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AFGHANISTAN : VOA Relay KABUL, 1296 kHz, QSL Card + many VOA info materials. Reply in 7 months. Report sent to : VOA, 3166 Cohen Building, Washington, D.C., 20237, USA. ( Alessandro Groppazzi, 181 country verified, see my blog WEB : )

ALBANIA : RADIO ALBANIA, 7250 kHz, QSL in 82 days, Sent 1 IRC. V/s : Mrs. Drita Cico (Director English Service & RTSH-Head of Radio Tirana Monitoring) Reports requested to Email : (QSL informations JDXC September 2010, Japan)

ALGERIA : RTA Radiodiffusion Television Algérienne, 101.9 MHz, QSL Card in 35 days for report to : 21 Bvd des Martyrs, Alger. NO Rp Sent. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)

ANGUILLA : CARIBBEAN BEACON 6090 kHz, QSL Card in 180 days, Email-report : V/s : Mrs. Doris Mussington. It is the same old QSL model, received many years ago!. may be a reprint ??? (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)

ARGENTINA : LR9 RADIO AMERICA 1190 kHz, Buenos Aires, QSL Email, after many reports sent by snail, finally arrived an Email Letter, in 1 day. Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, )
RAE 15345 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day for Email-report to : V/s : Gabriel Iván Barrera. (R.I.P. sadly disappeared in 2010 year !) (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia) REMARK : THIS IS PROBABLY THE LAST QSL CARD ISSUED BY GABRIEL BEFORE TO GO TO SANTIAGO DE CHILE TO TAKE PART TO THE 200 YEARS ANNIVERSARY OF CHILE & TO BE KILLED BY A STROKE HEART ATTACK.... R.I.P.)
RAE/ "Special interview Play DX", 15345 kHz, special QSL Card Italian programme (interview Monferini/Pavanello) in 28 days. Report sent to : Playdx, Dario Monferini, Via Davanzati 8, IT-20158 Milano (MI), Italy. (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)

ARMENIA : NHK JAPAN relay, 5955 kHz, QSL Card in 41 days after follow-up. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )

AUSTRALIA : ABC RADIO AUSTRALIA 9500 kHz, QSL Card (70 years Anniversary), Sent some Follow/ups via Letter, Reply in 190 days. Sent 1 IRC ! Address : GPO Box 428, Melbourne, Australia 3001. ( Alvaro Lopez Osuna, Granada, Andalucia)
ABC RADIO AUSTRALIA, ABC Radio Queensland, 6080 kHz, Special Tropical Yasi Broadcast via TX Shepparton. Full data (with site/power/specific name of the Broadcast) Medium wave & short-wave broadcasting in Australia QSL card. Also received with the QSLs, programme and short-wave guide and ARDXC Information. Verified in 29 days, after sending second follow-up inquiry for a total of 4 months. (Ed Kusalik, Alberta, Canada, via Canada )
HCJB AUSTRALIA 11750 kHz, QSL Card in 24 days. V/s : Margaret. Address : P.o. Box 1339(Lot 579, Packsaddle Road) Kununurra , WA 6743, Australia. Email-report to : WEB : ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy ) HCJB AUSTRALIA 11750 kHz, QSL Card in 14 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia )
Northern Territory Shortwave Service, Katherine 5025, f/d Letter & MANY Stickers & ABC Cards in 37 days for English airmail report and US $5 in return postage. The Letter comments "your good use of English!" ( they supposed Albert Muick is an Afghan listener ! Albert Muick, Kabul, Afghanistan )
RADIO SYMBAN 2368.5 kHz, Reply verified via ARDXC (Australian Radio DX Club) V/s : John Wright (QSL Manager). Full data QSL Card Greek programming from TX Merrichville now EX Tx Leppington (Australian Native Birds Card). Email to : John Wright, reply in 8 days. Email : ( Ed Kusalik, Alberta, Canada via Canada )
5DN / Cruise 1323 kHz, Adelaide, 1323 kHz, Email verie in 120 days after follow-up. Two weeks later received station promotional material and souvenirs. V/s : Sherree Woodmore. Email : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )

AUSTRIA : AUSTRIAN MILITARY RADIO SOCIETY 6155 kHz. Reply QSL-folder + Sticker in 141 days. Email : Address : Austrian Military Radio Society - Gussriegelstrasse 45, A-1100 Wien. ( Roberto Pavanello,Italy )
FREIRAD Innsbruck, 105.9 MHz, QSL PPC in 4 days. Address : FREIRAD - Freies Radio Innsbruck, Hoettingergasse 31, A-6020 Innsbruck. (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
LIFE RADIO TIROL, Innsbruck 101.8 MHz QSL PPC in 7 days. Address : Ing.-Etzel-Strasse 30, A-6020 Innsbruck. (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
ORF RADIO TIROL, Innsbruck 95.3 MHz QSL PPC in 14 days. Address : Rennweg 14, A-6010 Innsbruck. (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
POLSKIE RADIO, Relay Moosbrunn 11675 kHz, QSL Card & Letter in 46 days. No RP. Address : P.o.Box 46 - PL-00 977 Varsawa, Poland. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
RADIO ENERGY 99.9, Innsbruck 99.9 MHz, QSL PPC in 7 days. Address : Gablenzgasse 11, A-1050 Wien. (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)

AZORES : AFN "The Rock", LAJES AIR BASE,1503 kHz, CSB83 AFN-Lajes. After Snail-mail report not replied nor the first Email-f/up to : island96@...) so I wrote a second one to "the boss". Received F/d. Email in 5 hour. V/s : Sean "Scoop" Cobb (SMSgt, USAF, American Forces Network-Lajes, Station Commander) ( Mauricio Molano Sanchez, Spain )
RADIO ATLANTIDA, Ponta Delgada 88.5 MHz, QSL Card in 4 days. V/s : Sra. Manuela Raposo, (Directora de Serviços). Email : Listened from Salamanca, via Esporadic at the end of June 2011. ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, )

BAHAMAS : ZNS1 RADIO BAHAMAS, Nassau. 1540 kHz. Sent 6th Emails-f/up ..... received f/d Email in 15 minutes !! V/s : Jason R.A. Saunders (I.T.Department) Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain ) ZNS1 RADIO BAHAMAS, Nassau. 1540 kHz., QSL Letter after "follow-up", after some Emails not replied sent Air Mail Letter follow up ! Reply by surprise Letter in 8 months. V/s : Deon Morris (Program Director). 185th EDXC Country verified & 500th station verified. WEB : Email : Address : P.o.Box N-1347, Harcourt "Rusty" Bethel Drive, Third Terrace, Centreville-Nassau. ( Alessandro Groppazzi, Italy, listened in Sweden Dx pedition Parkampolo Jan.2011, see my blog WEB : )

BAHRAIN : RADIO BAHRAIN 9745 kHz, Full data Letter, 44 days after a postal mail Follow up. V/s : Mr. Abdulla Ahmed Al Balooshi (Acting Director of Technical Affairs). Address : P.o.Box 1075, Manama, Bahrain. ( Jim Evans, Germantown, USA, info VIA : ) RADIO BAHRAIN 6010 kHz, partly detailed QSL-Letter for F/up old Report. Address : P.o.Box 1075, Manama, Bahrain. V/s : Abdulla Al-Baloushi (Director Technical Affairs). (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia)

BELARUS : RADIO BELARUS, Minsk, 6155 kHz, Letter, Reply in 83 days. V/s : Maria del Aguila (Servicio Espanol ) Address : Radio Belarus - 220807, Minsk, Krasnaya st. 4. ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, See WEB : Brasil )

BELGIUM : ORU RADIO VLAANDEREN Info, 927 kHz, Wolvertem. Sent Email, received f/d Email in 1 hour !!. V/s : Erik Baeyens. Email : ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, )

BENIN : TWR AFRICA PARAKOU 1566 kHz, Email-QSL PDF in 98 days. Email-rpt MP3 sent to Email : V/s : Lorraine Stavropoulos ( Secretary Africa) Email : WEB : ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)

BOLIVIA : RADIO MOSOJ CHASKI 3310 kHz, Cochabamba. Letter QSL PPC carimbado. Reply in 1 year (49 days after 2nd follow up Letter & many Emails). NO Rp. Address : Radio Mosoj Chaski, Abaroa Nº 254, entre General Achà y Santivanez or Casilla 4493, Cochabamba. See my WEB : (Fabricio Andrade Silva, Brasil, via Brasil )
RADIO SANTA CRUZ, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 6135 kHz, Letter in 207 days, V/s : Maria Yolanda Marco Escobar (Secretaria de Direccion). Sent SAE & 1 IRC. Address : Radio Santa Cruz - Instituto Radiofonico Fé y Alegria - Casilla 672, Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Street Address on the cover Letter : Fundacion IRFA, Calle Mario Saucedo Sevilla esquina Guendá, Casilla nº 672 y 3213 - Santa Cruz. Email : ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, Tubarao, Brasil, via )

BONAIRE NETHERLANDS ANTILLAS : RADIO NETHERLANDS 6170 kHz TESTS QSL Card, No V/s, Reply in 47 days. Sent to Email only for TESTS : info via Jaime Baguena. ( Rafael Rodriguez R. , Bogotà, D.C., Colombia )

BOSNIA HERCEGOVINA : BH RADIO 1, 612 kHz, Donje Mostre (600kW) Summer 2011 inactive, transmitter being repaired. NO data thank you Email. 512 days. V/s : Senada Cumurovic (Director of BR Radio 1) Sent English report and US $3.00 ( 24 days after follow-up). Heard in Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan in May 2010. The Email states: " Dear Mr Muick, Thanks you for your letter and informations about BH Radio 1. At the moment, we don't broadcast on middle-wave but on May 2010 we had frequency 612 kHz and you could to listen our Radio. Best regards, Senada Cumurovic-Director of BH radio 1" ( Albert Muick, C/o : Kabul, Afghanistan, RX : WinRadio G303e )
RADIO BEOGRAD 1107 kHz, QSL Card, 177th Country Verified. V/s : Milan Misic (General Manager) Address : RTS/ETV/Stikt Predajnici, Ul. Kneza Viseslava 88, BH-11030 Beograd. ( Alessandro Groppazzi, Italy , my blog : )
RADIO ZAVIDOVICI 1503 kHz, Email-QSL in 3 days. Email-rpt : V/s : Danijel Dado Slipogor (Ham E72PLQ) Original Report Sent by snail mail CD MP3 & 1 US$, Address : Maresala Tita bb - BH-72220 Zavidovici. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)

BOTSWANA : STUDIO 7 (Relay VOA), Selebi Pikwe, 909 kHz, QSL-Card, Postcards, Sticker. Reply in 80 days after follow-up. V/s : Brendan Murphy (Zimbabwe Service Chief). ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )

