7 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Alice, 3905 kHz, Email-QSL in 3 days. Email-report to : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Radio Batavia, 3930 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day. Email : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Radio Black Arrow 6207 kHz, E-mail QSL Card. Reply in 140 days. Email : V/s : Alex (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya) Radio Black Arrow 6925 kHz, E-mail-QSL in 7 days. Email : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
Radio Blauwe Reiger, 1642 kHz, Email-QSL in 2 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Countdown 6306 kHz, E-mail-QSL in 24 days. Email-report to : V/s : Richard (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya) Radio Countdown 6306 kHz, E-mail-QSL in 25 days. Email-report to : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
Radio Echo 1, 6735 kHz via Cool AM, Email-QSL in 21 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Dr.Tim, 6417.6 kHz E-mail QSL reply in 26 days. E-mail : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Radio Face de Blatte, 5990 kHz, E-mail QSL in 4 days for E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Radio Focus Int. 6245 kHz. E-mail : Reply in 17 days. ( Roberto Pavanello,Italy)
Radio Festivum 3910 kHz, E-mail QSL in 206 days for E-mail report to : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
Radio Focus International 6240 kHz, Email-QSL in 92 days. Email-rpt sent audio MP3 file. to : ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
Radio Frieloo 6240 KHz, Email-QSL : QSL Email in 3 days. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
Radio Ghoul 3932 kHz, E-mail QSL. Reply in 543 days !!!!! E-mail : V/s : Paul Fraser. (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Radio Grutte Pier 6422 kHz, E-mail QSL, reply in 1 day. E-mail : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Radio Joey 6245 kHz, E-mail QSL-Card, reply in 1 day. E-mail : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Radio Klabautermann, 6211 kHz, E-mail QSL in 7 days. E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Radio Klablautermann 6214 kHz, E-mail QSL-Card. Reply in 12 days. E-mail : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Radio Luxemburg, 6288 kHz, E-mail QSL in 100 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Malibu 6324 kHz, E-mail QSL in 11 days. Email : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Radio Merlin, 6305 kHz, 4 differents E-mail QSLs in 3 days for E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Radio Merlin International 6305 kHz E-mail QSL Reply in 2 days. E-mail : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya) Radio Merlin International 6325 kHz Email reply in 3 days. E-mail : (Roberto Sadun, Italy)
Radio Mistero Ghost Planet, 6305 kHz, 3 differents E-mail QSLs in 300 days. E-mail report to : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya)
Radio Monique, 6320 kHz & 6240 kHz, E-mail QSLs in 1 day. E-mail report to : ( Roberto Sadun, Italy)
Radio Mustang 15150 kHz, E-mail-QSL, reply in 7 days. E-mail : V/s : Hermans (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Radio NMD 6290 kHz, E-mail QSL, reply in 6 days. Email : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Radio Nora 6265 kHz, Email-QSL in 28 minuts. Email-rpt sent audio MP3 file. to : V/s: Martin. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy) Radio Nora 6240 kHz E-mail : Reply in 7 days. (Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
Radio Ome Jan 6240 kHz, Email-QSL : in 24 days. (Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
Radio Pink Panther 6553,6 kHz, Email-QSL in 4 days. Email-rpt sent audio MP3 file. to : ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy) Radio Pink Panther 6745 kHz, E-mail QSL Card, reply in 3 days. E-mail : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Radio Pony, 6290 kHz, E-mail QSL in 21 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Python, 6335 kHz, E-mail QSL in 28 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Readymix, 6450 kHz, E-mail QSL in 7 days for E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Ronin SW 6290 kHz, QSL-Card Letter in 50 days. Email-rpt sent audio MP3 file. to : QTH: P.o.BOX 1, Belfast, NY 14711, USA. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy) Radio Ronin Shortwave 6290 kHz, E-mail-QSL Card. Reply in 71 days. E-mail : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Radio Sallandse Boer 6305.6 kHz, E-mail QSL-Card in 78 days . Email-report to : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya) Radio Sallandse Boer 6298 kHz, reply in 20 days. Email : (Roberto Pavanello)
Radio Scotland, 6287 kHz, E-mail QSL in 1 day for Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
*R. Tower, 6300 kHz, QSL sheet and station info by Email in 42 days. V/s : Robbie Email-RPT to : (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
Radio Tropiq Hungary, 6425 kHz, E-mail QSL in 22 days. Email : V/s : Zoli. (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Radio Underground, 6421 kHz, E-mail QSL in 7 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Universe, 6450 kHz, E-mail-QSL in 3 days for Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Radio Universe 6450 kHz, E-mail QSL Card, reply in 19 days. E-mail : V/s : Wim (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya) Radio Universe 6450 kHz E-mail in 1 day. V/s : Operator Wim. E-mail : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
Radio Witte Reus, 6375 kHz, Email-QSL in 7 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Zwarte Arabier, 1625 kHz, Email-QSL in 2 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Waves International 6055 kHz, QSL, Letters, CD program, reply in 10 days. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) Address : P.o.Box 130, FR-92504 RUEIL Cedex, France. Email : (Play-dx archive)
Radio Zeewolf 6292 kHz, Email QSLreply in 7 days. E-mail : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
Reflections Europe 6295 kHz, via web email : web : (Roberto Sadun, Italy)
Sluwe Vos Radio 6207 kHz, Email-QSL in 57 days. Email-report sent audio MP3 file. to : V/s: Jelmer. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy) Sluwe Vos Radio 6210 kHz, E-mail QSL, reply in 5 days. E-mail : V/s : Jelmer. (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Summer Meeting 2011 Radio 6300.2 kHz, E-mail QSL. Reply in 180 days. E-mail : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Tip and Elvis Show, 6240 kHz, Emal-QSL in 4 days for Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Tip and Elvis Show, 6285 kHz E-mail QSL in 1 day. E-mail : (Roberto Sadun, Italy)
Top Radio, 6240 kHz, E-mail QSL in 14 days. Email report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Trans Europe Radio, 6925 kHz, E-mail QSL in 10 days for Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
U-Boat 66 Radio, 7300 kHz, E-mail QSL in 1 day. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) U-Boat 66 Radio 7300 kHz – Reply with QSL electronic in 1 day. E-mail : V/s : Captain Zapp. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
Uncle Sam Radio 6420 kHz, E-mail QSL in 2 days. Email : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
Undercover Radio (US pirate), 15070 kHz, f/d card, reply in 15 days after Follow/up. V/s : Dr. Benny. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
Weerklank Radio 6314 kHz Email-rpt sent audio MP3 file. to : V/s : Andre. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
Witte Reus 6305 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day. Email : V/s : IDY VAMPIRELLA ....... QSL Raport Manager ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
WR International, 12257 kHz, QSL, pen, Letter, calendar for e-report to ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) WR International, 15770 kHz. Reply in 1 day. QSL, pen, Letter, calendar for e-report to WEB : V/s : Dave Jones. ( Roberto Rizzardi, Italy)
Zwarte Panter 6294 kHz Reply with Email in 1 day. Email-report to : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)

POLAND : Polskie Radio, 15480 kHz , QSL (no mention of tx site), Reply in 180 days. E-mail : and ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Plus Gorzow 90.6 MHz, PPC, Stickers. Reply in 21 days. Address : EUROZET Sp. z.o.o., Oddzial w Gorzowie, ul. Fabryczna 19/20, PL-66-400 Gorzow Wlkp. PPC signed the "Radio Plus Gorzow Crew". ( Norbert Reiner, listened in Frankfurt / Oder, Germany)

PORTORICO : WGIT Radio Voz 1660 kHz , Canovanas, NOTILUZ 16-60. Reply in 1 day. E-mail : ( Ignacio Sotomayor, Espana, blog:

PORTUGAL : Algarve FM, 91.8 MHz, Silves (Algarve). QSL E-mail. V/s : João Cardoso. E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, listened in Caceres area, Spain, Address : Caixa d'água n.º 5 P-8300 - 012 Silves.
Antena Sul, 95.5 MHz, Viana do Alentejo (Algarve). QSL E-mail in 1 day. V/s : Nelson Almeida, (Locutor/Programador). E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, listened in Caceres area, Spain,
DianaFM, 94.1 MHz, Evora (Algarve). QSL E-mail in 1 day. V/s : Luis Matias, (Productor). E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, listened in Caceres area, Spain, Address : MARE - EE 08, Evora, Alentejo.
Radio Castrense, 93.0 MHz, Castro Verde. QSL E-mail. V/s : Antonio José Brito (Director Emissora & Correio do Alentejo) Report sent to : ( Mauricio Molano, listened in Caceres area, Spain, Address : Rua Ema Júlia Valente P-7780 - Castro Verde.
Radio Comercial, Guarda, 96.1 MHz, QSL E-mail in 1 day "tropo dx" V/s : Rui Pinho (Chefe Serviço de Difusao). E-mail : ( Juan Arranz Sanz, Segovia, Espana)
Radio Elvas, Vila Boim (Elvas), 91.5 MHz, V/s : Sandra de Almeida Matoso (Program Director), Email : web : ( Juan Arranz Sanz, Segovia, Espana)
Radio Guadiana, 90.5 MHz, Vila Real de Santo António (Algarve). QSL E-mail. V/s : Paula Mendes. Email : ( Mauricio Molano, listened in Caceres area, Spain, Address : Avenida da República 64, P-8900-203 Vila Real de Santo António.
Radio Planicie 92.8 MHz, Moura, QSL Letter E-mail ( Mauricio Molano, Spain, Address : Rádio e Jornal A Planície, Sociedade Editorial Bética, Lda, Rua Santana e Costa, 18 r/c esq, P-7860-184 Moura.
Radio SIM Alentejo, Algarve, 500 watts, 97.5 MHz, Portel. QSL-Letter in 8 days. E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, listened in Caceres area, Spain,
Radio Voz da Planicie, Beja, 104.5 MHz, QSL E-mail in 1 day "tropo dx" V/s : Justino Engana, (Director de la emisora). E-mail : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain, listened in Caceres area, see info : Address : Rua da Misericórdia, 4 - Apartado 368 - P-7800-285 Beja.
RDP-Africa, 99.1 MHz, Relay Faro, & RDP Antena 1, 95.7 MHz, Relay Lisboa/Monsanto. QSLs E-mail from Central RDP offices in Lisbon. V/s : Teresa Beatriz Abreu (Direção Engenharia e Infraestruturas) E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain, listened in Caceres area, see info :
Smooth FM, (Grupo MCR-Prisa), 92.8 MHz, Figueiró dos Vinhos, (Leiria), QSL E-mail : Sandra Camurça, (Coordenadora Comercial On-Air). E-mail : & V/s : Flávio Sequeira. (Coordinador Musical). E-mail : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain, listened in Caceres area, see info :
Star FM 1035 kHz, QSL-Letter reply in 127 days. Report sent with WEB formular : V/s : Pedro Marques (Diretor) (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya) CSB2 Star FM 1035 kHz. Reply with Email in 1 day. V/s : Rui Pinho, Chefe Serviço Difusão, MCR - Media Capital Rádios Lisboa. Address : Rua Mário Castelhano, 40, Queluz de Baixo, P-2734-502 Barcarena. E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain, listened in Caceres area. see info : , TNX Juan Antonio Arranz, blog Star FM 1035 kHz, QSL-Letter reply in 300 days. After Follow/up V/s : Pedro Marques (Diretor). ( Norbert Reiner, Germany)
TSF Radio Noticias, Lousa/Trevim. 107,4 MHz. QSL E-mail in 1 day "tropo dx" V/s : José Ferreira D. Sousa (Director Depto. Eng. Redes Emissores) E-mail : ( Juan Arranz Sanz, Segovia, Espana)
UniRadio, 99.0 MHz, Reguengos de Monsaraz. QSL E-mail in 8 days. V/s : Paulo Marcão (Director), correct E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain, listened in Caceres area, see info :

ROMANIA : Arctic Radio Club "DX PROGRAM" 9510 kHz, via TX Tiganesti, QSL-Card, V/s : QSLManager DXer Ronny Forslund. Reply in 405 days. No F/up. Sent 1 $. E-mail : Ronny (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) Arctic Radio Club, via IRRS, Tiganesti, 9510 kHz , QSL in 63 days for report to Ronny Forslund : Vita Huset, SE-179 95 Svartsjoo, Sweden. Sent 1 $. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
L'Echo de l'Europe , 7290 kHz , (via Relay Tiganesti Romania via IRRS). QSL E-mail in 1 day WEB : Studio Program from Toulouse, France only Sunday at 1945-2000. Email : QTH : L'écho de l’Europe, 7 Place Commerciale Jolimont BAT "C", FR- 31500 Toulouse, France. ( Christian Ghibaudo, Nice, France) L'Echo de l'Europe, 7290 kHz, via Tiganesti, E-mail QSL in 7 days. E-mail to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Overcomer Ministry, via IRRS, Tiganesti, 15190 kHz, E-mail QSL (with TX site) in 1 day for E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Cluj, 909 kHz, F/detailed Letter in 21 days, for E-mail report to : V/s : Florin Pruteanu. Address : Str. Donath 160, ROU-400293 Cluj Napoca. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia,
Radio City, 7290 kHz , via Tiganesti, E-mail QSL in 1 day for E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Sighet 1404 kHz , E-mail. V/s : Prof., Dr. Dorel Todea, Redactor Coordonator. (Jan Edh, via Arctic Radio Club, 2013)
Radio Targu Mures, 1323 kHz, E-mail QSL-Letter in 8 days. Report sent to : B.dul 1 Decembrie 1918 Nr. 109, ROU- 540445 Targu Mures. V/s : Virgi Natea Marketing & PR Coordonator. Sent 1 IRC. Email : WEB : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy) Radio Targu Mures, 1323 kHz, E-mail QSL-Letter in 14 days. Report sent to : V/s : Virgi Natea Marketing ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia,
Radio Timisoara 630 kHz , Via Facebook. V/s : Liviu-Geeorge Dumitru (Jan Edh, via Arctic Radio Club, 2013)
*Word For The World via E.G.R. via IRRS, 9510 kHz, pers. letter, station info in 22 days. V/s : Dr. Earl E. Bailey. QTH: P.o. Box 135, Canton, OH. 44707, USA (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)

RUSSIA : GTRK Radio Buriatia RV44 - 6195 kHz - Radio Rossii - Ulan-Udé QSL (Service closed in December 2012) QSL E-mail in 1 day in format. V/s : Lyudmila Moiseeva, Chief of Broadcasting Service, GTRK "Buryatia". E-mail : or alternative : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain,
Krasnodar Radio and TV Relay Station 171 kHz, Tx Tbilisskaya. Reply with full detailed QSL Card 171 kHz Reply in 31 days. Report sent to : Krasnodar GTRK, TCR-4, poselok Oktyabrsky, Tbilissky district, Krasnodar region, RU-352341. ( Shukhrat Rakhmatullaev, Tashkent, via
Radio Rossii 12075 kHz E-mail QSL received in 3 days for reception report sent to E-mail : ( Rafael Martinez, Barcelona, Catalunya)
Saint Petersburg Regional Centre / Voice of Russia, 12050 kHz , special QSL in 59 days for report to : 3 Akademika Pavlova St, Saint Petersburg 197022. Sent 1 $. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Saint Petersburg Regional Centre / Voice of Russia, 9825 kHz, special QSL Card + Beautiful Pennant + Depliant + Sticker. Reply in 39 days for report to : 3 Akademika Pavlova St, Saint Petersburg 197022. NO RP. V/s : Mikhail Timofeyev ( QSL-Manager St.Petersburg DX-Club) ( Dario Monferini, Italy) Same station reply in 49 days. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
Voce della Russia 12050 kHz, QSL-Card, reply in 20 days. Redazione Italiana. Address : ul. Pyatnitskaya 25, RU-115326 Moskva (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)

SAO TOME : VOA Relay 4960 kHz, QSL in 30 days. Report sent to E-mail : V/s : Helena Menezes (Christian Ghibaudo, Francia) VOA Relay Pinheira, 1530 kHz, QSL in 21 days for report to : IBB Relay Station, CP 522, Pinheira, Sao Tomé, Sent 1 US $. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia,

SERBIA : Radio Television of Serbia 1107 kHz,TX Novi Sad, f/d QSL-Card, reply in 15 days after f/up. V/s : Dusan Markovic. Address : Medunarodni Radio Srbija, P.o.Box 200, Hilandarska 2, SRB-11000 Beograd. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)
Radio Beograd 202, 1503 kHz, Full/detailed E-mail Letter in 21days. Sent E-mail report to : V/s : Svetomir Cuckovic. ( Norbert Reiner, Germany)