BRASIL : NOSSA RADIO RELOGIO 580 kHz, Rio de Janeiro,RJ. 580 kHz - Nossa Radio Relogio, Rio de Janeiro. Personal Letter + QSL PPC carimbado + 2 Stickers. Reply in 187 days (22 days after f/p). V/s : Renato Bruno da Silva. Address : Nossa Radio Relogio LTDA, Estrada dos Bandeirantes 1000, Barrio Taquara, CEP-22710-113, Jacarepaguà, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. WEB : See my WEB : ( Fabricio Andrade Silvio, Brasil, via )
RADIO AURI VERDE 760 kHz, Baurú,SP. QSL PPC + Visit Card with thanks, in 11 days. V/s : Luiz Henrique da Silva (Lula). Sent PPC & SASE. Address : Rua Virgilio Malta 6-78, CEP-17015-220 Bauru, SP. WEB : ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, Brasil, see my WEB : )
RADIO BELOS VALES 1360 kHz, Ibirama, SC., QSL PPC + Personal Letter, in 21 days. V/s : Karolynne F. Mardietti. Sent PPC & SASE. Address : Rua Tiradentes 283, Sala 21 e 22, CEP-89140-000 Ibirama, SC. ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, Brasil, see my WEB : )
RADIO CELINAUTA 1010 kHz, Pato Branco, PR., QSL PPC carimbado + Letter in 31 days. V/s : Clesio Tadeu Wiggers. Address : Radio Celinauta, Rua Arariboia 1909, CEP-85.505-030 Pato Branco, PR. WEB : ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, Brasil, see my WEB : via )
RADIO CLUBE do PARA' Belem, 4885 kHz, QSL Letter Not Detailled + Letter + Sticker 80 years + GREAT PENNANT 80 years. WEB : V/s : Camilo Centeno (Diretor). WEB : PHOTOS WEB : Station has an electronic book for the 80 years Anniversary 24 Page!!!!!!! ( Fabio Mattos, Garopaba-SC., Brasil, via ) RADIO CLUBE do PARA' 4885 kHz, QSL Card + Banderin 80 years + Sticker + Pin Label + 3 Postcards. Reply in 102 days. Address : Avenida Almirante Barroso 2190, Barrio Marco, CEP-66095-000, Belém, Pará. V/s : Camilo Centeno (Director General) Sent 1 $ US + CD Grabación. ( Antonio Madrid G., Catalunia )
RADIO CLUBE PARANAENSE Curitiba, ZYJ200 1430 kHz. Sent Email follow up, for a 2006 report, received Email in 2 hours !!!!!!. V/s : Nelinton Rosenau. Email : WEB : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain)
RADIO DAQUI Goiania, GO., 4915 kHz, QSL Letter + QSL PPC carimbado + Stickers+ 2 Pens (biro) in 143 days (22 days after 1st follow up. V/s : Raphael Veiga. NO IRC. Address : Radio Daquì, Rua Thomas Edison, QD.7, Bairro St. Serrinha, CEP-74835-130 Goiania, Goias. WEB : See my WEB : ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, Brasil, via Radioescutas Dx Club, Brasil )
RADIO DIFUSAO ERECHIM, 650 kHz, QSL Letter & Sticker Difusao FM, in 30 days. V/s : Luis Henrique Moretto (Programador emissora FM) Sent a SASE. Address : Radio Difusao sul Riograndense Limitada - Avenida Mauricio Cardoso 88, 1 andar, Centro, CEP-99700-000 Erechim, RS. WEB : ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, Tubarao, Brasil, via Radioescutas Dx Club, Brasil)
RADIO FARROUPILHA Porto Alegre, RS, 680 kHz, QSL PPC carimbado + Personal Letter. Reply in 431 days (35 days after 4º follow up !!!!!!!!!!!!). V/s : Araujo Jr. ( Deejay apresentador ) Address : Radio Farroupilha, Rua Correa Lima 1960, Morro Santa Tereza, CEP-90850-250 Porto Alegre, RS. WEB : ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, Tubarao, Brasil, via Radioescutas Dx Club, Brasil)
RADIO INCONFIDENCIA Belo Horizonte, 15190 kHz, QSL Card, V/s : Marcus Starling ( Diretor Tecnico ) Reply in 192 days after "follow up" sent to Email : WEB : Sent audio .mp3 See my blog : ( Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogotá D.C., Colombia )
RADIO MARISTELA Torres, RS, 1380 kHz, QSL Letter + QSL PPC carimbado + Sticker in 77 days. V/s : Jorge Jockyman Jr. (Dxer QSL Manager). QSL PPC Sent SASE ( SASE not utilized) Address : Radio Maristela, Rua Borges de Medeiros 401, CEP-95560-000 Torres, RS. WEB : See my WEB : ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, Tubarao, SC., Brasil, via Radioescutas Dx Club, Brasil , via Radioescutas Dx Club, Brasil ) )
RADIO MARCONI Urussanga, SC., 780 kHz, QSL Letter + QSL PPC carimbado + Many Stickers, in 205 days (42 days after 2nd follow up !!) V/s : Roberto Campos. NO Rp sent. QTH : Radio Fundaçao Marconi, Rua da Criança 171, CEP- 88840-000 Urussanga, SC., Brasil. WEB : See my WEB : (Fabricio Andrade Silva, Tubarao, SC., Brasil, via Radioescutas Dx Club, Brasil, via Radioescutas Dx Club, Brasil ) )
RADIO MUNDIAL Sao Paulo, SP., 3325 kHz, QSL PPC carimbado + Personal Letter + Sticker + Pocket calendar 2011. Reply in 185 days (15 days after 2º follow up). V/s : Luci Rothschild de Abreu. Address : Radio Mundial, Avenida Paulista 2200, 1º andar, Bairro Cerqueira Cesar, CEP-01310-300. Sao Paulo, SP. WEB : See my blog WEB : ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, Brasil , via Radioescutas Dx Club, Brasil )
RADIO SENADO Brasilia, 5990 kHz, QSL Card in 126 days. WEB : Address : Senado Federal - Praça dos Tres Poderes, CEP 70165-900 Brasília, DF. CEP 70165-900 WEB : ( Christian Ghibaudo, France ) ZYE773 RADIO SENADO Brasilia, 5990 kHz, Sent Email, reply in 38 days. Letter in English & Portugues + QSL Card + Postcard. V/s : Ivan Godoy. Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain ) RADIO SENADO Brasilia, 5990 kHz, QSL Card Full data + Personal Letter, 20 days after follow up to Email : WEB : First Report sent by Letter in October 2009, NO reply. ( Gigi Naj, Asti, Italy ) RADIO SENADO Brasilia 5990 kHz, QSL Card + Letter + Postcard (Torre de TV). Reply in 780 days. Address : Praça Dos 3 Poderes, Anexo II BL.N. Terreo, CEP-70165-900 Brasilia, DF. Reply after 2 follow/ups via Email to : ( Rafael
Rodriguez R., Bogota D.C., Colombia )
RADIO SUPER CONDA Chapecò, 610 kHz, Letter Personal "carinho da emissora aos ouvintes" + 2 Pencils, 2 Biro & 1 Turistic Booklet of Chapecó. Reply in 30 days. V/s : Not Signed "Equipe da Radio Super Condá AM-610". Address : Radio Super Conda AM 610, Rua Benjamin Constant 286-D, 3. e 4. andares - Centro, CEP- 89801-970 Chapecó, SC. WEB : ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, my WEB : info Via : )
RADIO TAMOIO Rio de Janeiro, 900 kHz, QSL PPC + Personal Letter, in 25 days, V/s : Carlos Issa. Sent PPC + SASE. Address : Radio Tamoio, Avenvida Portugal nº 96, Bairro Urca, CEP-22291-050 Rio de Janeiro, RJ. WEB : ( Fabricio Silva, Brasil, see my WEB : http://pqslfabricio.blogspot via Radio Escutas DX Group Yahoo, Brasil )
RADIO TRANS MUNDIAL Santa Maria, 11735 kHz, QSL Card + Magazine + Pocket Calendar in 70 days. Address : Caixa Postal 18113, CEP-04626-970 Sao Paulo, SP. V/s : Rudolf Grimm ( QSL Manager ) WEB : (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO VIDEIRA Videira, SC., 790 kHz, QSL PPC carimbado + 1 Sticker. Reply 175 days (46 days after follow-up). V/s : Souza ( Procurador ). Address : Radio Videira Ltda., Rua Veneriano dos Passos nº 385 Centro, CEP-89560-000 Videira, SC. See my blog WEB : ( Fabricio Andrade Silva,Brasil, via Yahoo Group )
SUPER RADIO DIFUSORA Rio do Sul, SC., 620 kHz, QSL PPC assinado/carimbado + 3 Stickers. Reply in 134 days (10 days after follow-up). V/s : Edilson de Andrade. Address : Super Radio Difusora, Rua Carlos Gomes, 12- 2º e 3º andares , Centro, CEP-89160-000 Rio do Sul, SC. ( Fabricio Silva, Brasil, via Radio Escutas Yahoo Group )
SUPER RADIO REDE BOA VONTADE Porto Alegre, 6160 kHz, QSL PPC carimbado. Reply in 10 days. V/s : Vera Carpes Quednau (Coordenadora de programação) + Lembrança 18 years Rede Boa Vontade. Sent a SASE. Address : Legiao da Boa Vontade (LBV), Super Radio Boa Vontade, Avenida Sao Paulo 722, Barrio Navegantes/Sao Geraldo, CEP-90230-160 Porto Alegre, RS. WEB : ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, my WEB : info Via : )
SUPER RADIO REDE BOA VONTADE Sao Paulo, 1230 kHz, QSL PPC carimbado. Sent PPC & SASE. Address : Super Radio Boa Vontade - Legiao da Boa Vontade (LBV), Rua Doraci 90, CEP-01134-050 Barrio Bom Retiro, Sao Paulo, SP. ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, Brasil. My WEB : via )
VOZ MISSIONARIA Camboriú, SC, ZYE890 5940 kHz. QSL Email Report , Reply in 3 days. V/s : Luiz Carlos Machado (Diretor). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain ) VOZ MISSIONARIA, ZYE890 5940 kHz Camboriú, SC. QSL in 531 days. V/s : Cesino Bernardino (Presidente), Reuel Bernardino (Vice-Presidente), Luiz Carlos Machado (Diretor Radio). Sent 1 IRC. Address : Rua Joaquim Nunes 244, Centro, CEP-88340-000 Camboriù, SC. (Roberto Pavanello, Italy ) VOZ MISSIONARIA, ZYE890 5940 kHz Camboriú, SC. Email QSL Card in 3 days. V/s : Luiz Carlos Machado (Diretor) Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain ) VOZ MISSIONARIA, Camboriú, SC, ZYE890 5940 kHz. (Gideoes Missionarios da Ultima Hora), Big QSL-Certificate, Station & mission promotional materials, GMUH Sticker Reply in 200 days. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa ) VOZ MISSIONARIA Camboriú, SC, ZYE890 5940 kHz. QSL Card +
Magazine in 60 days. Address : Rua Joaquim Nunes 244, Centro, CEP 88340-000, Camboriú, SC. (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)

BULGARIA : RADIO VARNA 6000 kHz, QSL Card + Postcard in 10 days. Address : Blvd. Primorski 22, 9000 Varna. After 3 reports, 1 f/up - after many years the full detailed QSL card Arrived !!!! (they are no longer on short waves). Email : WEB : You may try 774 kHz. ( Norbert Reiner, Germany )

CANADA : CFZM Toronto, 740 kHz. Sent Email/f-up received Email in 4 hours. V/s : Gene Stevens (Director of Programming and Operations) Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, )
CFRA Ottawa, 580 kHz. Sent Email report, received f/d QSL-Letter in 94 days. V/s : Harrie Jones (Chief Engineer). WEB : Address : 580 CFRA, 87 George Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 9H7. WEB : ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, )
CKAC Montreal, 730 kHz. After several snail-mail Letters attempts with no success, the 10th! Email try worked. V/s : Real Germain (Directeur Général CKAC) Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, )
CKGA Gander,NFL, 650 kHz, Email-QSL in 8 months. V/s : Richard King ( Program Director, VOCM Steele Communications Group). Address : 391 Kenmount Road, P.o.Box 8-590, St. John's, NFL, A1B 3P5. Heard in the DX pedition Parkalompolo (Sweden in January 2011) WEB : ( Alessandro Groppazzi, Italy, see my blog WEB : )
CKGM Montreal "The Team 990", 990 kHz. Sent 2 Emails-f/ups, received Email in 1 day. V/s : Wayne Bews, General Manager. Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, )
CKIM Baie Verte, NFL., 1240 kHz. Sent Email-report, received f/d Email in 3 d. V/s : Richard King (Program Director). Email : ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, )
CKNB Campbellton, NB, 950 kHz. Email-QSL after 3 tentatives. V/s : David Montgomery (General Manager). Email : ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, )
CKNX Wingham, ON., 920 kHz. QSL Email Letter in 12 minutes !!!!, After 4 tentatives Emails. V/s : Rob Enders (Chief Engineer). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, )
KBS via Sackville, 6045 kHz, QSL f/d, Sticker, Report form in 11 days. Report sent to Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
VATICAN RADIO, relay Sackville, 6040 kHz, QSL Card, Postcards, Booklet on Vatican Radio in 150 days. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
VOICE of VIETNAM, relay Sackville, 6175 kHz, QSL (with TX site), photo of studios in 106 days. Report to : Voice of Vietnam, 58 Quan Su Street, Hanoi. (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia)

CANARIAS : ATLANTIS FM, Femes, Lanzarote 101.7 MHz, V/s : Stephan Kaiser (QSL Manager, DX-listener), Email & Email-fotos : WEB : (Juan Antonio Arranz, Spain)
BUZZ FM, Montaña Femes, Lanzarote, 88.6 MHz. First QSL ESporadic from Canary 2011. (BUZZ-FM heard from Salamanca 15 june 2011). Email Reply in 7 days. V/s : John Henry (Director de Buzz Enterprises SL). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, )

CATALUNYA : COPE FIGUERES 1269 kHz, Certified QSL & Sticker Giant 22x31 cm!!! in 43 days. Sent 1 US$. Rpt Sent with CD MP3 to : Séquia 3 - ES-17001 Girona. QSL card mailed from COPE BARCELONA : Carrer Diputaciò 238 - entresuelo - ES-08007 Barcellona. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
RADIO FRANCE INTERNATIONAL, Barcelona, 105.3 MHz, full detailed Letter in 105 days for report sent to : Institut Français de Barcelona, Moià 8, ES-08006 Barcelona. V/s : Monica Bieto. (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia)
SER REUS 1026 kHz, QSL Card, Stickers & Schedule in 44 days. Sent 1 US$. Address : Tomàs Bergadá 3 - E-43204 Reus. Sent CD MP3. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)

CHECHIA : CESKY ROZHLAS, 1332 kHz, QSL Card of Radio Prague in 150 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
ETHNO RADIO, Prague, 90.7 MHz, Signed & Stamped copy of my report in 70 days after follow-up. Heard in Czech Rep. WEB : Address : Polska 1089/6 , CZ-120 00 Praha 2, Vinohrady. NEW STATION NETWORK. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
HITRADIO APOLLO, Olomouc, 89.3 MHz, Email QSL sheet in 105 days, V/s : Barbora Sindelkova (Programme Assistant). Heard in Czech Rep. WEB : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
HITRADIO MAGIC, Nachod, 94.5 MHz, Personal Letter, Stickers in 65 days, V/s : Martina Kumprechtova (Promotion Manager). Heard in Czech Rep. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
RADIO BILA' HORA 2345 kHz, CHECH PIRATE (USB), Email-QSL Card in 2 days for Email-RPT to : WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) RADIO BILA' HORA, 3333 kHz, CHECH PIRATE (USB), Email-QSL PDF in 4 days. Email-rpt ID MP3 Sent to Email : WEB : ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
RADIO JIHLAVA, Jihlava, 101.1 MHz, QSL Letter via Email in 35 days. V/s : Anna Petriva. Email : Heard in Czech Rep. WEB : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
RADIO PRAGUE 5930 kHz, QSL Card via Email report : Reply in 14 days. WEB : ( Christian Ghibaudo, France ) RADIO PRAHA, 5930-11600-11720 kHz, 9 QSL (also one of last day on SW!) F/d. Schedule, Macht box, Magnetic needle, Pocket calendar, Tourist map & info depliant in 5-24 days. Reports sent via WEB site form : ( Siveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO VALASSKO, Vsetin, 102.8 MHz, Personal Letter, Stickers, Badge in 59 days, V/s : Simike Valigurova (Station Director). Heard in Czech Rep. WEB : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )

CHINA : CNR-1, Changzhou 600 kW 1593 kHz. Sent Snail-mail report. Received QSL Card in 60 days. Address : China National Radio, P.o.Box 4501, Beijing 100866. ( Mauricio Molano- Spain )
CRI 15245 kHz, Stamps + RR form + QSL Card (no tx site) in 21 days after RR to WEB form. ( Eike Bierwirth, Liepzig, Germany )
CTB CHINA TIBET Brodcasting 5240 kHz, QSL Card + Letter. Reply in 120 days. Address : CTB Lhasa City, Beijing middle road n°41, TIBET 85000. Email : WEB : ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy )

CHILE : CB138 Radio Corporacion, 1380 kHz, Santiago. Sent many Snail-mail reports and tried several times via email (all bouncing back!) with no luck finally I have received f/d Email in 9 hours !!!!!!. V/s : Gonzalo Ortega Contreras. Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
CVC La Voz Cristiana 17680 kHz, QSL Card in 115 days. EMail : WEB : ( Christian Ghibaudo, France )
HCJB relay, 9835 kHz, Email verie QSL Card & Schedule attached in 56 days. V/s : Katja Jeroma. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
NHK Japan relay, 9485 kHz, QSL Card & Schedules, Station info & Postcards in 44 days. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )

CLANDESTINE : BAR-KULAN RADIO (to Somalia) 9960 kHz. Email , 1 days, Email : first n/d answer after 10 minutes from Sunni Said Salah (Radio Bar-kulan Sports Chief Editor) Email : Email-verie after 1 day from David Smith (Director Bar-kulan Radio) ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
DEMOCRATIC VOICE of BURMA 11515 kHz, Reply with Letter in 401 days. Sent 1 IRC. Address : P.o.Box 6720, St. Olavs Plass, N-0130 Oslo, Norway. V/s : Nanthikarn Khetcharatsaeng (Executive Administration Officer). ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy )
FARUSATO No KAZE 9965 kHz – Letter + Booklet in 157 days. V/s : Yasuhiro Togo. Sent 1 IRC. Address : Policy Coordination Division – Headquarters for the Abduction Issue – Cabinet Secretariat – 1-6-1 Nagata-cho – Chiyoda-ku – Tokyo 100-8968 – Japan. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy )
FM MIRAYA 15710 kHz, QSL Card, in 63 days. Address : Foundation Hirondelle, Avenue du Temple 19 C, CH-1012 Lausanne, Switzerland. ( Alvaro Lopez Osuna, Granada, Andalucia)
OPEN RADIO NORTH KOREA, 7480 kHz Letter + Schedule in 268 days. V/s : Kim Ik Hwan (Programme Director). Sent 1 IRC. WEB : Email : Address : P.o. Box 158 Mapo post office MapoGu Seoul KO-121-600 Republic of Korea. Report in English. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy )
RADIO DAMAL, 11740 kHz, Email QSL Letter + Sheet station info in 37 days. V/s : Faith Kwamboka (Station Manager). Email : Address : P.o.Box 104638-00101, Nairobi, Kenya. WEB : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
RADIO FREE AFGHANISTAN 19010 kHz, QSL Card 180 days. Report to : Audio Visual Office : 1201 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, D.C., ZIP CODE-20036, USA. ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy )
RADIO FREE SARAWAK, 15420 kHz, QSL Card in 23 days. NO RP. WEB : Report via WEB : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa ) RADIO FREE SARAWAK 17560 kHz. QSL Letter in 8 days. Sent 1 IRC. Address : C/o : Bruno Manser Fonds – Socinstrasse 37, CH-4051 Basel, Switzerland. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy )
RADIO MADA INTERNATIONAL, 15670 kHz, Email verie in 90 days, V/s : Christian Lehmann (Vice-President GTT International). Email : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
RADIO MASHAAL, 15715 kHz, QSL Card 180 days. Report to : Audio Visual Office : 1201 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, D.C., ZIP CODE-20036, USA. ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy )
RADIO SADAYE ZINDAGI, 11755 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day for Email-report : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
RADIO SAWTU-LINJILLA RADIO, 9655 kHz, via TX Wertchtal, 5 days, Email-QSL, with photographs of the station in Cameroon. V/s : Charles Mbayanga. Email : (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Espana)
SOUND OF HOPE RADIO NETWORK 8400 kHz, QSL Card in 35 days. Sent 1 US$. Address : P. O. Box 70456 - Sunnyvale, CA. 94086 USA. Sent CD MP3. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
SUDAN RADIO SERVICE 17700 kHz, Email-QSL, after Follow/up in 150 days. V/s : Mrs. Emily Ekiilu, Email : or ( Alvaro Lopez Osuna, Granada, Andalucia)
VOICE of ERITREA (via Ethiopia), 7165 kHz, Email verie in 135 days, V/s : Samuel Andeberhan. Email : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
Y’ ABAGANDA 15410 kHz QSL Email : Electronic QSL Card & Letter via Email : in 4 days. V/s : Alex Kalazani Kigongo. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy ) Y’ ABAGANDA (Baganda Radio), 15410, via Issoudun, QSL Email : in 21 days after a couple of f/ups. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)

COLOMBIA : HJCG RADIO SANTA FE, Bogotá, 1070 kHz. Sent Email-f/up, received 2 Emails, first in 16 minutes. V/s : Ivan Augusto Briceño Linares (Comunicador social y periodista). Reply the second f/up, 2 days. V/s : Blanca Bernal (Owner). Report to Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano- Spain)
HJCU RADIO LIDER, Bogotá, 730 kHz Cadena Melodía. Email-QSL, after 2 tentatives Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
HJCV RADIO CORDILLERA, Bogotá, 1190 kHz, Sent Email-f/up, received Email in 2 days. V/s : Yaned Caro (Asistente Administrativa). Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
HJFB RADIO FIESTA, Bogotá, 1340 kHz. Sent Email-report, Received Email in 2 days. V/s : Juan Carlos Marroquín. Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
HJIP BBN RADIO, Envigado-Medellin, 1590 kHz. QSL Letter after 3 tentatives. Email : WEB : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
HJKN RADIO UNICA, Bogotà, 1280 kHz . Sent Email-report, received Email in 7 days. V/s : Yaned Caro (Asistente Administrativa). Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
HJLK RADIO CALIDAD Cali, 1230 kHz. Sent Email/f.up (5th try !!!!!!), received Email in 2 hours !!!!! V/s : Nelson Moreno Holguín. Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
HJLR CARACOL Pasto, 1280 kHz. QSL Letter (Heard with Perseus, 27 de Julio 2010). Reply with Email in 2 hours. V/s : Claudia Ortega Sarria (Directora) Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
HJNW CARACOL, Cartagena, 1170 kHz. No reply from Cartagena sent Email-f/up to Caracol Bogotá. F/d Email in 5 hours. V/s : Martin Espinosa (Comunicaciones Caracol) Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
HJUB COLMUNDO RADIO, Pasto, 1040 kHz. QSL Card. (Heard 27 july 2010, exact frequency 1039.966 kHz, ; same time same day was heard Caracol-Pasto 1280 kHz. After 2 tentatives Replied V/s : Mrs. Laylla Burgos. ( Administradora). Email : WEB : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
HJUJ ARMONIAS BOYACENSES, Tunja, 950 kHz, Sent snail-mail report, received Email in 7 days. V/s : John Rubio ("El Kapitan Vallenato", Locutor DJ.) Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
HJXZ SANTA MARIA DE LA PAZ RADIO, Medellin, 1560 kHz. Reply in 1 day. Sent Email-report, NO V/s : signed as Equipo Humano Santamaría de la paz. Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
MARFIL ESTEREO/RADIO ALCARAVAN 5910 kHz & LV de tu Conciencia 6010 kHz, may be sent to : LIBRERIA COLOMBIA para CRISTO , Calle 46 Nº. 13-56 Blq.C, Apto. 215, Bogotá, DC., Email : or alternativa : RAFAEL RODRIGUEZ R., APARTADO AEREO No. 67751, Bogotá, DC. ( Rafael Rodriguez R. Colombia)
MARFIL ESTEREO, 5910 kHz, QSL Card, Stickers in 120 days. Address : Apartado Aereo 67751, Bogotá DC. V/s : Rafael Rodríguez R. (QSL Manager ). ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) MARFIL ESTEREO, 5910 kHz, QSL Card, beautiful Sticker, in 63 days, V/s : Rafael Rodriguez (QSL Manager) Email : ( Alvaro Lopez Osuna, Granada, Andalucia)
RADIO ALCARAVAN, 5910 kHz, QSL Card + Sticker in 46 days. V/s : DXer Rafael Rodriguez. Sent 1 IRC required. Address for reports : C/o Rafael Rodriguez – Apartado Aereo 67751 – Bogotà DC. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy) ALCARAVAN RADIO 5910 kHz, Email QSL-card in 1 day. Address (and V/s) : Rafael Rodriguez R. , Apartado Aereo No. 67751, Bogotá D.C. Email : ( Norbert Reiner, Germany ) RADIO ALCARAVAN, 5910 kHz, Email-QSL Card in 1 day for Email-report to : V/s : Rafael Rodríguez. (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia, Spain )

COSTA RICA : REE Cariari, 3350 kHz, QSL Card, in 14 weeks for Email-rpt to : V/s : Javier Sánchez. (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) REE, RADIO EXTERIOR de ESPANA, DRM desde Cariari 9630 kHz, QSL Card, in 250 days, sent via Email : ( Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogotà, Colombia, )

CUBA : CMBD (CMEA ITU97) RADIO RELOJ, 570 kHz, Sta. Clara. After 5 Emails-follow up Email in 3h30 minutes. V/s : Helena Reyes Álvarez (Relaciones Públicas Radio Reloj). Email : Reloj. WEB : ( Mauricio Molano Sanche, Spain, my blog : )
CMBD R. RELOJ, 1020 kHz, Victoria de Las Tunas. Sent Email-report, received f/d Email in 90 minutes. V/s : Helena Reyes Álvarez, (Relaciones Públicas Radio Reloj). Email : Reloj. WEB : ( Mauricio Molano Sanche, Spain, my blog : )
CMBQ RADIO ENCICLOPEDIA, 530 kHz, La Habana. Sent Email-f/up, received Email in 3 days. V/s : Luisa Márquez (Directora General). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano Sanche, Spain, my blog : )
CME "CMHW Doblevé", 830 kHz, Santa Clara. Sent Email-report, received f/d Email in 50 minutes !!!!! V/s : "Editor" . Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
RADIO HABANA CUBA, 9640 kHz, QSL Card, 128 days Email : (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Andalucia) RADIO HABANA 11770 kHz, QSL Card. V/s : Manolo de la Rosa (Presentador del programa Dx "En Contacto") personal Letter, Book mark RHC, booklet " Radio Habana Cuba en el año 50* de la Revolucion". Reply in 92 days. Email Report to : WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO NACIONAL de VENEZUELA, 11670 kHz, Via Radio Habana. Scanned QSL Card, via Email (because lack of budget!) in 20 months after some f/ups! V/s : Freddy Santos. WEB : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO REBELDE 1620 kHz, Email in 10 days, Email : WEB : ( Antonio Madrid G., Catalunya, WEB info : ) RADIO REBELDE 5025 kHz, Email -QSL, after many Follow/ups, received in 1 year !!!!!!! V/s : Mrs. Osana Osorio (writer) Email : ( Alvaro Lopez Osuna, Granada, Andalucia) RADIO REBELDE 5025 kHz, Email-QSL in 5 days for Email-report to : V/s : Mrs. Osana Osoria, Editora. (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)

CYPRUS : CBC Nicosia, 963 kHz, QSL Card full/d. view of Studios in 42 days for EG report & 2 $ US return postage. WEB : Celebrating 60 Years anniversary. ( Albert Muick, C/o : Kabul, Afghanistan, RX : WinRadio G303e )
CBC CYPRUS BROADCASTING Corporation 9760 kHz, QSL Card, NO Readable V/s. Reply in 58 days. Report sent to : with audio .mp3 ( Rafael Rodriguez R. , Bogotà, D.C., Colombia )
TWR Cape Greco, 1233 kHz, QSL Card for Email-Rpt to : and Answer came by post from office in Austria : TWR, P.o.Box 141, A-1235 Vienna, Austria. (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia)

CYPRUS NORTHERN TURKEY : BAYRAK RTV, 1098 kHz, n/d thank you Letter in 126 days for EG report & 3 $ US !!!!!! return postage. V/s : Arben Fetoshi (Director of RTK). WEB : Address : BRTK SITESI, DR. FAZIL KUCUK BULVARI, LEFKOSA, KUZEY KIBRIS TURK CUMHURIYETI , KKTC, VIA AIR MAIL TURKEY. ( Albert Muick, C/o : Kabul, Afghanistan, RX : WinRadio G303e )

DANMARK : DANMARKS RADIO P1, 91.0 MHz, Email reply : in 34 days with QSL text You may see it :,com_dxqsls/Itemid,169/task,qsl/sm,detail/qid,2620/
DANMARKS RADIO P3, 89.7 MHz, 96.6 MHz. Email reply : in 34 days with QSL text You may see it :,com_dxqsls/Itemid,169/task,qsl/sm,detail/qid,2621/ ( Vladimir Doroshenko, Ukraina, Receiver : Sony XDR-F1HD, )
RADIO SPACESHUTTLE, 5815 kHz, QSL Card in 1109 days !!!!!!!!. Address : Postbus 2702, NL-6049 ZG Herten, Netherlands. Sent 0.60 Euro in coins. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy ) RADIO SPACESHUTTLE INTERNATIONAL via TX WMR, 5815 kHz, Email-QSL, Letter, f/d in 2 years 4 months 14 days !!! V/s : Dick. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya ) RADIO SPACESHUTTLE, 5815 kHz, QSL Card, in 827 days after follow-up.
WORLD MUSIC RADIO, 15810 KHz, QSL Card in 2662 days ! mailed from Albania to earn money onpostal delivery. V/s : Stig Hartvig Nielsen ( Owner ) Address : Hartvig Media, P.o.Box 112, DK- 8960 Randers, SO. Sent 1 IRC. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy )

DIEGO GARCIA : AFRTS-Diego Garcia 4319 USB kHz, QSL Card, Letter & infos HCDX in 31 days. Sent 1 US$ (SENT BACK !!! ). Address : Officer in Charge - Defense Media Center - 23755 Z Street - BLDG 2730 - Riverside, CA., 92518-2017 USA. V/s : C. A. Harris (MCC USN). Sent CD MP3. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy) AFRTS 4319 USB kHz, QSL Card in 13 days. Reply from the Riverside, CA, office (after Follow with Email : ( Alessandro Groppazzi, see WEB : ) AFRTS-Diego Garcia 4319 kHz USB, QSL Card, 13 days. V/s : Mrs. Cynthia Harris (Secretary QSL Manager AFRTS) Email : Qsl@dodmedia.osd.Mil ( Alvaro Lopez Osuna, Granada, Andalucia)

DJIBOUTI : RADIO SAWA, TX Arta 1431 kHz, Email-QSL in 16 days. No RP. Address : 7600 Boston Boulevard - Springfield, VA 22153, USA. V/s : Ramzi Zacharia Email : (Social Media Director - MBN ­ Radio Sawa) . Sent CD MP3. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)

ECUADOR : HCRS2 RADIO SUCRE, Guayaquil 700 kHz . Sent Email-f/up, received f/d Email in 4 days. V/s : Remigio Castillo (Ingeniero de Grabaciones) Email : (thanks to DXer Gert Nilsson for the Email info) WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain)
HD2IOA, Guayaquil 3810 kHz. Letter QSL + QSL Card + Folder, in 54 days. V/s : Jorge Cárdenas Amores (Capitán de Fragata) Sent Letter Report. Address : INSTITUTO OCEANOGRAFICO DE LA ARMADA DEL ECUADOR, Estación HD2IOA - Avenida 25 de Julio Via Puerto Maritimo, Base Naval Sur, Guayaquil. WEB : See my WEB : ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, Brasil, WEB : )
RADIO ORIENTAL, Tena, Napo, 4781 kHz, QSL PPC carimbado + Letter + visit card. Reply in 1 year 10 months ( 150 days after follow up). They said my first report by snail mail report did not arrived. V/s : Luis Enrique Espin & Diana Espin Velin. Address : RADIO ORIENTAL, Avenida Jumandy 536, Casilla 260, Tena, Napo. WEB : ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, Brasil, WEB : )

EGYPT : RADIO CAIRO, 9360 kHz Abu Zaabal, QSL Card + Program schedule in 84 days. V/s : Amgad Bligh (Head of Spectrum and Monitoring Department). Address : Propagation Department, P.o.Box 1186 Cairo 11511. ( Fabio Mattos, Brasil, via )

ETHIOPIA : OROMIYA RADIO, 6030 kHz, QSL Email in 12 days, V/s : Habtamu Dargie Gudeta (Head of Engineering Department). Snail address : Radio Oromiya, P.o.Box 2919, Adama, Etiopia. Email : Sent 1 IRC. WEB : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy )

FRANCE : RADIO FRANCE BLEU Belfort-Montbéliard 106.8 MHz, QSL PPC in 28 days. Address : 10 rue des Capucins, FR-90000 Belfort. V/s : Jean-Luc Le Roux (Responsable Technique) ( Norbert Reiner, Germany, heard in France)
RADIO FRANCE BLEU Champagne 94.8 MHz, QSL PPC in 4 days. Address : 28 Boulvard Maréchal Joffre, FR-51100 Reims. Reply after f/up, total 14 months. Address : 10 rue des Capucins, FR-90000 Belfort. V/s : Jean-Luc Le Roux (Responsable Technique) ( Norbert Reiner, Germany heard in France )
RADIO FRANCE BLEU Touraine 105.0 MHz, QSL PPC in 60 days. Address : Les Halles, B.P.3231, FR-37032 Tours Cedex 1. V/s : Jean-Marc Creusot (Responsable Technique) (after f/up) (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO FRANCE BLEU 107.1 MHz, Paris, 864 kHz, QSL-Letter + Postcard + Key chain + Stickers in 10 days. V/s : Antoine de Galzain (Directeur). No IRC. Address : 116 Avenue du Président Kennedy, FR-75220 Paris Cedex 16. (Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
RADIO FRANCE INTERNATIONAL 17620 kHz, QSL Card, Sticker RFI, only 6 days!! Address: TDF- Radio Business Unit, Short-wave Departament, 106 Avenue Marx Dormoy, FR-92541 Montrange Cédex. (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Espana)
RADIO MEUSE FM, Verdun 95.0 MHz, QSL PPC in 7 days. (after f/up) Address : Allée des Wées, B.P. 50029, FR-55101 Verdun (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO PLUS FM, Blois 89.4 MHz, QSL PPC & Business Card in 7 days. Address : 17 Mail Clouseau, B.P. 69, FR-41004 Blois Cedex. (after f/up, text on the nice Business Card "Bravo pour votre hobby et merci d'avoir écouté Plus FM" a real surprise) WEB : (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO R.C.F. Blois 90.3 MHz, QSL PPC in 7 days. Address : R.C.F. - Radios Chretiennes en France, 7 Place St. Irénée, FR-69321 Lyon Cedex 05 (after f/up, no direct reply from Blois) (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)

GABON : RADIO AFRIQUE NUMERO 1, 9580kHz, QSL Letter in 125 days. Sent 2 IRCs, report in English. V/s : Guy Kalenda Mutelwa ( Coordinateur d'antenne). WEB : ( Received by Japanese Dxer in JSWC QSL Informations, March 2011, Japan )