SEYCHELLES : BBC Relay Mahè 9410 kHz. Reply with Letter QSL in 134 days. V/s : Josè Tambara. Report sent to : BBC Indian Ocean Relay Station, P.o.Box 448, Victoria, Seychelles. (Alex Robert, Brasil, BBC-Indian Ocean Relay Station, 9410 kHz, E-mail f/d QSL, 122 days, after Follow up. V/s : Herve Cherry (Senior Transmitter Engineer), E-mail : (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain, Club DX S500)

SKOPIERA - MAKEDONIA : Radio Skopje 810 kHz. E-mail : photos of TX WEB : (web searcher Dario Monferini)

SINGAPORE : Voice of Croatia, TX Kranji 17860 kHz, QSL-Letter + Schedule PDF in...10 minuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E-mailrpt MP3 sent to E-mail : V/s : Mladen Golubic (Frequency Manager). ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)

SLOVAKIA : *Radio Best, Bratislava, 95.6 MHz, PPC in 37 days after follow up. (Vashek Korinek, Heard in Slovakia.) Address : Strojnícka 31, SK-821 05 Bratislava.
*Radio Europa 2, Bratislava, 104.8 MHz, PPC and Stickers in 39 days after follow up. (Vashek Korinek, Heard in Slovakia.) Address : Seberíniho 1, SK-821 03 Bratislava.
*Radio SiTy, Bratislava, 107.0 kHz, PPC in 40 days after follow up. (Vashek Korinek, Heard in Slovakia.) Address : Vajnorská 53, SK-831 03 Bratislava.
*Zahoracke Radio, Senica, 101.5 MHz, PPC, pers. letter, T-shirt, CD, sticker in 33 days after follow up. V/s : Roman Nog (Director) QTH: Bajanova 17 SK-909 01 Skalica. WEB : (Vashek Korinek, Heard in Slovakia.)

SLOVENIA : Radio Murski Val 648 kHz, reply confirmation Letter, in 7 days. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) Radio Murski Val, 648, full detailed E-mail in 14 days. E-mail report to : and Report sent too by post. Address : Ulica Arhitekta Novaka 13, SLO-Murska Sobota. V/s : Petra Kranjec. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)

SOMALILAND : Radio Hargeisa 7120, sent QSL card in 20 days for English report with audio CD & $2. Card was specific as to date and freq. QTH : Baldur Drobnica, Konsularische Vertretung Somaliland, Zedernweg 6, DE-50127 Bergheim, Germany. WEB : ( Bruce Portzer, USA, Via Group Radio Hargeysa 7120 kHz, QSL-Card reply in 59 days. Report sent to : Radio Hargeisa, C/o Konsularische Vertretung of the Republic of Somaliland, Zedernweg 6, DE-50127 Bergheim, Germany. V/s : Baldur Drobnica (Secretary) (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)

SOUTH AFRICA : Chai FM, Johannesburg, 101.9 MHz, f/d E-mail verie, reply in 30 days after Follow/up. V/s : Ronel Zeff (Marketing). ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
Radio Rainbow Community, Roodepoort, 90.7 MHz, pers. letter and PPC in 7 days after follow up. V/s : Karlyn Fisher (Finance & Admin. Manager) WEB : QTH : 5 Goldman Street, Florida, Gauteng 1709. (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
Radio Sonder Grense 9650 kHz, reply with confirmation Letter (Reply via Sentech) V/s : Sikander Hoosen, in 30 days. ( Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) Address : Private Bag X06 Honeydew 2040 (Play-dx Archives)
RTE (Radio Tele Eireann) 6220 kHz, f/d Letter, Sticker, after f/up, reply in 400 days, via TX Sentech. ( Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) Address : Private Bag X06 Honeydew 2040 (Play-dx Archives)
SAfm (SABC), Johannesburg, 105.1 MHz, f/d pers. Letter, reply in 18 days after Follow/up. V/s : Dennis O'Donnell (Station Manager). ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
Whale Coast FM, Hermanus, 96.0 MHz, a very informative pers. e-verie in 20 days. V/s : Gavin Barfield (Station Manager). Email : WEB : (Vashek Korinek, South Africa) Address : Gateway Centre, Hermanus, 7200, P.o.Box 79, Kleinmond 7195.