GERMANY : AFN EUROPE, Weisskirchen, 873 kHz, f/d logo/towers Email QSL Card in 3 hours Email, V/s : Glenn Wells (Frequency Manager, AFN Europe). Correct Address snail mail reports is : AFN Europe, Frequency Management, CMR 418, Unit 29405, APO AE 09058 USA. Email QSL : WEB : ( Albert Muick, USA, heard with remote RX in Europe )
ALEX Offener Kanal Berlin, 88.40 MHz, QSL PPC in 6 days. Address : Voltastr. 5, DE-13355 Berlin (Wedding) WEB : (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
ANTENNE BAD KREUZNACH, 88.30 MHz, QSL PPC in 21 months !!!!!!! Address : Kreuzstrasse 31 - 33, DE-55543 Bad Kreuznach. As a QSL-hunter you have to be patient... (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
APOLLO RADIO, Dresden, 98.4 MHz, Personal Letter & Sticker in 20 days after follow-up. Heard in Germany. Address : C/o coloRadio, Jordanstrasse 5, DE-01099 Dresden. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
ATLANTIC 2000 INTERNATIONAL, 6005 kHz, QSL card f/d, Info, Personal note in 22 days. V/s : Tiphanie. Email : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunya ) ATLANTIC 2000 INTERNATIONAL 6005 kHz. Email-QSL f/d, in 1 day V/s: Tiphanie. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
BAYRISCHER RUNDFUN, 6085 kHz, DRM SERVICE, f/d Antenna QSL Card in 63 days for EG Report & 2 US $ (Returned !!!!). WEB : ( Albert Muick, C/o : Kabul, Afghanistan, RX : WinRadio G303e )
BIT eXpress, TX Tennenlohe, 15896 kHz DRM TESTS. "DRM : Desastre de Radio Mundial" o "DRM: La Radio Intermitente" Email : V/s : Thomas Bauernschmitt QSL Card in 6 days. WEB : ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, )
CHRISTLICHE WISSENSCHAFT, 6055 kHz, QSL & Letter, Magazines in 14 days Email-report to : V/s : Ute Keller. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
DEUTSCHE WELLE, 6075 kHz, via Sines, 5 days, QSL (20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall), Stickers & Pennant flag. Email : (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Espana)
DEUTSCHES RADIO ULAANBAATAR, via RADIO 700, 6005 kHz, QSL Card in 63 days for report to Centralpost Post Box 711, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
DEUTSCHLANDFUNK, 153 kHz, Donebach, QSL Card in 17 days , Email : WEB : (Mauricio Molano, Spain )
DEUTSCHLANDFUNK, 756 kHz, Braunschweig-Cremlingen, QSL Card in 3 days for Email-report to : WEB : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) DEUTSCHLANDFUNK, 6190 kHz, f/d studio QSL Card in 97 days for EG Report & 2 US $ Sent Back !!. WEB : ( Albert Muick, C/o : Kabul, Afghanistan, RX : WinRadio G303e )
DEUTSCHLANDFUNK, 1422 kHz, Heusweiler, QSL Card in 14 days for Email-rpt to : WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
DEUTSCHLAND RADIO KULTUR 96.60 / 107.90 MHz, f/d Card in 7 days. Address : Hans-Rosenthal-Platz, DE-10825 Berlin. V/s : Ulrich Reuter (Sendemetzbetrieb) Email : WEB : (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
DIE NEUE WELLE, Karlsruhe 101.80 MHz. QSL PPC in 7 days. Address : Philipp-Reis-Strasse 3, DE-76137 Karlsruhe. WEB : (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
ECHO-fm 88.4 Uniradio Freiburg 88.40 MHz, QSL PPC in 7 days. Address : Am Flugplatz 17, DE-79110 Freiburg. WEB : (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
EUROPEAN MUSIC RADIO, 6140 kHz, 3 QSL Cards f/d , Info in 8-32 days. V/s : Tom. Email : or EMR C/o : MV Baltic Radio, R&R Medienservice, Seestrasse 17, D-19089 Gohren. ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya ) EUROPEAN MUSIC RADIO, 6140 kHz, Email-QSL and info in 14 days Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
EVANGELIUMS RUNDFUNK, 1539 kHz ( 700 kW! ), f/d Mainflingen antenna QSL Card in 54 days for EG report & 5 US $ return postage . V/s : Juergen Werth and Lothar Ruehl. WEB : WEB : ( Albert Muick, C/o : Kabul, Afghanistan, RX : WinRadio G303e )
FAMILY RADIO OROMO BROADCAST 13660 kHz, to East Africa via TX Nauen. Full data (with site) "50th Anniversary" QSL Card in response to two follow-up reports, in which they replied via Email that they will response to this request. Reply in 7 months, (three weeks after sending another follow-up request). Reports to Email : ( Ed Kusalik, Alberta, Canada, via Canada )
FRIEDENSSTIMME MISSION, TX Nauen, 13710 kHz, QSL-Card in 19 days, V/s : N. Berg. Address : Postfach 10 06 38, DE-51606 Gummersbach. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa ) FRIEDENSSTIMME MISSION, TX Wertachtal, 11695 kHz, QSL Card & infos in 14 days, for report to : Postfach 100638, DE-51606 Gummersbach. Sent 1 US $. V/s : N. Beog. (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
FRSH, via Radio 700, TX Kall Krekel, 6005/6085 kHz, 2 Email-QSL Cards in 10 months for Email-report to : V/s : Dave Scott. (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia )
GOSPEL For ASIA, TX Nauen, 15390 kHz, QSL-Card in 40 days. WEB : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
HAMBURGER LOKAL RADIO, TX Kall Krekel 5980 kHz, QSL Card & Post Card Lokalradio FM in 31 days. Sent : 1 US$. Address : Kulturzentrum Lola - Lohbrugger, Landstrasse 8 - DE-21031 Hamburg. Sent CD MP3. WEB : ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy) HAMBURGER LOKAL RADIO, TX Kall Krekel via Radio 700, special QSLcard, in 42 days for RPT to : Kulturzentrum LOLA, DE-21031 Hamburg. Sent 1 US $. (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
HAMBURGER LOKALRADIO, TX Wertachtal 6045 kHz, QSL Card in 17 days. Sent 1 US$. Address : Kulturzentrum Lola - Lohbrugger Landstrasse 8 - DE-21031 Hamburg. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
HITRADIO OHR, 104.9 MHz, QSL PPC, 2 days, Address : Hauptstrasse 83A, DE-77652 Offenburg. WEB : ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
MDR Info, 1188 kHz, QSL Card, in 14 days. Email-report to : WEB : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
NDR, 972 kHz, Hamburg. QSL Card in 21 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia) FUNKHAUS via TX NDR HAMBURG 972 kHz, RADIO COLONIA Letter, Info depliant, block-notes in 5 days. Report Email : V/s : Mariella Gadaleta (WDR - Funkhaus Europa, Redazione Italiana Colonia) ( Nino Marabello, Italy ) RADIO ATLANTIC 2000 International, via Radio 700, TX Kall, 6005 kHz, QSL Card in 21 days for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
OLDIE STAR RADIO, 603 kHz, Personal Letter & Stickers in 70 days, V/s : Teresa Hodl (Mediaberatung). Station Closed in 2011. ( Vashek Korinek , South Africa, heard in Germany )
RADIO BELARUS via RADIO 700, TX Kall Krekel 6005 kHz, QSL Card in 62 days. No RP. Address : 4 Krasnaya Str. - Minsk 220807, Belarus. Sent CD MP3. WEB : ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
RADIO BIELEFELD, 97.60 / 98.30 MHz, QSL PPC + Sticker in 4 days. Address : Niedernstrasse 21 - 27, DE-33602 Bielefeld. WEB : ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO BOB 90.20 MHz, TX Limburg, Letter + QSL ppc + Sticker + Station button in 5 days. Address : Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 2, D-34117 Kassel. WEB : ( Norbert Reiner, Germany )
RADIO DARDASHA 7 via Wertachtal, 9430 kHz, form-Letter+ "Word of Hope Arabic Ministry" in 70 days. Address : Radio Dardasha 7, P.o.Box 991, Larnaca, Cyprus. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
RADIO FARDA via Wertachtal, 7280 kHz, full data RFE QSL Card in 120 days after follow-up sent to RFE in Prag. HQ in Prague. V/s : Renata Simonkova (Secretary). Address : RFE/RL, Vinohradska 159A, CZ-100 00 Prague 10 Czech Republic. Good idea to sent Radio Farda & Radio Sawa reports to Radio Free Europe ! WEB : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
RADIO GLORIA INTERNATIONAL TX Kall Krekel 6085 kHz, QSL Card, lettera, schedule & Gospel postcard in 48 days. Email-rpt with audio ID MP3 : V/s : Peter Galliker ( Station Manager ). ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy ) RADIO GLORIA INTERNATIONAL TX Wertachtal 6140 kHz, Email-QSL in 14 days. Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO GLORIA SCHWEIZ 6085 kHz (TX Kall-Krekel) QSL Card + Letter + info in 60 days. Postal Address : Postfach 540, CH-6281 Hochdorf, Switzerland. Email : V/s : Peter Galliker (Station Manager) ( Norbert Reiner, Germany )
RADIO HERFORD 94.90 MHz, QSL PPC + Stickers in 4 days. Address : Goebenstrasse 3-7, DE-32052 Herford. WEB : ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO HOCHSTIFT 88.10 / 104.80 MHz, QSL PPC + Sticker in 28 days. Address : Frankfurter Weg 22, DE-33106 Paderborn. WEB : ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO HoRadS 88.6, Stuttgart 88.60 MHz. QSL PPC in 35 days. Address : Nobelstrasse 10, DE-70569 Stuttgart. V/s : Uwe Seile (Produktionsleitung) (HoRadS means Hochschul Radio Stuttgart) WEB : (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO LAUSITZ, 94.3 MHz, Personal Letter/Certificate & Sticker in 35 days after follow-up, V/s: Sophia Jakisch. Heard in Czech Rep. WEB : Address : Radio Lausitz, Hoererservice, Untermarkt 19, DE-02826 Goerlitz. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
RADIO LEINE HERTZ 106einhalb, 106.50 MHz, QSL PPC + Business card + info-flyer. Reply in 5 days. Address : Hildesheimer Strasse 29, DE-30169 Hannover. WEB : ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO LIPPE, 106.60 MHz, QSL PPC + Sticker in 5 days. Address : Lagesche Strasse 17, DE-32756 Detmold. WEB : ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO NECKARBURG, 102.00 MHz, QSL PPC in 7 days. Address : August-Schuhmacher-Strasse 10, DE-78664 Eschbronn-Mariazell. WEB : ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO PIRMASENS, 88.40 MHz, QSL PPC in 14 days. Address : Schlossstrasse 44, DE-66953 Pirmasens. WEB : ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO ROCKLAND Sachsen Anhalt, 107.20 MHz, QSL Letter in 5 days. Address : Hansapark 1, DE-39116 Magdeburg. V/s : Anne-Kathrin-Stapel (Unternehmens kommunikation) WEB : ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO RTR 1, BELGIUM 6185 kHz, TX Wertachtal Germany 125 kW. QSL Card in 14 days. Sent 1 Euro mint stamp. Address : Post Bus 15, B-4730 Raener, Belgium. NO V/s. WEB : ( Uwe Sennewald, Germany )
RADIO 700, 6005 kHz, 1kW(!), f/d QSL Card in 80 days for EG Report & 2 US $ return postage. WEB : ( Albert Muick, C/o : Kabul, Afghanistan, RX : WinRadio G303e )
SCHWARZWALD RADIO 93.00 MHz, ppc, 2 days, Address : Hauptstrasse 83A, DE-77652 Offenburg. (Schwarzwaldradio is a sub company or rather a regional programme of Hitradio OHR for the region of the lower Kinzig valley. The transmitter is located at Haslach / Kinzigtal). ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
SEED-TIME MINISTRIES, via Wertachtal, 11900 kHz, QSL Card in 21 days, Email report to : WEB : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)Hamburger Lokalradio via Wertachtal, 6045 kHz, QSL-Card in 570 days after Follow-up. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
SUEDWESTRUNDFUNK, 576 kHz, f/d Logo QSL Card in 67 days + Program Guide for EG Report and 2 US $. Return postage. V/s : Udo Merzig WEB : ( Albert Muick, C/o : Kabul, Afghanistan, RX : WinRadio G303e )
SWR 4 SCHAWABEN RADIO, TX Ulm, 94.5 MHz, QSL Card + Business Card in 35 days. Report Sent directly to Ulm, QSL came from Suedwestrundfunk, Technische Information, DE-70150 Stuttgart. ( Norbert Reiner, Germany )
WELLE 370, via Radio 700, TX Kall Krekel, 6005 kHz, QSL Card & lots of info in 27 weeks for report to Address : Welle 370, Funkerberg 20, Senderhaus 1, DE-15711 Koenigs Wusterhausen. Sent 1 $. WEB : (Artur Fernández Llorella Catalunia, Spain )
WDR, 720 kHz, Langenberg TX Kall Krekel, QSL Card, Stickers, Sked, Music CD and Magazine in 21 days, Email report to : WEB : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) WDR, 720 kHz, Langenberg TX Kall Krekel, QSL Card in 93 days Sent 2 US $, received QSL-Card + Pins label + News program booklet. ( Albert Muick, C/o : Kabul, Afghanistan, RX : WinRadio G303e )
XVRB – The Music Museum, 6045 kHz, Email Letter in 2 days. Email : in 26 days. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy ) XVRB – The Music Museum, 6045 kHz, TX Wertachtal, Email Letter in 2 days. Email report to : WEB : ( Alessandro Groppazzi, Italy see my blog WEB : )

GREECE : ERA 1, Athens, 729 kHz, Ful/d. Email-Letter in 28 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
PLUS RADIO, 102.90 MHz. Received non detailed Email Letter in 14 days. Email-report sent to : No V/s. WEB : (Ex Cosmo Radio) Real Audio : (Artur Fernández Llorella Catalunia, Spain )
RADIOFONIKOS MAKEDONIAS, Thessaloniki, 9935 kHz, QSL Card & Postcard in 21 days for Email-report to : & ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) RADIOFONIKOS MAKEDONIAS, Thessaloniki, 7450 kHz, QSL Card & Post Card of Thessaloniki, in 202 days. Address : Aggelaki 2, GR - 546 33, Thessaloniki. V/s : Tatiana Tsioli. (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Espana)

GREECE PIRATIA : B52 RADIO, 1690 kHz, Email-QSL f/d, Personal note, Photo in 1 day. V/s : Nikos. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )

GROENLANDS : KNR Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa, 3815 kHz, V/s: Nauja Brøns. Pers. Letter via Email : WEB : (Juan Antonio Arranz, Spain)

GUAM : AFRTS 5765 USB kHz, QSL Card in 30 days. No RP. Address : Officer in Charge - Defense Media Center - 23755 Z Street - BLDG 2730 - Riverside, CA., 92518-2017 USA. V/s : C. A. Harris (MCC USN). Sent CD MP3. The original report sent in january 2009 with the one mailed to Diego Garcia, but not replied. Sent Follow Up with CD MP3 and I got the QSL Card. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)NPN AFN GUAM, 5765 kHz USB. QSL Card-Email in 10 days. ( Mauricio Molano, Spain )
JSWC, via AWR Guam, 11805 kHz, Email-QSL in 2 days. Email-report to : V/s : Kazuhiko Iwasa. (QSL Manager JSWC ) (Artur Fernandez Llorella Catalunia, Spain )
KTWR Guam, 12105 kHz, QSL Card, Calendar 2011, Depliant "how to improve your reception" 39 days. V/s : Mt. Schroeder. Rpt sent via Letter was mailed from Hong Kong. ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, Brasil, via )

GUATEMALA : TGAV RADIO VERDAD, 4052.5 kHz, Chiquimula, Letter with full data QSL Card. V/s : Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid (Station Manager), Received Calendar 2011, Sticker & Brochures in 40 days. Address : Apartado Postal 5, Chiquimula. Report Sent to Email : WEB : ( Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Galizia, via Hard Core Dx Group, Finland ) RADIO VERDAD 4052,5 kHz. QSL Card + Banderin multicolorado + Calcomania + Pocket Calendar 2011 & material evangelico. Reply in 154 days. V/s : Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid (Station Manager Gerente) Report sent to Email : ( Rafael Rodriguez R. , Bogotà, Colombia, ) TGAV RADIO VERDAD, 4052,5 kHz, Chiquimula. Power 210 watts. QSL Card (nº 9), Beautiful Cloth Gold Pennant 2011 + Sticker. V/s : Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid (Station Manager). Report to : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
TGCT RADIO CULTURAL, 4780 kHz, Coatán, QSL Card, Station listened in december 2007. Now only FM. Reply Email. V/s : Domingo Hernandez. Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )

GUYANA FRENCH : FAMILY RADIO, 7360 kHz, Relay Montsinery, QSL Card, Book, Sked, Sticker in 210 days, for Email-report. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) WYFR Relay Montsinery, 7360 kHz, QSL Card, Stickers in 70 days. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
RADIO TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL Relay, 9840 kHz, QSL Card, Schedule, Reception Report forms in 33 days after follow-up. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )

HONDURAS : RADIO LUZ y VIDA, 3250 kHz, EMAIL QSL Letter in 90 days after many tentatives. Email : V/s : Josè Adoney Sanchez (Program Manager). Postal Address : Apartado Postal 303, San Pedro de Sula. ( Hans Dieter Buschau, Germany )

HUNGARY : HAL3 KOSSUTH RADIO 540 kHz, Solt. QSL Card after 5 Tentatives ! Thanks to the Dxer Finnish Pekka Hakala I got the correct Email of Sr. Geza Valyi ( Public Relations International Radio Hungary). Reply in 2 days, Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )

INDIA : ALL INDIA RADIO - General Service 9445 kHz, QSL Card, in 116 days. V/s : Director (Sprectrum Management & Sinegry) Report Sent by Email : ( Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogota, Colombia, WEB : )
ALL INDIA RADIO KHAMPUR 15050 kHz, Super Power DRM TX. Email QSL N/d. Reply. V/s : Prem Singh (Assistant Station Manager) Email : Postal Address : ALL INDIA RADIO, High Power Transmitter, Khampur, 110036 New Dheli. ( Hans Dieter Buschau, Germany )

IRELAND : RADIO NORTH AM, 846 kHz, V/s : Paul (Chief Engineer), Email QSL : (Juan Antonio Arranz, Spain)

ITALY : CHALLENGER RADIO, 1368 kHz, Villa Estense, PD, Email QSL "attestato di conferma" Diplom with photos. V/s : Maurizio Anselmo (Station Manager) Email : Addres : Challenger, Via Legnano 7, IT-35040 Villa Estense, PD. WEB : ( Gigi Nadali, Italy ) CHALLENGER RADIO 1368 kHz Email reply in 1 day ( Roberto Rizzardi, Italy )
KISS KISS NETWORK, 104.9 MHz, TX Badde Urbara (Sardegna) 1000 watts power. Reply in 35 days. Email QSL Letter : V/s : Ugo Lombardi ( Direttore Servizio Tecnico)
IAR ROMA RADIO, 8418 kHz, f/d "73 fm RomaRadio/IAR" folder QSL Card with color picture of their offices on front of card, a picture of Marconi and sat dishes on the inside of the card and a ship outline on the back. Reply in 68 days for English airmail report and US $5 return postage. This is really a very lovely QSL. ( Albert Muick, C/o : Kabul, Afghanistan, RX : WinRadio G303e )
MEDIA VENETA RADIO, 1233 kHz, Email QSL Letter in 2 days. Email : con V/s : Gabriele Belloni ( General Manager ) ( Alessandro Capra, Italy) MEDIA VENETA RADIO, 1233 kHz, Email QSL Letter & Logo "San Marco Lyon" in 3 days. 50 watts power. Email : con V/s : Gabriele Belloni ( General Manager ) ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy ) MEDIA VENETA RADIO, 1233 kHz, Email QSL Letter & Logo "San Marco Lyon" in 4 days. 50 watts power. Email : con V/s : Gabriele Belloni ( General Manager ) ( Alessandro Groppazzi, Italy, see my blog WEB : )
LIFE GATE RADIO, 105.1 MHz, Letter in 15 days, WEB : Address : LIFEGATE Spa, Via Manzoni 18, IT-22046 Merone (Como). Email : ( Christian Ghibaudo, France )
NUOVA SPAZIO RADIO, ROMA, 88.1 MHz. QSL-ppc in 123 days. Address : Via della Camilluccia 313, IT-00135 Roma. WEB : ( Norbert Reiner, Germany,heard in Italy )
ONDA MEDIA BROADCAST 1512 kHz, TX San Pietro in Casale (BO). SMS text Confirm Report Sent via Email, mobile +39 3927558283. Received in 21 minutes. Station Manager : Roberto FURLAN. Email : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy) ONDA MEDIA BROADCAST 1512 kHz, TX San Pietro in Casale (BO). Reply with sms in 3 hours, reported via Phonecell : +39 392-7558283 Report may be sent also to Email : ( Alessandro Capra, Italy )
RADIO ALEX, 89.9 MHz. Letter & Stickers. Address : Via Marsala 20, IT-15121 Alessandria. Sent 0.60 Euro coins. WEB : ( Roberto Pavanello, heard from Vercelli, Italy )
RADIO ATLANTIC 2000 International, via TX RADIO AMICA, 7610 kHz, QSL Card & info in 14 days for Email-report to : V/s : Tiphanie. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, blog : ) ATLANTIC 2000 INTERNATIONAL 7610 kHz ( TX Radio Amica ), 3 QSL Cards f/d, Info, Personal Letter in 7-9 days V/s: Tiphanie. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO BROADCAST ITALIA 1485 kHz, ROMA, Email Letter in 50 minutes. Email : V/s : Maurizio Amici (Proprietario). WEB :,_1485_kHz ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy ) RADIO BROADCAST ITALIA 1485 kHz, Roma. Email reply in 1 day Email. V/s : Fabio Conteduca (Settore Tecnico) Email : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy )
RADIO CITTA' FUTURA, ROMA, 97.7 MHz, QSL-ppc, in 14 days. Address : Piazza del Gesù 47, IT-00186 Roma (TX Rocca di Papa - Monte Cavo). WEB : ( Norbert Reiner, Germany, heard in Italy )
RADIO EVANGELO, ROMA, 101.7 mHz, QSL-ppc, in 16 days. Report sent to " Radio Evangelo, C/o : Assemblee di Dio in Italia, Comitato Radio TV, Via San Pardo 50 bis, IT-75100 Matera (MT)", PPC stamped "RADIOEVANGELO 101.700, Emittente locale delle Chiese Cristiane Evangeliche - A.D.I., C.P. 4142, IT-00100 Roma-Appio. WEB : Email : (TX Rocca di Papa - Monte Cavo). ( Norbert Reiner, Germany, heard in Italy )
RADIO GLOBO, ROMA, 99.6 MHz, QSL-ppc, in 14 days. Address : Via Farfa 11, IT-00142 Roma (TX Rocca di Papa - Monte Cavo) WEB : ( Norbert Reiner, Germany, heard in Italy )
RADIO ITALIA ANNI 60 LAZIO, 89.1 MHz, QSL Letter + Sticker in 28 days. Address : Gruppo Roma Radio S.r.l., Via Tiburtina 719, IT-00159 Roma ( TX Rocca di Papa - Monte Cavo). ( Norbert Reiner, Germany, heard in Italy )
RADIO LATTE MIELE LAZIO, 89.9 MHz, QSL Letter + QSL-ppc + Stickers in 14 days. Report sent to : TECNINVEST SRL, Via Andrea Costa 10, IT-40013 Castelmaggiore (BO), ( TX Monte Porzio Catone - Roma). Station sent Key rings, Lipstick, Button and a Mause pad !!!!. ( Norbert Reiner, Germany, heard in Italy )
RADIO MAMBO, ROMA, 106.85 MHz, QSL-ppc in 10 days. Address : Via Ludovico di Savoia 10, IT-00185 Roma. ( TX Rocca di Papa - Monte Cavo) WEB : ( Norbert Reiner, Germany, heard in Italy )
RADIO MARIA TEST DRM+ , Torino (Torre Bert) in VHF 55.8 MHz. QSL Letter & Stickers. V/s : QSL Manager Giampiero Bernardini. Report Sent to : ( Paolo Romani, Torino, Italy )
RADIO MILANO 89.70 MHz, TX Valcava, Lecco - Piani d'Erna. PPC in 60 days. Address : Mediatech srl, Strada 4 Palazzo N, IT-20090 Assago (MI) (after f/up). WEB : (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO PLANARGIA, 89.60 MHz. Received full detailed Email Letter in 7 days. Email-report to : No V/s. Address : Piazza IV Novembre 9, IT-08013 Bosa (OR). WEB : (Artur Fernández Llorella Catalunia )
RADIO RDS ROMA ( Dimensione Suono Roma) 101.9 MHz, QSL-ppc in 21 days. Address : C/o Finradio Srl, Viale G. Mazzini 119, IT-00195 Roma (TX Rocca di Papa - Monte Cavo). WEB : ( Norbert Reiner, Germany,heard in Italy )
RADIO SPAZIO APERTO, ROMA, 93.0 MHz, QSL-ppc in 11 days. Address : Via Sacco e Vanzetti 213, IT-00155 Roma ( TX Palombara Sabina - Monte Gennaro) WEB : ( Norbert Reiner, Germany, heard in Italy ) From September they moved to 104.0 MHz (Ex Radio Roma 104)
RADIO SUBASIO, ROMA, 94.5 MHz, QSL-ppc + Stickers in 14 days. Address : Località Colle dei Bensi, IT-06081 Assisi (PG) ( TX Rocca di Papa - Monte Cavo) WEB : ( Norbert Reiner, Germany, heard in Italy )
RAI PIEMONTE (Regional Program), 999 kHz, QSL Card in 91 days (with mention of Regional Programme Piemonte) for Email to Raiway : No answer from regional centre in Torino. (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RAI PUGLIA (Regional Program), TX Specchia Puglia, 1431 kHz, Photo-QSL Card in 14 weeks for RPT to : RAI PUGLIA, Via Dalmazia 104, IT-70121 Bari. V/s : Lorenzo Massaro. (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RAI SARDEGNA (Regional Program), 1062 kHz, V/s : Antonio Puddu (Coordinatore Segreteria di Redazione), Email, Letter & Stickers. (He writes Spanish very well) Email : (Juan Antonio Arranz, Spain)
RTL 102.5 , 99.8 MHz. Received full detailed Email Letter as an attached file in 1 day for Email-report sent to : V/s : Gianluigi Gamba, ( Ufficio Tecnico). WEB : (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia )
STUDIO DX, via CHALLENGER RADIO, 1566 kHz, TX Roma, Full/det. Email-Letter in 180 days, Email-report to : V/s : Roberto Scaglione (Qsl Manager) WEB : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
STUDIO DX, via CHALLENGER RADIO, 1368 kHz, TX Villa Estense, Program , Studio DX, Email-QSL in 35 days for Email-report to : V/s : Roberto Scaglione (Qsl Manager) WEB : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog : )

JAPAN : NIKKEI RADIO Broadcasting Corp., 6055 kHz, f/d QSL Card caricature of listeners in 54 days for EG Report and 3 US $ return postage. WEB : Address : Nikkei Radio Broadcasting Corporation, 9-15 Akasaka 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8373. ( Albert Muick, C/o : Kabul, Afghanistan, RX : WinRadio G303e ) NIKKEI RADIO Broadcasting Corp., 3925 kHz 50kW, QSL Card in 37 days. WEB : Address : 9-15 Akasaka 1 - chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-8373. ( Michel Viani, Brasil, DX Clube do Brasil, via )

KALININGRAD : KALININGRAD Regional Centre, 1215 kHz, QSL Card + Sticker + Pocket Calendar in 21 days. Address : Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network, Kaliningard Regional Centre, 184 Sovetsky prospect, Kaliningrad 236023, Russia ( Norbert Reiner, Germany )

KOREA SOUTH : DW Relay Kimjae 9785 kHz, QSL Card + greetings Card + Sticker in 14 days for Email-report to : (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia)
HLKN KBS 1467 kHz, TX Mokpo, QSL Card in 18 days, Sent 1 IRC. V/s : Jeong Yun Shim. ( QSL Informations October 2010, JSWC, Japan)

KUWAIT : RADIO FREE ASIA Relay Kuwait 7505 kHz, QSL for Email-report to : in 21 days. (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO FREE EUROPE 5820 kHz, Turkmen Broadcast via IBB/VOA TX Kuwait. Received a nice BIG Brown envelope from Washington, inside as a Full data QSL Card (with NO site) "VOA Curtain Arrays", plus collection/2011 calendar of VOA Journalists, Postcards. Reception Report Form. This for a report direct to Kuwait but reply came from Washington. Reply in 7 months. ( Ed Kusalik, Alberta, Canada, via Canada )
RADIO KUWAIT 11990 kHz, Certificado QSL (24.5 x 18 cm) V/s : Layali Mulla Hussain(Head of Frequencies Propagation Section). Stickers + Postcards & Touristic book "Kuwait welcomes you" Reply in 394 days. Report to Email : ( Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogota D.C., Colombia )

LITHUANIA : GEMEINDE GOTTES HERFORD (Botschaft des Heils), via HCJB Studio, via TX Sitkunai, 5940 kHz, QSL Card + Personal Letter. V/s : Nikolai Ernst. (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia)
HCJB, via TX Sitkunai, 5940 kHz, QSL-Card + Letter + Sticker Reply via German section HCJB. WEB : Email-report to : ( Norbert Reiner, Germany )
IRIB relay, 5940 kHz, QSL-Card + Magazines + Schedules in 196 days. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
NHK RADIO JAPAN, via TX Sitkunai, 6130 kHz, QSL Card (with TX site) in 56 days for RPT via NHK WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) NHK RADIO JAPAN, via TX Sitkunai, 6130 kHz, QSL Card (with TX site) + Sticker + Schedules in 50 days. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
RADIO WAVES INTERNATIONAL, via TX Sitkunai, 6055 kHz, 3 QSL Cards, CD, Info, Personal Letter in 14 days for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) RADIO WAVES INTERNATIONAL, 6055 Khz, 5 QSL Cards + Stencyl f/d, Personal note, Postcard, CD, Infos in 9 days. V/s : Peter Hills & Philippe. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RMRC Dx Program Special, via TX Sitkunai 9770 kHz, Email-QSL in 5 days for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) RMRC Dx Program Special, via TX Sitkunai 9770 kHz, Special St.Helena 2009. V/s : Lutz Winkler (Dxer QSL Manager), Email & QSL pdf. Email : (Juan Antonio Arranz, Spain) R.M.R.C.- special program Radio SAINT HELENA'S DAY, 6130 kHz, Email-QSL, Email f/d in 1 day f/d V/s : Lutz Winkler (QSLManager) Report via WEB : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RMRC/JSWC DX Program special R. SAINT HELENA'S DAY, 6130 kHz, Email-QSL Card, Email f/d in 1 day. V/s : Lutz Winkler. Report via WEB : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )

LUXEMBOURG : KBS WORLD, TX Marnach 1440 kHz, QSL Card, Letter, Schedule, Report Forms, some Biro in 50 days. Email-rpt to : ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
RTL, RADIO LUXEMBOURG 1440 kHz, Sent Snail-mail report. QSL-Card + Stickers in 2 years 8 days !! NO RP Sent. Address : B.C.E., TV & Radio Transmissions, 45 Boulevard Pierre Frieden, L-1543 Luxembourg. ( Mauricio Molano, Spain ) RTL, RADIO LUXEMBOURG 1440 kHz, QSL Card in 50 days. Report to : Broadcasting Center Europe, 45 Boulevard Pierre Frieden, L-1543 Luxembourg. (Artur Fernández Llorella Catalunia )

MALAYSIA : ASYIK FM relay, 6050 kHz, Personal Email in 25 days, V/s : Mariama Uda Nagu (Head of Asyik FM). Email : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
TRAXX FM 7295 kHz, QSL card. V/s : Miss Najinah Sani (Speaker "The Jazz Kitchen") Reply in 86 days. Report sent via WEB : ( See my WEB : ( Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogotà D.C., Colombia )