SPAIN : Astro Radio & Exito Radio the owner Mariano Sánchez Lázaro Info WEB : Local Address : Avenida del Doctor Fleming 6, ES-41980 LA ALGABA (Sevilla) (Info research by Dario Monferini, play-dx)
Cadena 100 Valencia 99.0 MHz, Valencia. E-Mail : QSL in 1 day for E-Mail report to : V/s : Juan Manuel Casaus (Departamento Tecnico) WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella,Catalonia, Address : Pasaje Doctor Serra 2, 5º, ES-46004-Valencia.
CASTILLA LEON RADIO (Ex ABC PUNTO RADIO) NEW FM NETWORK started 15 March 2013. Central station & studios in Valladolid 102.8 MHz, other stations : AGREDA 93.2 MHz, ASTORGA 97.7 MHz, AVILA 89.6 MHz, BEJAR 94.1 MHz, BURGOS 92.9 MHz, CIUDAD RODRIGO 97.8 MHz, LEON 90.2 MHz, PONFERRADA 101.6 MHz, SALAMANCA 103.4 MHz, SEGOVIA 99.8 MHz, SORIA 88.1 MHz. Info WEB : Address : Calle Manuel Canesi Acevedo 1, ES-47016 Valladolid. Phone : +34 983131313, Fax : +34 983131314 Email : ( Info via Pedro Sedano, EL DIAL FM, Spain)
COPE Almeria, 1224 kHz, Full/detailed Letter in 5 days for E-mail report to : V/s : Francisco Minguez, (Director) ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia, Address : C/. Padre Luque 11, 1º, ES-04001-Almería.
COPE Cordoba, 1215 kHz, full detailed Letter in 35 days. QTH : Plaza Cardenal Toledo 4, ES-14001 Cordoba. E-mail : V/s : Gabriel Lopez,( Director). ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia,
COPE Huelva, 1224, full detailed E-mail Letter in 4 days for E-mail report to : V/s : Joaquin Lopez Saez, (Director). ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia, Address : C/. Alcalde José María Amo 2, 3º, ES-21001-Huelva
COPE Puertollano, 1134 kHz, full detailed E-mail Letter in 4 days. E-mail : V/s : José Andrés Antón,( Dept. Técnico). ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia, Address : Alejandro Prieto 2, ES-13500 Puertollano.
COPE San Sebastian, 1224 kHz, epost, V/s : Alex Rodriguez Schnell. (Torgeir Woxen, via Arctic Radio Club, 2013) Address : C/. Miracruz 9, 20001-San Sebastián.
COPE Valladolid, 882 kHz, E-mail full detailed Letter QSL, in 54 days, after Follow up. V/s : Luis Jaramillo Guerreira. E-mail : (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain, Club DX S500) Address : Duque de la Victoria 23, ES-47001 Valladolid.
Fama FM, 102.7 MHz, Valencia. Full detailed E-Mail letter in 99 days. E-Mail report to : V/s : Grupo Pacsypi. WEB : (Artur Fernández Llorella,Catalonia)
Flaix FM Mallorca, 100.6 MHz, Mallorca. Full detailed letter and t-shirt in 3 weeks for E-Mail report to E-Mail : V/s : Jordi Gol (Director area tecnologica) WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella,Catalonia, Address : C/. Gremi Selleters i Basters 14, "Polígon Son Castelló", ES-07009-Palma de Mallorca
Hit FM, Tx Toledo, 104.6 MHz. E-mail reply confirm Tropo Dx. V/s : Alex Vladev (Programador musical Hit Fm Madrid) E-mail sent to : ( Juan Antonio Arranz, Segovia, see details in blog : *Hit FM, Madrid, 89.9 MHz, Email verie, attached photo in 14 days. V/s : Alex Vladev (Programador Musical) Email: WEB : QTH: José Isbert 6, Ciudad de la Imagen E-28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón. (Vashek Korinek, listened in Madrid area)
La Super FM, 91.8 MHz, Valencia. Full detailed E-Mail letter in 1 day for E-Mail report to : V/s : Marcos Romay. WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella,Catalonia,
Los 40 Principales Madrid Sur Pinto 97,70 MHz. Reply with E-mail : ( Juan Antonio Arranz, Segovia, Spain, TROPO-DX)
Mediterranea Latina FM 94.5 MHz, Valencia. Full detailed E-Mail letter in 2 days for E-Mail. WEB : report to E-Mail : V/s : Eduardo Matos (Artur Fernandez Llorella,Catalonia,
Onda Cero Radio Menorca, 91.4 MHz, Menorca. Full detailed E-Mail letter in 1 day for E-Mail report to : V/s : Diana Font (Directora) Direccion: Plaza Miranda, 11, 2º, 07701 Mahon. WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia,
Onda Jerez, 101.00 MHz, Jerez de la Frontera. 5kw, Sierra de San Cristóbal. E-Mail letter in 1 day for E-Mail report to E-Mail : Reply from : V/s : Francisco J. Jiménez (Departamento Tecnico) ( Mauricio Molano, Spain. Address : C/. Caballeros 35, ES-11402-Jerez de la Frontera.
Radio Almaraz, 107.00 MHz, Almaraz (Caceres) E-mail Letter in 3 days. V/s : Tito Salas (Director) Email : ( Juan Arranz Sanz, Segovia, Espana) WEB :
Radio Interior, 92,8 MHz, Moraleja (Caceres) E-mail Letter in 2 days. V/s : Isidoro Campos (Director). E-mail : web : They have a program in Portugues at 2030 - 2100 hours localtime from monday to friday "Boa tarde, Portugal" ( Juan Arranz Sanz, Segovia, Espana) Address : Av. Pureza Canelo 45, 2º-B, ES-10840-Moraleja.
Radio 9 (Nou) Valencia, 102.2 MHz, Reply in 69 days, with postcard, stickers for reception report and audio clip sent to E-mail : V/s : Cesar Sanchez Garcia, Jefe Técnico. ( Rafael Martinez, Barcelona, Catalunya, Listened from Garraf Pic Martel) Address : Av. Blasco Ibáñez 134-136, ES-46022-Valencia.
Radio Piedrahita, Piedrahita (Avila) 107,70 MHz. QSL Letter Email. TROPO-DX. V/s : Luisa Gómez. E-mail : ( Juan Arranz Sanz, Segovia, Espana) Address : Travesía Duque de Alba, s/n. ES-05500 - Piedrahíta ( Ávila).
Radio Puebla, 107.2 MHz. La Puebla de Montalban (Toledo) E-mail reply in 6 hours. E-mail : web : ( Juan Arranz Sanz, Segovia, Espana) San Francisco 6, ES-45516, La Puebla de Montalbán (Toledo).
Radio Reus, 1026 kHz, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to v/s Àngel Palau, Cap d'emissions. ( Mauricio Molano , Spain, Address : Tomàs Bergadà 3, ES-43204 Reus.
RNE Radio 1 La Rioja, 729 kHz, QSL-Card in 7 days from Madrid. V/s : Javier Sanchez, ( Direccion Tecnica) ( Mauricio Molano , Spain, Address : San Esteban de las Cruces 92, ES-33195 Oviedo.
RNE Radio 5 La Rioja, 1107 kHz, QSL, Stickers in 160 days. Direct reply ! E-mail-report to : V/s : Javier Gracia, (Responsable Técnico, RNE La Rioja). (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia, Address : San Esteban de las Cruces 92, ES-33195 Oviedo.
RNE Radio 1 Monforte de Lemos, 972 kHz, QSL-Card (RNE-REE design), Sticker in 35 days. Reply from RNE Madrid, though report was sent to Galicia. V/s : Javier Sanchez, ( Direccion Tecnica) ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia,
RNE Radio 5 San Sebastian, 558 kHz, V/s : Borja Gutierrez, ( Director) Address : Paseo de los Fueros 2, ES-20005 Donosti-San Sebastián (Torgeir Woxen, via Arctic Radio Club, 2013)
Rock FM Valencia 93.1 MHz, Valencia. E-Mail QSL in 1 day for E-Mail report to : V/s : Juan Manuel Casaus (Departamento Tecnico COPE Valencia) (Artur Fernandez Llorella,Catalonia, Address : Pasaje Doctor Serra 2,5º, ES-46004-Valencia.
R.E.E. Radio Exterior de Espana 11890 kHz, QSL-Card reply in 45 days. Email : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
SER Radio Castellon 1521 kHz. Reply with E-Mail Letter, V/s : Elena Rincon (Subdirectora) Email : web : (Juan Antonio Arranz, Segovia, Spain) Address : Moyano 5, ES-12002 Castelló.
SER Radio Cordoba, 1575 kHz. E-Mail f/d QSL , in 57 days, after follow up. V/s : Angel Tomás Delgado Ríos (Jefe Técnico), (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain, Club DX S500) Address : García Lovera 3, ES-14002 Córdoba.
SER Radio La Rioja 1179 kHz. Email QSL Letter in 7 days. Address : Avenida Portugal 12, ES-26001 Logrono, La Rioja. Email : V/s : Javier Cermeno Davalillo (Director). Sent 1 IRC. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
SER Radio Madrid Oeste, 102,3 MHz. Email Letter reply in 5 days. V/s : Manuel Morillo Brena (Director) Email : Station sent MP3 audio program listened from Segovia TROPO-DX. ( Juan Antonio Arranz, Segovia, Spain)
Spektra FM 104.1 MHz, Valencia. Full detailed E-Mail Letter in 7 days for E-Mail report to : WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia,
*WLNG (New York) relay via Vinilo FM, Madrid, 96.2 MHz, Email in 18 days. V/s : Brian Bannon Email WEB : (Vashek Korinek, listened in Madrid area)

SRI LANKA : Bible Voice, Relay Trincomalee, 15180 kHz, QSL-Card in 21 days. E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Bible Voice Broadcasting via Trincomalee, 15180 kHz, f/d card, schedule, reply in 160 days. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
IBB Relay Radio Farda 7580 kHz . Sri Lanka, TX Iranavila. QSL Card. V/s : William S. Martin, Station Manager. Report sent to E-mail : Sent MP3 Audio Clip. Reply in 76 days. ( Rafael R.Rodriguez, Colombia. see WEB :
SLBC 11905 kHz , sent nice F/D Email-QSL in 1 day. Email report + MP3 file sent to Victor Goonetilleke E-mail : ( Bruce Portzer, USA, Via Group SLBC 11750 kHz, Email-QSL, reply in 73 days. Email : V/s : Victor Goonetilleke (QSL Manager) SLBC 11750 kHz, f/d QSL, V/s : H.M. Jackson, Engineering Dept., reply in 10 days. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) SLBC Trincomalee, 11750 kHz, Email-QSL, received in 2 days report sent to : ( Rafael Martinez, Barcelona, Catalunya)
VOA 13830 kHz , QSL-Card in 55 days. Report sent to: IBB – Sri Lanka Transmitting Station, c/o US Embassy 210, Galle Road c/o US Embassy 210, Galle Road, Colombo. (Christian Ghibaudo, France)
Wavescan AWR, Via Tx Sri Lanka, 15255 kHz, "Bangladesh DX report" Email-QSL in 4 days. V/s : Salahuddin Dolar (QSL-Manager) Report sent to : (Christian Ghibaudo, France)
WYFR Relay Trincomalee, 13735 kHz , QSL-Card + info + schedule in 150 days. E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)

SUDAN : Voix du Soudan 9505 kHz, Reply with Email in 101 days. Report sent to : Radio Omdurman, French Service, P.o.Box 1094 Omdurman. V/s : Adam Bakhit Bushara. Personal Email : (Christian Ghibaudo, France)

SWEDEN : Radio Dellen International 5895 kHz, QSL-Card in 77 days. RP : 1$. QTH : Vita Huset, SE-179 95 Svartsjoo. V/s : Ronny Forslund, QSL Manager. sent audio MP3 file. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)

SWITZERLAND : ENERGY Basel 194.064 (DAB ch 7 D) Reply with my ppc stamped & signed in 22 days. QTH : Radio Basel AG, Muencxhenreinstrasse 43, CH-4052 Basel. ( Norbert Reiner, station heard at Loerrach, southern Black Forest Region, Germany)
GRRIF 90.30 MHz Reply with my ppc stamped & signed in 7 days. QTH : AERC FM SA, Programme GFFIF, Rue du Marché 3, CH-2800 Delémont. ( Norbert Reiner, station heard at Loerrach, southern Black Forest Region, Germany)
Radio Eviva 194.064 (DAB ch 7 D) Reply with my ppc stamped & signed in 7 days. QTH : Postfach 464, CH-6440 Brunnen. ( Norbert Reiner, station heard at Loerrach, southern Black Forest Region, Germany)
Voce della Russia, Relay Monteceneri, 558 kHz, Redazione Italiana QSL-Card , reply in 10 days. Redazione Italiana. Address : ul. Pyatnitskaya 25, RU-115326 Moskva (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)