MAN ISLE : MANX RADIO, 1368 kHz ( 20kW ), QSL Card large island view in 54 days + Station Pen for 2 US $ return postage. WEB : ( Albert Muick, C/o : Kabul, Afghanistan, RX : WinRadio G303e )

MARIANAS NORTHERN : ABC RADIO AUSTRALIA 11549.1 kHz, Indonesian Broadcast TX Tinian. Full data, "Radio Australia in touch with the World" QSL Card. Verified in 29 days, after sending second follow-up inquiry for a total of 4 months. ( Ed Kusalik, Alberta, Canada, via Canada )
RADIO FREE ASIA,12140 kHz, QSL Card in 9 days. Email report : ( Christian Ghibaudo, France )
RADIO NEDERLAND, TX Tinian 12065 kHz, QSL Card in 25 days. No RP. Address : P.O. Box 222 - NL-1200 JG Hilversum, Nederlands. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
RADIO TEOS, via TX SAIPAN KFBS, 11650 kHz, QSL Card in 42 days for snail report to : Radio Teos, Box 110, RU-190000 St. Petersburg, Russia. Sent 1 US $. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia )

MAURITIUS : MBC, 684 kHz , n/d Email QSL in 73 days from Cyril Nankoo ( Ag Chief Engineer ). This was followed in a couple of weeks by an MBC gift pack with a Pen, DVD about the extinct Dodo bird and an MBC polo shirt, which, sadly, is ( I'm ashamed to admit) too small for me. All this for US $5.00 return postage. NEW Address : 1 Louis Pasteur Street, Forest Side. WEB : ( Albert Muick, C/o : Kabul, Afghanistan, RX : WinRadio G303e )

MAYOTTE : RFO Mayotte "La 1ere", 1458 kHz , NO data reply but very friendly Letter. V/s : John Godet (Le Responsable Technique) in 541 days for French Airmail Report and US $5.00. Address : La 1ere, BP 103, FR-97610 Dzaoudzi, Mayotte. Sent French follow-up via registered retunr-receipt airmail and 3 IRCs!!!!!!!. Station heard on Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan. Sent back the IRCs !!!! He also sent a lot of Station Stickers. WEB : ( Albert Muick, C/o : Kabul, Afghanistan, RX : WinRadio G303e )

MEXICO : XEAI RADIO FORMULA, Mexico DF, 1470 kHz, Sent Email-F/up, received F/d. Email in 20 minutes !!!!!!! V/s : José Pablo Coello. Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
XEEP RADIO EDUCACION, Mexico DF. 1060 kHz. Sent Email-f/up. Received f/d Email in 1 hour !!!!!!. V/s : Ramsés Márquez G. (Subdireccion de Desarrollo Tecnico). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
XERF LA PODEROSA, Ciudad. Acuña, 1570 kHz, after several Snail-mail Letters reports & Email-f/ups I have received two Emails from Heberto Perez Espin in 25 days annoncing me they will read my letter in one of their programs. V/s : Heberto Pérez Espín (Gerente XERF). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain)
XETOT Tampico, Tamaulipas, 1190 kHz, with ABC network programs, Sent Email-report to HQ in México DF, received f/d Email in 5 days. V/s : Felipe de Jesus Alanis Garcia (Ingeniero), Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
XEUR RADIO FIESTA, MEXICO DF., 1530 kHz, Sent Email-report, received F/d. Email in 210 minutes. V/s : Lic. Federico Cánovas Gómez Urquiza. Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
XEWD "LA ARROLLADORA", Ciudad Miguel Aleman,Tamaulipas, 1430 kHz, QSL Email Letter. Me ha costado trabajo contactar con ellos, 2 Emails que he encontrado no funcionan. Desde una de sus paginas en Facebook, di con su sitio en y ahí descubrí a uno de sus locutores más famosos, Camilo Jacobo, quién tiene una pagina en Facebook tambien, y alli ofrece su correo de contacto. A el dirigi mi informe de recepción, y en un dia me llegò su respuesta. Email personal : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )

MICRONESIA : CROSS RADIO 4755 kHz, Email Letter & QSL Text, in 10 Hours, V/s : Sylvia Kalau (Station Manager) Email : (Sent audio .mp3) Thanks information from Ron Howard in Cumbre DX, via Rudolf Grimm list Radioescutas, Brasil. ( Rafael Rodriguez R. , Bogotá, Colombia, see my WEB : )

MOLDOVA : DEUTSCHE WELLE, TX Grigoriopol, 5925 kHz, QSL Card in 11 weeks for Email-report : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
RADIO PMR, 6240 kHz, Email reply in 528 days. WEB : Email : WEB Contact : Director : Kirsa Anatoly Alekseyevich. Address : Radio Pridnestrovie, MD-3300 Tiraspol, Pravda str. 31 ( Christian Ghibado, France )
RADIO PRIDNESTROVIE, Maiac, Relay Moldavia, 1431 kHz. Sent Email-F/up, Email-QSL-Card in 7 hours. V/s : Mr. Anatoly Kirsa (Director). Email : ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain)
RADIO PRIDNESTROVIE, Tiraspol, 9665 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day for Email-report to : V/s : Anatoly Kirsa (Director). (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia) RADIO PRIDNESTROVIE, Tiraspol, 6240 kHz, Email-QSL in 23 days. Report via Email : ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, Brasil, see my WEB via )
VOICE of RUSSIA 7290 kHz, English Broadcast to NA via TX Kishinev-Grigoriopol. Full data (with site/language listed) "State Tretyakov Gallery/80th year anniversary" QSL Card in 73 days. Email : ( Ed Kusalik, Alberta, Canada, via Canada )

MONACO : RADIO MARIA FRANCE, 1467 kHz, Personal Letter & Postcard in 35 days. Heard in Czech Rep. WEB : Address : Radio Maria France, BP 50048, FR-83180 Six-Fours-Les-Plages Cedex, France.
TWR - Europe, 9800 kHz, Email-QSL, V/s : Kalman Dobos. Reply in 38 days. Sent to : with audio .mp3 thanks to Omar Alfredo Ortiz blog WEB : ( Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogotà D.C., Colombia. See my blog WEB : )
TWR - Europe, 1467 kHz, QSL-card, after f/up, 180 days. Address : P.o.Box 141, A-1235 Vienna (Austria). ( Alvaro Lopez Osuna, Granada, Spain).

MONGOLIA : MONGOLIAN RADIO, 4895 kHz, TX Moron, QSL sent Registered mail in 80 days from English Service of Voice of Mongolia, P.o.Box 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia. (Mauricio Molano, Spain )
VOICE of MONGOLIA, 9665 kHz, QSL Card + Depliant History & Schedule. EMAIL : Address : VOM , English Section, C.P.O.Box-365, Ulaanbaatar-13. Follow/up with Email compiled in their WEB. Reply in 335 days. WEB : V/s : Densmaa Zorigt (Mail Editor English Service ). ( Antonio Madrid, Catalunia, my WEB : ) VOICE of MONGOLIA, 9665 kHz, QSL Card in 60 days. Address : The Voice Of Mongolia, C.P.O.BOX 365, Ulaanbaatar 13. ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy )
RADIO FREE ASIA, 7470 kHz, Tibetan Broadcast via Ulaan Baatar, Full data (no specific site indicated other then "Asia") 15th Anniversary QSL Card for Email report to : Reply in 7 days. ( Ed Kusalik, Alberta, Canada, via Canada )

MOROCCO : ASWAT FM, Tanger, 102.3 MHz, V/s : Communication Department. Letter not detailled in English & Stickers. Email : WEB : (Juan Antonio Arranz, Spain)
MEDI 1 9575 kHz , QSL + Personal Letter + Sticker in 100 days, for Email-report to : WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)

NETHERLANDS : RADIO BIG L 1395 kHz, QSL Card + Sticker + CB team brochure, Sent $ US 2. Reply in 30 days. V/s : B. Schuur (Chief Engineer). Address : P.o.Box 1536, NL-1000 BM Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ( Alvaro Lopez Osuna, Granada, Andalucia) UNFORTUNATLY STATION HAS CLOSED AT END OF 2010 YEAR.
RADIO 538, 891 kHz, Email-QSL Letter. V/s : Rene van de Kolk (Technical Coordinator). WEB : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
RADIO MARIA Nederlands, 675 kHz, QSL Card + Personal Letter in 10 days for Email-RPT to : and V/s : Jeroen Manten (Technical operator). Address : Postbus 5048, NL-5201 GA Hertogenbosch. (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) RADIO MARIA NEDERLANDS, 675 kHz, Lopik. QSL Letter in 5 months. WEB : Report sent to : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
RADIO MI AMIGO, 1395 kHz, via TX Big L, Special Programme, QSL Card via WEB in a few seconds. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)

NEW ZEALAND : RNZI, 9655 kHz, f/d rugby radio word series QSL Card in 37 days for English airmail report and US $5 return postage. They also send a lot of stickers and a very kind thank-you note. ( Albert Muick, C/o : Kabul, Afghanistan, RX : WinRadio G303e ) RNZI, 9765 kHz Reply with Email QSL Card in 3 days. Address : P.o.Box 123, Wellington. Report via WEB form : V/s : Adrian Sainsbury (Frequency Manager). ( Nino Marabello, Italy)

NORTH KOREA : VOICE of KOREA, 7570 kHz, QSL Card, follow/up, Reply in 15 months. QSL Card old in French + Pyongyang Times newspaper + Logo (VOK) + Information leaflet on a postcard series Kim Jong Il. Address : Emisiones Español, Pyongyang, Republica Popular y Democratica de Corea. (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain)

OMAN : BBC-WORLD SERVICE, Relay via A'Seela, 6195 kHz, Letter QSL, Sent recording CD audio, in 93 days. Address : VT Merlin Communications at Aseela, Oman. Address : BBC Relay Station, P.O. Box 40, AL ASHKARAH, PC 442, OMAN. (Alvaro Lopez Osuna, Granada, Espana)
BBC-WORLD SERVICE, Relay via A'Seela, 1413 kHz, Letter QSL, Sent 5 US $ !!!. Address via VT Merlin. V/s : Afrah Al Orimi. Email is: ( Albert Muick, C/o : Kabul, Afghanistan, RX : WinRadio G303e )
OMAN BC 15140 kHz, Sultanate of Oman, Thumrait. Letter in 30 days. V/s : Abdullah Al-Araimi (Director of Frequency Planning). Address : Ministry of Information, P.o. Box 600, Postal Code 100, Muscat. ( Ivan Dias Jr. - Sorocaba, SP., Brasil. Blog : Via Info : )

PAKISTAN : RADIO PAKISTAN, 9670 kHz, Islamabad, QSL Card + Sticker in 70 days. V/s : Muhammad Sajid Qureshi (Senior Broadcast Engineer). Address : Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation, Frequency Management Cell. 303 - Peshawar Road, Rawalpindi. WEB : ( Fabio Mattos, Garopaba, SC., Brasil. Via INFO : )
RADIO PAKISTAN, 11585 KHz, QSL and Schedule in 24 weeks for Email-report to : V/s : Iftikhar Hussain Malik. WEB : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)

PALAU : ABC RADIO AUSTRALIA 9890 kHz, QSL Card in 170 days, V/s : Ian Johnson. GPO Box 428, Melbourne, Australia 3001. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
ABC RADIO AUSTRALIA 9965 kHz, Chinese Broadcast via TX T8WH Palau. Full data "Radio Australia in touch with the World" QSL Card in 29 days, after sending second follow-up inquiry for a total of 4 months. ( Ed Kusalik, Alberta, Canada, via Canada )