SYRIA : Radio Damasco, 9330 kHz, QSL, stamps, view card, magazine in 181 days. for E-Mail-rpt to : V/s : Amelia Puga. (QSL-Manager Spanish Service) ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)

TAIWAN : Voice of Guang Hua 9745 Khz, f/d QSL-Cards, depliant, paper – cut. Address : P.o. Box 1700 Taipei City 10099 – WEB : reply in 30 days. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)

TAJIKISTAN : Voice of Russia, Tx Dushanbé 4975 kHz, f/d QSL-Card, reply 30 days. Address : ul. Pyatnitskaya 25, RU-115326 Moskva (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)

THAILAND : Radio Thailand 9680 kHz, QSL-Card in 174 days. E-mail : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya) Radio Thailand, 7205 kHz, QSL Card in 130 days. E-mail report to : ( Norbert Reiner, Germany)

TIBET : CTB (China Tibet Broadcasting), 6130 kHz, Nice f/d QSL-Card, 330 days! No longer expected! . Address : CTB, Lhasa City, Beijing Middle Road No. 41, Tibet, China. (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain, Club DX S500)

TURKEY : Akra FM, Istanbul, 107.6 MHz, Pers. Email-verie in 15 days after follow up . V/s : Tulay Arsal (General Production Manager). (Vashek Korinek, Heard in Turkey)
*CEM Radyo, Istanbul, 96.4 MHz, Pers. letter and PPC (both via Email) in 14 days after follow up. V/s : Sema Yadigar Email: WEB : (Vashek Korinek, listened in Istanbul area)
*CNN Turk, Istanbul, 92.5 MHz, Email-verie in 13 days; V/s : Ekin Ozcelik. (Vashek Korinek, Heard in Turkey)
*Kanal Turk Radyo, Istanbul, 92.9 MHz, Pers. Letter, writer’s photo, Turkish flags in 75 days by a courier; V/s : Irfan Sahin (Radio Director). (Vashek Korinek, Heard in Turkey)
*Mujde FM, Istanbul, 89.6 MHz, Pers. Letter and PPC in 49 days after follow up. V/s : Dr. Mustafa Efe Address : Visne Sok. No 4 Osmanaga, Kadikoy, Istanbul. (Vashek Korinek, listened in Istanbul area)
*Rock FM, Istanbul, 94.5 MHz, PPC, Pers. Letter, stickers in 27 days after follow up. V/s : M. Gakir (Broadcast Director) Address : Kisikli Cad. Haluk Turksoy Sok No: 4/A, Altunizade, Uskudar, Istanbul WEB : Email : (Vashek Korinek, listened in Istanbul area)
*Show Radyo, Istanbul, 89.6 MHz, Pers. Letter, stickers in 161 days. V/s : Yuksel Alemdar (Program Radio Director Address : Basin Ekpress Yolu Star Sok. No:2, Ikitelli, Basaksehir, Istanbul. Email : WEB : (Vashek Korinek, listened in Istanbul area)
*TGRT FM, Istanbul, 93.1 MHz, Email-QSL Letter in 28 days after follow up. V/s : Ilhan Apak (Station Manager) Address : 29 Ekim Cad. , Ihlas Holding Plaza Zemin Kat. D:23, Yenibosna, TR-34197, Bahcelievler- Istanbul. Email: (Vashek Korinek, listened in Istanbul area)
TRT Voice of Turkey 9495-9610 kHz (Monferini's EDXC 2011 interview), 11930 kHz, 4 QSLs f/d, schedule, tourist info in 60 days (second attempt), sticker, tourism map in 60,29,22,15 days. NO RP. & ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya

UGANDA : Dunamis Broadcasting, 4750 kHz, QSL-Card, in 21 days for rpt sent to : Address : Box 425, Station E, Toronto, ON. Canada M6H 4E3. (Artur Fernandez Llorella,Catalonia,

UKRAINE : Radio Mayak , 765 kHz, TX: Petrivka, Odessa, QSL-Card, V/s : Stanislav Kyselov (QSL Manager) E-mail : Address : Str. Arnautskaya 107 - Odessa 65007. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)

UNITED ARABS EMIRATES : ABC AUSTRALIA, Relay Dhabbaya 9855 kHz, QSL-Card + Schedule in 106 days. RP : Sent 1$. Address : P.O. Box 428G - Melbourne VIC. 3001, Australia. Sent CD MP3 Audio. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
Radio Taiwan Int. 13620 kHz, (via UAE) QSL in 30 days. Report sent to E-mail : ( Christian Ghibaudo, France) Radio Taiwan Int., Abu Dhabi Relay, 13620 kHz, f/d card, schedule, reception report forms, PENNANT 2013, post cards, reply in 61 days. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa)

UNITED KINGDOM : Absolute Radio, 1215 kHz, reply with confirmation Letter, V/s : Stuart Edwards (Technology Manager) in 10 days. No Rp. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) WEB QSL INFO : (Play-dx Archives) Absolute Radio, 1215 kHz, non detailed QSL-Letter of confirmation in 14 days. V/s : Stuart Edward, Technology Manager. Sent 1 $. Address : Technology Operations Manager, Absolute Radio, One Golden Square, London W1F 9D. (Artur Fernandez L., Catalonia)
BBC R. Somerset 1566 kHz, QTH: Broadcasting House - Park Street - Taunton TA1 4DA. E-QSLmail reply. V/s : in 8 days. V/s : Rachel Andrews, Secretary. Sent 1 IRC. WEB : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy) BBC Somerset 1566 kHz, Reply in 1 day. Email report to : V/s : Rachel Andrews, Broadcast Journalist and Producer. Email : (Artur Fernandez L., Catalonia) BBC Somerset, 1566 kHz. V/s : Rachel Andrews (Broadcast Journalist and Producer) E.mail : "I’m very glad you were able to pick us up in Spain and you enjoyed what you heard!" WEB : (Juan Antonio Arranz, Spain) BBC Somerset 1566 kHz, QSL-Card, V/s : Ruth Bradley (Segretary), reply in 7 days. NO RP. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)
BBC R. Ulster, Northern Ireland, 1341 kHz, personal Letter, V/s : Declan Mc Conagh, BBC Office N1 Technology, reply 10 days. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) WEB : Address : Broadcasting House - Ormeau Av. - Belfast BT2 8HQ. (Play-dx Archives) BBC R ULSTER 1341 kHz, via web email : (Roberto Sadun, Italy)
Capital FM, 95.8 MHz, Relay Croydon, E-mail Reply in 30 days. E-mail : V/s : David, ( Capital-FM Engineering, London) this E-mail is good to confirm all Capital Gold FM/AM stations. ( Mauricio Molano, listened in Caceres area, Spain,
JSWC via Radio Japan 5975 kHz, E-mail : QSL special 60 years in 2 days. Report sent to (Christian Ghibaudo, France)
Manx Radio, 1368 kHz, QSL card+pen, in 9 days. E-mail : (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain, Club DX S500) Address : Manx Radio, P.o.Box 1368, Broadcasting House, Douglas, IM99 1SW.
North Sound Radio, Scotland, 1035 kHz, QSL-Card, Sticker, personal Letter, V/s : Ken Hancock (Chief Engineer), reply in 15 days. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) WEB : Address : Northsound 1, Abbotswell Road, West Tullos, Aberdeen, Scotland, AB12 3AJ. (Play-dx Archives)
NOS Radio 1, 648, Via Relay Orfordness, full detailed Letter (with tx site) + Nozema QSL-Card (without tx site) in 100 days for old report sent again via their WEB : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
talkSPORT - 1053 kHz - Droitwich - QSL Letter, Book 10 year Anniversary, Stickers, in 6 days. V/s : Peter Ockelford, Senior Engineer. E-mail : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano , Spain, talkSPORT , 1089 kHz, f/d Letter, book story of Talksport , V/s : Peter Ockelford (Senior Engineer), reply in 15 days after f/up. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) talkSPORT , 1089 kHz, QSL letter, Stickers in 28 days for report to : 18 Hatfields, London SE1 8DX. V/s : Peter Ockelford, Senior Engineer. Sent 1 $. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)

USA : AFRTS Key West, Florida. 7811 kHz, QSL-Card + AFRTS Sticker in 77 days. E-mail report to : or ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
EWTN Vandiver 12050 kHz, QSL card. Reply in 120 days. V/s : Glen Tapley. Report sent via WEB : . QTH : 5817 Old Leeds Road, Irondale, AL 35210. ( Rubens Ferraz Pedroso, Bandeirantes, Paranà, Brasil)
KJES 11715 kHz, f/d Letter, reply in 70 days. No Rp. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) Address : 230 High Valley Road, Vado, NM 88072-7221. New Mexico (Play-dx Archives)
Kol Israel, via WRMI, 9955 kHz, QSL Card, reply in 150 days. E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
KVNS "Classic Hits", Brownsville, TX, 1700 kHz, pers.letter in 32 days. V/s : Billy Santiago (Operations Manager). (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
Overcomer Ministry, 3185 kHz, via WWRB, QSL-Card in 35 days. E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Ciudad Global, via WRMI, 9955, QSL Card, reply in 160 days. E-mail report to : V/s : Omar Ortiz ( QSL Manager).( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Vaticana, via WRMI, 9955 kHz, QSL-Card in 14 days. E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Radio Marti via Edward R. Morrow Transmitting Station, VOA Site "B". Full data (Ham style-QSL card showing the curtain arrays of the Site "B". Full data (Ham style-QSL card) , for a report direct to the Transmitter site. Reply in 60 days. V/s : WB4PMQ (Call sign). (Edward Kusalik-Alb-CAN, dxld March 5) Radio Marti 11715 kHz, QSL Card. Report sent to : & Reply in 33 days, after 25 years of tentatives "por fin la QSL" ( Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogotà, Colombia. Imagen en
Radio Praga via WRMI Miami, 9955 kHz, QSL-Card + Pencil + Triptico Souvenit, reply in 104 days. Report sent to : / also via formular web (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya) Radio Prague via WRMI 9955 kHz, QSL-Card from WRMI, V/s : Jeff White (QSL Manager), reply in 70 days. Sent 1 $. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)
Ramsey's Roadhouse via WBCQ, 7490 kHz, pers. Email verie in 31 days. V/s : Ramsey. WEB : Email : (Vashek Korinek, South Africa)
WBBR Radio 1130 kHz, QSL Card. 13 days. WEB : Address : Bloomberg LP, 731 Lexington Ave, New York, 10022, USA. ( Leo Bolli,Italy)
WDEA 1370 kHz, E-mail QSL Letter in 2 days. V/s : Fred Miller (Operations Manager). E-mail : Address : 49 Acme Road, Brewer, ME 04412. ( Leo Bolli, Italy)
WEWN Radio Catolica Mundial 5810 kHz. Address : ETWN - International High Frequency Station WEWN, 5817 Old Leeds Road, Irondale, Alabama ZIP-35210. Reply with PDF/E-mail QSL in 1 day. Report sent to E-mail : ( Nino Marabello, Treviso, Italy, see blog :
WHO Radio 1040 kHz, QSL Card. 15 days. WEB : Address : 1040 WHO Radio Contacts, WHO Radio, 2141 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA 50312. (Leo Bolli, Italy)
WINB Red Lyon, PA. WINB is celebrating its 51th anniversary in 2013 and we have a new QSL card. The card features a vintage view of our control room. Reports can be E-mailed to : V/s : Hans Johnson. ( WINB Frequency Manager) (info via PLAY-DX)
WMRI Radio Miami International 9955 kHz, QSL-Card, reply in 16 days. WEB : V/s : Jeff White (General Manager & QSL Manager) (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
WPOP 1410 kHz - Hartford, CT - QSL E-mail in 145 days, 1 day after Follow/up. V/s : Richard Waegl (Chief Engineer) Follow/up sent via WEB Formular : Address : 10 Columbus Blvd, ZIP-06106 Hartford, CT. (Al Muick, USA, Via Hardcore Dx Digest 123)
WPRR 1680 kHz - Ada, MI - QSL E-mail V/s : Sue Howard (Controller) E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain,
WPTX 1690 kHz - Mechanicville, Maryland - QSL E-mail + Coverage map attached file, in 158 days, 2 hours after Follow/up. V/s : Sharon Robertson. E-mail : (Al Muick, USA, Via Hardcore Dx Digest 123)
WQOM 1060 kHz - Natick, MA - QSL E-mail in 1 day V/s : Gina Zanicky, Director of Radio Production. E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain,
WRDW 1630 kHz - Augusta, Georgia (USA) - QSL E-mail. V/s : Kent Dunn, (Vice President & Market Manager Beasley Broadcast Augusta). E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain,
WTIC 1080 kHz - Hartford, CT "The Station of the Cross" - QSL E-mail in 1 day V/s : Jeff Hugeabonne (Chief Engineer). "Mauricio, outstanding! nice catch. happy to confirm your reception, yes, the WTIC time tone is unmistakable. It has been in continuous use since WWII. Very nice receiving system. One of our staff uses a welbrook at his house for AM DX work and swears by it. The perseus is quite an amazing piece of gear. You can record the whole AM band and then go back at your leisure correct? most impressive......Jeff Hugabonne, Chief Engineer W T I C". EMail : WEB : Address : 10 Executive Drive, Farmington, CT 06032. ( Mauricio Molano, Spain,
WTWW 5830 kHz, E-mail QSL Card, reply in 18 days. V/s : George McClintock (President). QTH : 1784 West Northfield Blv, Room 305, TN 37129 Murfreesboro. ( Ivan Guerini, Italy) WTWW Lebanon, Tennessee, 9480 kHz, reply E-mail QSL. V/s : George Mc. Clintock (President and Manager), Email : reply in 240 days. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)
WTWW 9990 kHz, E-mail QSL Card, reply in 1 day. Email : V/s : George McClintock (General Manager) ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) WTWW, 9479 kHz, n/d Email-QSL received in 1 day for follow up reception report sent to : ( Rafael Martinez, Barcelona, Catalunya)
WUNR 1600 kHz, Brooklyn,NY., E-mail Letter in 1 day. V/s : Samantha Edwards (Property & Office Manager) Address : 60 Temple Place 2nd Floor, Boston, MA 02111. ( Leo Bolli, Italy)
WWCR 5935 kHz, E-mail QSL Card, reply in 150 days. E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
WWRB 9385 kHz, f/d QSL card of Overcomer Ministry!, f/d reply in 19 days Address: C/o Airline Transport Communications Inc., Listener Services, P.o.Box 7, Manchester, TN 37349-0005. (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain, Club DX S500)

UZBEKISTAN : TWR India, 11725 kHz, via Tashkent, E-mail QSL in 70 days. E-mail report to : V/s : Franklin Abraham. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) TWR India 11725 kHz Email-QSL in 100 days. V/s : Franklin Abraham. (QSL Manager). Report sent to : (Christian Ghibaudo, France) TWR India Relay Tashkent 11930 kHz, E-mail QSL-Card, reply in 228 days. E-mail : V/s : John Rajput (QSL-Manager) (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)

VATICAN : Radio Nederland relay Sta. Maria Galeria 17605 kHz. QSL-card reply in 85 days. Email : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Radio Vaticana 11740 kHz. QSL-card reply in 122 days. Email : Depliant 80 years & Stickers. (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya) Radio Vaticana 11740 kHz Spanish service. QSL-card. Reply in 209 days. Report to Email : or Received : Calendar 2013 with B-16 / Program / Post cards. (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya)
Voix de la Charité 11715 kHz, relay Sta. Maria Galeria. QSL-card reply in 46 days. Report sent to : Couvent St Jean, rue Fouad Chehab, BP 850, Jounieh, LIBAN. (Christian Ghibaudo, France)

VENEZUELA : Radio Libertad Cabimas 620 kHz. Personal QSL Letter, Calcomania-Afiche ( 21x42 cm !!!!!!!!!!!). Reply in V/s : Moises E Leiva, Director & Antonio Contin, QSL Manager. Report sent to E-mail : with archivo mp3 in 334 days* Letter mailed registered the 20 august 2012, but received the 02 january. This is how postal service works in Venezuela & Colombia.... ( Rafael Rodríguez R. Bogotá D.C. - Colombia, see WEB
Radio Alegria Chivacoa 1020 kHz. Personal E-mail Letter, reply 80 days. V/s : Juan Pablo Planas ( Director). E-mail report to : WEB : ( Rafael Rodríguez R. Bogotá D.C. - Colombia, see WEB :

ZAMBIA : CVC 1 Africa, 9505 kHz, QSL-Card, full detailed Letter + Sticker in 49 days. E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) CVC 1 Africa 13590 kHz, QSL in 13 days. Report sent to : (Christian Ghibaudo, France)

U T I L I T Y QSLs :

AUSTRALIA : VMW, Wiluna WA, 16528 kHz USB, E-mail-QSL in 10 days for E-mail report sent to : V/s : Navin Chandran. (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Australian Marine Weather Broadcast, VMW Wiluna, 12362 kHz, USB Mode, electronic Email QSL, reply in 1 day. ( Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)
Australia Volmet 6676 kHz reply to email report in 7 minutes. V/s : Edward Mifsud, (Communications Engineer). E-mail : ( Bruce Portzer, USA,

BRASIL : Observatorio Nacional 10000 kHz, QSL + Letter + Info sheets + Wall Calendar in 21 days. E-mail : or V/s : Ricardo José de Carvalho, Chefe. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Observatorio Nacional Rio de Janeiro 10000 kHz, QSL-Letter, reply 120 days. Email : V/s : Ricardo Jose de Carvalho (Director) (Antonio Madrid, Cardanyola, Catalonia)

CANADA : CHR - 6754 kHz - TRENTON MILITARY Volmet - Trenton - QSL E-mail in 6 day. V/s : Charles Raine, Corporal, Military Aeronautical Communications System (MACS) Operator. Email : ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, same station VOLMET TRENTON MILITARY 6754 kHz, Letter-QSL in 146 days, V/s Charles Raine (Corporal Staff) MACS "E" Shift , QTH : 8 Wing Trenton, WITSS (MACS SITE), HighWay N.33, 21124 LOYALIST Parkway, VARRYING PLACE, ONTARIO, K0K1L ( Rafael R. Rodríguez, Bogotá, Colombia)
CHU Ottawa 7850 kHz, QSL-Card in 20 days. No RP. QTH : Institute for National Measurement Standards, National Research Council of Canada (NRC-INMS), 1200 Montreal Road, Bldg M-36, Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6. V/s : Bill Hoger ( Technical Officer). Sent Audio CD MP3. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)

CHILE : CBV Playa Ancha Radio 8677 USB kHz, TIME SIGNAL STATION. V/s : LT Luigi Cotuzzo Muñoz (Jefe Centro TC Marítimas Valparaiso) Report toEmail : Reply in 20 days. ( Rafael R. Rodríguez, Bogotá, Colombia See WEB :

CROAZIA : SAL - 421 kHz N B D, Sali. Full data prepared QSL card stamped and signed V/s : Ervin Mrkic Pestic (Head Control ATC Zadar) . Received in 22 days for an utility report. Station address : Croatian control LTD. Podruznica-Zadar, p.p. 297, N. Nodila b.b. , HR-23000 Zadar, Zacna Luka. (Patric Robic, Austria)

FINLAND : Mikes Radio 25000 kHz, reply with confirmation Letter, reply 15 days. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) Mikes Radio 25000 kHz, reply with confirmation Letter, reply 10 days. Address : Centre for Meteorology and Accreditation, P.o.Box 9, Espoo. V/s : Valevi Kalliomaki, Ilkka Iisakka (Francesco Cecconi, Italy) Same station reply in 52 days. (Roby Rizzardi, Italy)

GERMANY : DCF49 - 129,1 kHz - E.F.R. Mainflingen (Europaaische Funk-Rundsteuerung GmbH), Telecontrol Receivers. QSL E-mail in 420 days !!!!!!!! 3 differents QSLs + Depliants + Info sheets. QTH : EFR Europaaische Funk-Rundsteuerung GmbH, Postfach 20 05 53, DE-80005 Munich. ( Mauricio Molano, Spain.
DCF39 - 139 kHz - E.F.R. - Burg - QSL E-mail in 420 days !!!!!!!! 3 differents QSLs + Depliants + Info sheets. QTH : EFR Europaaische Funk-Rundsteuerung GmbH, Postfach 20 05 53, DE-80005 Munich. ( Mauricio Molano, Spain.
DDK9 - 10100 kHz - (NAVTEX-RTTY). E-mail : QSL Card, reply in 26 days. V/s : Wilfried Behncke - Coordinator National NAVTEX - DWD. Report sent to E.mail : TNX help from Jose Luis de Vicente to decodify the text. ( Rafael R. Rodríguez, Bogotá, Colombia See WEB :
Deutscher Wetterdienst 13882.5 kHz replied by E-mail in 7 days for airmail report of their weather fax transmission. V/s Wilfried Behncke, National NAVTEX-Coordinator. Report was sent to Deutscher Wetterdienst. ( Bruce Portzer, USA,

GREECE : SV5TEN Rhodes 28189 kHz HAM-Card in 14 days. QTH : Radio Amateur Association of Dodecanese, P.o.Box 329, GR-85100 Rhodes. ( Norbert Reiner, Germany)

HAWAII : NMO - 2187.5 kHz - COMMSTA HONOLULU - Waihawa - QSL Full data Letter, in 35 days. La estación NMO "Communications Area Master Station Pacific (CAMSPAC)/NMC", Point Reyes (California). Email : D11-PF-CAMSPACCWO@USCG.MIL V/s : Daniel A. Connolly, Commander U.S.C.G. ( Mauricio Molano, Spain,
WWVH Kekaha 10000 kHz, QSL-Card + depliant in 14 days. No RP. QTH : NIST Radio Station WWVH, P.o. Box 417, Kekaha, HI 96752, USA. V/s : Adela Mae P. Ochinang (Secretary). Sent CD MP3 Audio. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)

HONG KONG : Hong Kong VOLMET, 6679 kHz, f/d information Letter in 39 days for English airmail Report and 2 IRCs. V/s : Leung Chi-Lam, (Chief Aeronautical Communications Supervisor). Address : Civil Aiviation Department, 2/F, Air Traffic Control Complex and Tower, Hong Kong International Airport, Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong. ( Al Muick, USA. via
VRC - 16804.5 kHz - MRCC - Cape D'Aguilar - QSL E-mail in 11 days. V/s : Wc Woo, Senior Technical Officer, Cape D’Aguilar Radio Station. Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain.

HUNGARY : HGA22 - 135.6 kHz - E.F.R. - Lakihegy - E-mail QSL-Card (Europaaische Funk-Rundsteuerung GmbH), Telecontrol Receivers. QSL E-mail in 420 days !!!!!!!! 3 differents QSLs + Depliants + Info sheets. QTH : EFR Europaaische Funk-Rundsteuerung GmbH, Postfach 20 05 53, DE-80005 Munich. ( Mauricio Molano, Spain.

IRELAND : Shannon AERadio, 5505 kHz, QSL-folder in 28 days. E-mail report to : V/s : John Power, p.p. John McGrath, GM. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Shannon Volmet 5505 kHz, f/d QSL-Card and depliant reply via E-mail : reply in 15 days. ( Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) Shannon Aeradio Volmet 5505 kHz, E-mail QSL Reply in 16 days. V/s : Kirwan Michael. E-mail : ( Alex Robert, Brasil, see WEB :

ITALY : IBF Torre Bert time signal station 5000 kHz, QSL E-mail in 8 days. Listened in Bocca di Magra BOC-26 with SDR-14. V/s : Giampiero Bernardini (QSL Manager) Station is now operating on temporary authorisation. (Dario Monferini, Italy) IBF Torre Bert time signal station 5000 kHz, QSL E-mail in 9 days. V/s : Giampiero Bernardini and Claudio Re. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
Italcable Friends Viareggio - Stazione Segnale Orario Viareggio 10000 kHz, QSL-Card in 9 days. Address : Indirizzo postale : Via del Borgo 6, IT-55049 Viareggio. NO RP. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy) Italcable Friends Viareggio - Stazione Segnale Orario Viareggio, 10000 kHz, QSL-Card in 9 days. E-mailrpt MP3 sent to E-mail : ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy) Italcable Friends Viareggio , 10000 kHz, QSL-Card in 28 days. Sent E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Italcable Friends Viareggio 10000 kHz, QSL-Card, reply in 8 days. Report to Email : (Antonio Madrid, Cerdanyola, Catalunya) Associazione Amici di Italcable, 10000 kHz, QSL.Card, reply in 10 days. ( Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) Associazione Amici Italcable 10000 kHz, QSL-Card, reply in 9 days Report to Email : (Roberto Sadun, Italy)
PRU - 398 kHz N D B, Perugia. Full data prepared QSL card stamped and signed V/s : Stefano Mancuso. Received in 58 days for an utility report. Station address : ENAV S.p.A., C.A.A.V. Strada dell'aereoporto s.n.c., IT-06080 San Sisto, (PG). (Patric Robic, Austria)
LIN - 386 kHz N D B, Linate. Full data prepared QSL card stamped and signed V/s : Marco Casiraghi. Received in 21 days for an utility report. Station address : ENAV S.p.A., Milano ACC, C.P. 55, IT-20090 Linate Aeroporto, (MI). (Patric Robic, Austria)
VEN - 379 kHz N D B, Venezia. Full data prepared QSL card stamped. Received in 16 days for an utility report. Station address: ENAV S.p.A., CAAV Venezia, Aeroporto Internazionale Marco Polo, IT-30030 Tessera-Venezia, (VE). ( Patric Robic, Austria)

JAPAN : JJY 40 kHz TIME SIGNAL, Tokyo. Reply with QSL- Card in 35 days. NO RP. National Institute of Information and Communications Technology -Applied Electromagnetic Research Institute-Space-Time Standards Laboratory-Japan Standard Time Group, 4-2-1 Nukui-Kitamachi Koganei, Tokyo, J-184-8795. ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy)

MOLDOVA : ER1TEN HF Beacon 28249 kHz HAM-Card in 14 days. QTH : Vlad Kishlian, P.o.Box 403, MLD-2004 Chisinau ( Norbert Reiner, Germany)

MONACO : Radio Monaco via 3AC Monaco Radio, 8728/13146 kHz , QSL-Letter in 150 days. E-mail report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) Radio Monaco via 3AC Monaco Radio 8728 & 13146 kHz. QSL letter in 7 days. E-mail report to : (Christian Ghibaudo, France)

NETHERLANDS : Real Marinha Holandesa, Ilha Goeree, 8438 kHz USB . PPC carimbado e assinado + 2 Stickers "Korps Mariniers" Reply in 310 days. (73 days after Follow/up) V/s : Gerrit Vinkel. Address : Netherlands Ministry of Defence, P.o.Box 20701, NL-2500 ES The Hague. Address on letterhead : CZSK DOPS KM - MPC 10A - postbus 10000, NL-1780 CA Den Helder. see details : ( Fabricio Andrade Silva,Tubarão, SC., Brasil. Via

NEW ZEALAND : Auckland Volmet 13282 kHz, confirmation Letter, reply 20 days. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy) Address : Airways New Zealand Limited, ZKAK Auckland Radio, Fred Ladd Way, Auckland International Airport, Auckland. (Play-dx Archives)
ZLM Taupo Maritime Radio 6224 kHz. Reply in 85 days. E-mail QSL. V/s : Peter Baird (Radio Operator). Report sent to E-mail : ( Rafael R. Rodríguez, Bogotá, Colombia See WEB :
ZKLF, Meteorological Service of New Zealand, 5807 kHz, replied to E-mail report in 1 day for reception of weather fax. E-mail Report to : E-mail reply included a pdf of a F/D QSL certificatecame from E-mail : V/s : Ross Marsden. included a pdf of a F/D QSL certificate Received a hard copy of the certificate + a business card a week later.( Bruce Portzer, USA,

PORTUGAL : CTV251 - 518 kHz - Monsanto Radio NAVTEX, Lisboa, reply in 1 day, QSL E-mail report to : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain.

REUNION : FUX 12691 khz STANAG4285. QSL Letter, reply in 110 days. Address : D.I.R.I.S.I., Station Radio FUX, 2 Rue de la Grande Montée, FR-97438 Sainte Marie. ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy)

RUSSIA : RBU - 66.666 kHz - Señales Horarias "IMVP" - Moscow - QSL-Card. Station address : Russian State Time and Frequency Service, Institute of Metrology for Time and Space (IMVP), GP "VNIIFTRI", Moscow Region, Mendeleevo, RU-141570, Moscow ( Mauricio Molano, Spain.

SOUTH AFRICA : Marinha Sulafricana - Durban - SAF 8630 kHz - Letter QSL. 49 days . Address : NAVCOMCEN Cape-Silvermine, Private Bag X1, Simonstown 7995. ( Ivan Dias Jr. - Sorocaba See WEB :

SPAIN : ECV - 319 kHz - NDB Cuartel Gral. FAMET - Colmenar Viejo (Madrid), 266 km far from listening place Aldea del Cano (Cáceres) - QSL PPC stamped & signed. V/s : Segundo Jefe de FAMET, Col. Fernando García Blázquez. Report sent to : Cuartel General de las FAMET, Base Coronel Maté, Ctra. Guadalix km 3,800, ES-28770 Colmenar Viejo (Madrid). ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain,
Tarifa Radio, 1656 kHz (USB), E-mail-QSL 52 days after Follow up . V/s : Antonio Aparicio (Centro de Comunicaciones Maritimas de Málaga-Abertis), answer E-mail : (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain, Club DX S500)

SWITZERLAND : HBG Prangins 75 kHz, f/d QSL-Card and Letter. Address : Federal Office of Metrology, METASs. V/s : Christian Schlunegger. (Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy)

TAHITI POLYNESIA : FUM Marine Nationale (modo Stanag) 8625 kHz USB Mode. PPC Stamped + QSL/folder. Reply in 167 days. Sent SAE, utilized. V/s : Philippe Millet Address : Marine Nationale, Commandement de la Marine Papeete (BICM). SP 91325 00204 ARMEES Papeete - Polynesie Française. Email : ( Fabricio A. Silva, Tubarão, Santa Catarina, Brasil, 95th Country QSL. see Blog :

TAIWAN : XSX - 16804.5 kHz - Keelung Radio - Keelung - QSL E-mail in 3 days. Report to : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain.

THAILAND : Bangkok Radio Volmet 6676 kHz QSL-Letter,reply in 50 days. Address for reports : 50th Royal Thai Meteorological Bldg, 4353 Thanon Sukhumvit, Bang Na, Bangkok 10260. ( Shukhrat Rakhmatullaev, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, info via OPEN-DX , yahoo groups Russia)

UKRAINA : BB - 432 kHz N D B, Bibrka. Full data prepared QSL card stamped and signed V/s : Stefano Mancuso. Received in 23 days for an utility report. Station address : Ukrainina State AIR traffic service entreprise (UKSATSE) Airport Boryspil, Kiev Region 08307. ( Patric Robic, Austria)

USA : K6FRC/B, Tracy, California 28300 kHz HAM-Card in 14 days. QTH : Paul Shinn (K6FRC HAM op.), P.o.Box 175, Valley Springs, CA 95252. Paul also belongs to the staff of the California Historical Radio Society and the Maritime Radio Historical Society. ( Norbert Reiner, Germany)
KG4GVV/B HF Beacon 28275.4 kHz HAM-Card in 7 days. QTH : Don Benson (KG4GVV HAM op.), 206 Lark Street, Summerville, SC 29485. ( Norbert Reiner, Germany)
W0ILO HF Beacon, Sabin, MN 28286.5 kHz HAM-Card in 14 days. QSL via Robert M Kirkeby (WB0DSF HAM op.), QTH : 122 2nd Ave East, West Fargo, ND 58078-1813. ( Norbert Reiner, Germany)
WA6MHZ/B HF Beacon 28278.5 kHz HAM-Card + Letter in 14 days. QTH : C/o Pat Bunsold (WA6MHZ HAM op) QTH : 1615 La Cresta Blvd., El Cajon, CA 92021. Pat writes he believes that I am the furthest one who has heard his 25 watts – beacon… !!!!. ( Norbert Reiner, Germany)
WLO Mobile, 8806 kHz QSL E-mail V/s Rene Stiegler E-mail : reply in 1 day. Attached the Map area. ( Rafael Rodriguez R. Bogotà, Colombia, Imagen en Snail Address : ShipCom LLC, 7700 Rinla Avenue, ZIP-36619 Mobile, AL . (Ivan Dias Junior, Brasil, see : via :
WY5I HF Beacon 28257.8 kHz HAM-Card in 14 days. QTH : C/o Donn Sinclair, 4152 SW Muncie Street, Port St. Lucie, FL 34953. Donn writes that the Beacon has been on the air for more than 10 years and that he has been an ham since 54 years… ( Norbert Reiner, Germany)

VIETNAM : XVG - 16804.5 kHz - Hai Phong Radio - Hai Phong (VTN) - QSL in 1 day. E-mail : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain.
XVN - Nha Trang Radio, 8414.5 kHz. Full data prepared QSL card stamped as verified. Received in 68 days for an utility report. Station address : Vishipel Cong Ty Thong Tin Dien Tu Hang Hair, Vietnam. ( Patric Robic, Austria)