PERU : CPN RADIO 1470 kHz, LIMA. Email Letter, Email : V/s : Ing. ERNESTO ANGELES DURAN (Servicio Tecnico CPN Radio) 5 kW TX Nautel. Ciudad de Lima FM 90.5 MHz, 30 Kw TX Harris. Address : Area Tecnica, Avenida Aviacion 5150, Santiago de Surco, Lima 33. Station has been closed in May 2011 waiting for a new Ownership. ( Simo Soininen, Finland )
OAU4Q RADIO ALEGRIA LIMA, 1340 kHz. Sent Email-report, received Email in 74 days. V/s : Mrs. Doris Díaz Chavéz (Directora/Propietaria). Thanks to Henrik Klemetz for his help to QSL this one !. (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain)
OAX4I RADIO LA CRONICA LIMA, 1320 kHz. Email QSL Letter. V/s : Francisco Mejorada Chauca (Jefe Operaciones Radio La Cronica). Texto : "Estimado Mauricio : Con mucho agrado te saluda Francisco Mejorada Chauca, Jefe de Operaciónes, emisora parte del Instituto de Radio y Television del Perú. Estamos muy complacidos de tu reporte de recepcion, el cual nos compromete a seguir laborando en una programacion musical acorde a las exigencias de un publico alternativo. Tenemos un amplio archivo fonografico que data de los anos cincuentas, y poco a poco esperamos compartirlo con nuestros oyentes. Pronto te enviaremos un audio de saludo, que con mucho agrado hemos hecho para tu archivo personal. Con la esperanza de seguir en contacto, te extiendo un abrazo radialista que cruce el Atlantico y una al Perú con España. Saludos. Email Personal : Audio Link WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain )
OAX4L RADIO MIRAFLORES LIMA, 1250 kHz. Email QSL Letter. V/s : Sr. Ernesto Iglesias (Jefe de Programacion) Listened the great 27 july 2010. This is the 7th MW Peruvian verified. Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
OBX4N RADIO CORPORACION, CERRO de PASCO, 1540,150 kHz, Email-QSL Letter. V/s : Daniel Palacín. Email : Real Audio WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
OBX4W RADIO CALLAO, LIMA, 1400 kHz. Sent Email-f/up with the WEB site contact form. WEB : Received f/d Email in 4 days at second try. Correct Email : Address : Radio Callao, Producciones Publicitarias S.A., Calle Juan del Carpio N.140 -144 San Isidro, Lima 27. ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
OCU2X RADIO TURBO MIX-AM, CAJAMARCA, 1540 kHz, QSL Letter, Listened in november 2009. No reply to my snail report, sent 5 Emails, V/s : Sra. Daisy Huamán Chávez. Email : Real Audio : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
OCU4J NUEVA-Q, 1570 kHz, in // 107,1 MHz. Emisora del Grupo CRP CORPORACION RADIAL del PERU,LIMA. WEB : (in the same radio group : also 540 kHz Radio Inca ....many years ago also on 4762 kHz, also 760 kHz Radio Mar Lima, also 660 kHz Inolvidable Lima) Sent Email-report, received F/d. Email in 2 hours !!!!!!!! V/s : Manuel Soto Falcon (Gerente de Operaciones) Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
RADIO LIDER, Arequipa, 1240 kHz. Email QSL Letter. V/s : John Ortiz (Administrador). After many Email unreplied I got the correct one, but Sr. John Ortiz, replied the audio clip of my report was not clear..... so I do a refiling and send it again to his attention. This worked out and I got the verification by Email Letter. Mine 9th MW Peruvian verified. Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
RADIO SANTA ROSA, LIMA, 1500 kHz, Sent Email-report, received f/d Email in 270 minutes, V/s : Padre Benjamín de la Torre (Subdirector). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain)
RADIO TARMA 4775 kHz, Address : Jiron Molino del Amo 167, Tarma. Reply Email in 155 days, after many many tentatives by snail mail. Emil : V/s : Mario Monteverde (Gerente General). Sent 1 IRC with last snail mail report. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy )
RADIO VICTORIA 6020 & 9720 kHz, QSL Card (showing a grafic 12 floors building ! the new one they are building from June 2011) V/s : Juan Eduardo Cavero A. (Director) Address : Avenida Tacna 224, Lima. ( Misihito Tamura, Japan, Via JSWC February 2011) The station is closed to the public from june 2011 for Rebuilding of their headquarters in Lima ! (Dario Monferini & Roberto Pavanello visiting Lima in August 2011)
RADIO VISION, Chiclayo, 4790 khz, ppc, 35 days. Address : Radio Vision E.I.R.L., Juan Fanning 457, Chiclayo; V/s : Francisco Cordoba (tentative). ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)

PHILIPPINES : DZRP - RADIO PILIPINAS Overseas Service 11730 kHz, QSL Card, Letter personal, Sticker, Sent recording CD audio, Sent 1 US$. Reply in 66 days. Address: Overseas Service, 4/F Media Centre Building, Visayas Avenue , Quezon City, Zip Code 1100. WEB : (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain) RADIO PILIPINAS 15190 kHz, QSL + Letter + Sticker. V/s : Ric G. Lorenzo (Audiance Relations) Reply in 126 days. Address : 4/F Media Centre Building, Visayas Avenue , Quezon City, Zip Code 1100. ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy )
RADIO CANADA INTERNATIONAL Tinang 9490 kHz, QSL Card + Schedule in 36 days. No RP. Address : P.o.Box 6000, Montreal, Qc H3C 3A8, Canada. V/s : Bill Westenhaver (QSL Manager). Sent audio file CD MP3. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy ) RADIO CANADA INTERNATIONAL Tinang, 12015 kHz, QSL Card, Schedules in 42 days, V/s : Bill Westenhaven ( QSL Manager ). Address : P.o.Box 6000, Montreal, Qc H3C 3A8, Canada. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa ) RADIO CANADA INTERNATIONAL Tinang, 12015 kHz, QSL Card + Skedule in 14 days. Email-report to : V/s : Bill Westenhaver. (QSL Manager) (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia )
RADIO CHINA INTERNATIONAL 9490 kHz, Mandarin Broadcast to China via TX IBB/VOA Tinang. Full data (with site) Maple Leaf Mail bag QSL Card & Schedule for a postal report, reply in 15 days. ( Ed Kusalik, Alberta, Canada, via Canada )

PIRATIA : ATLANTIC RADIO, 6400 kHz, QSL Card, Postcard, Personal Letter in 63 days Email-report to : V/s : Stephen Prendergast. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) ATLANTIC RADIO, 6960 kHz, QSL Card f/d , Postcard, in 46 days. V/s : Stephen Prendergast. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
APPELFLAP RADIO, 4030 kHz, Email-QSL Card in 3 days for Email-RPT via Dr. Tim. Answer came from Email : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia )
BALTIC SEA RADIO, 7000 LSB kHz, Email-QSL f/d. in 3 days. V/s : Dj Sailor. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
BLACK BANDIT RADIO, 6375 kHz, Email-QSL Card in 42 days for Email-RPT to : Dr. Tim. Email : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) RADIO BLACK BANDIT, 6375 kHz & various frequencies, Email-QSL Card in 4 days. ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
BLUE STAR RADIO, 3900 kHz, in 372 giorni, QSL Card & Informations + photos. Email : V/s : Henri. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy ) BLUE STAR RADIO, 6217 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day for EMAIL-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) RADIO BLUE STAR, 3898-3905 kHz, 2 Email-QSL Card , Christmas Card, Personal Letter in 23-2days V/s: Henri. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
CACTUS JACK RADIO, 6912 kHz, Email-QSL Card, 1 day, Email : ( Alvaro Lopez Osuna, Granada, Andalucia) CACTUS JACK RADIO, 6912 kHz, 2 Email-QSL f/d in 67 minutes - 23 hours. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
CENTRAL RADIO INTERNATIONAL, 6325 kHz, Email-QSL Card in 2 days for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) CENTRAL RADIO INTERNATIONAL, 3901, 6305 kHz, 2 Emails-QSL in 14 days, Personal Letter f/d in 9 hours-1 day. V/s: Joe Ken. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
FREE RADIO NETWORK, 3905 kHz, Full Detailed Email confirmation in 2 days for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
FREE RADIO NOVA, 3935 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
FREE RADIO VICTORIA, 6450/7630 kHz, 2 Emails-QSL Cards in 5 days for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) FREE RADIO VICTORIA, 3895 kHz, 2 Email-QSLs f/d, Photo, Personal Letter in 4 days. V/s: Frank. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya ) FREE RADIO VICTORIA 7630 kHz, Email-QSL Card , Transmitter info, Personal Letter Email : V/s : Frank (Operator) in 10 days. Heard in Czech Rep. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
FRS HOLLAND, 7685 kHz, QSL Card, Letter, infos. 30 days. Address : Postbus 2702, NL-6049 ZG Herten, The Netherlands. ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany) FRS HOLLAND, 7685 kHz, Email-QSL Card, in 8 weeks for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
GERONIMO SHORTWAVE, 6265 kHz, Email-QSL Card in 2 days for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) GERONIMO SHORTWAVE, 6220 kHz, Email-QSL in 2 days for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
HIT MIXTEAM, 6219 kHz, Email-QSL in 14 days for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
IRISH MUSIC RADIO, 6930 kHz, Email-QSL Card in 4 days to Email : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
LHH-LASER HOT HITS, 6421 kHz, V/s : Tony James, QSL Letter & QSL Card, after 2 years !!!!!!!! Depliant, Stickers & CD with 10 hours songs mp3. Address : P.o.Box 293, Merlin, Ontario N0P 1W0, Canada. ( Juan Antonio Arranz, Spain )
LOW POWER RADIO, 6390 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
MAGIC AM, 6326 kHz, 2 SEXY QSL Cards !!!! f/d, Personal Letter in 90 days. Address : P.o.Box 56719, NL-1040 AS Amsterdam. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya ) MAGIC AM, 3940 kHz, QSL Card + Letter in 17 weeks. Email : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
MARINE BROADCASTERS, 6530 kHz, Email-QSL Card in 4 days for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
MIKE RADIO, 6940 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)MIKE RADIO, 6940 kHz, Email-QSL Card f/d in 19 days. V/s : Mike. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya)
OLD TIME RADIO, 6295/15070 kHz, 2 Emails-QSL Cards in 10 days for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
ORION RADIO, 5815 kHz, QSL Card for Email-report to : in 49 days. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
PIRATE RADIO MALTA, 6930 kHz, Email-QSL in 2 hours for Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
PREMIER RADIO INTERNATIONAL, 6485 kHz, Email-QSL in 14 days for Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO ALICE, 6420 kHz, Email-QSL Card f/d in 56 minutes! V/s : Herman. Address : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO AMICA, 7610 kHz, QSL in 14 days for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO BAKEN 16, 3885 kHz, Email-QSL Card in 14 days for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) RADIO BAKEN 16, 3900 kHz, Email-QSL Card in 15 days. V/s : Vince. Email-RPT to : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy )
RADIO BARONES, 1665 kHz, Email-QSL in 2 days for Email-report to : (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO BLACK ARROW, 6304,8-6930-15090 kHz, 3 Email-QSL f/d in 9-2 days V/s : Alex. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO BLACK POWER, 6395 kHz, Email-QSL Card in 2 days for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO BLAUWE ENGEL, 1620 kHz, Email-QSL Card electronic in 70 days. Email : (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO BATAVIA, 3930 kHz, Email-QSL Card electronic in 8 minuts. Email : (Roberto Pavanello, Italy )
RADIO BORDERHUNTER, 6205/6210 kHz, 2 Email-QSLs in 2 weeks/2 days for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) RADIO BORDERHUNTER, 6210 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day. V/s : Frans. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO BRANDARIS INTERNATIONAL, 6300 kHz, QSL Card, Personal Letter, Fridge Magnet in 11 months for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO CAROLINE Int/RADIO RAINBOW, 6319 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) RADIO CAROLINE Int/RADIO RAINBOW 6375 kHz, Email QSL in 1 day for Email RPT with audio ID MP3 : alternative Email : V/s: Jan Vraag. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy ) RADIO CAROLINE INT. + RADIO RAINBOW INT., 6319-6290-6325 kHz, 5 Email-QSL Card, Personal Letter in 135 minutes-1 day. V/s : Paul. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO DUTCHWING, 6386 kHz, Email-QSL Card in 14 days for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) RADIO DUTCHWING, 6324-6386 kHz, 2 Email-QSL Card, Personal note in 25-8 days. V/s : G. Tabak. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO FACE DE BLATTE, 6515 kHz, Email-QSL Card in 7 day for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO FSM, 6325 kHz, Email-QSL Card in 70 days. for Email-QSL-report to (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO GALAXY INTERNATIONAL, 6553 kHz, Email-QSL in 21 days for Email : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO GALAXY INTERNATIONAL, 1512 kHz, Email-QSL in 5 days for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO GREEN SNAKE, 6375 kHz, Email-QSL Card in 9 day. Email : via Dr. Tim. ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO JAN VAN GENT, 6966 kHz, Email-QSL Card, Email-Letter in 21 days. Email : (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany) RADIO JAN VAN GENT 6953 kHz, Email QSL Card, in 7 day for Email RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) RADIO JAN VAN GENT 6953 kHz, Email-QSL-Diplom in 22 days. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO JODELPIRAAT, 6305 kHz, QSL Card in 558 days !!!!!!!. Sent 1 IRC. Address : C/o SRS Deutschland - Postfach 101145 – DE-99801 Germany. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
RADIO KILOHERTZ, 6305 kHz, QSL Card in 1511 days !!!!!! Address : C/o SRS-Germany – Postfach 101145 –DE 99801 Eisenach – Germany. Sent 0.70 Euro in coins. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
RADIO KRISTAL, 1671 kHz, Email-QSL Card, 2 Photos, Personal note in 8 days. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO LOWLAND, 6310 kHz, Email-QSL Card in 4 hours for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO MARABU', 6220 kHz, QSL Card for an old report of December 2009! Sent Email follow-up to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO MARCONI, 6425-6450 kHz, Email-QSL in 4 days. Email-rpt IDs MP3 Sent to Email : ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy) RADIO MARCONI 6310 kHz, Email : in 12 days. V/s : Harry (Owner). ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy) RADIO MARCONI 6305 kHz, Email-QSL in 3 weeks for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) RADIO MARCONI, 6305 kHz, Email-QSL, 20 days. Email : ( Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain )
RADIO MERLIN INTERNATIONAL, 6305 kHz, Email-QSL in 2 days for Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) RADIO MERLIN INTERNATIONAL, 6300-6305-6325 kHz, 8 Email-QSL Cards, Photos, Personal Letter in 40 minutes-6 days. V/s : Paul. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya ) RADIO MERLIN INTERNATIONAL, 6325 kHz, 5 differents Email-QSLs. Email to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia, my blog: )
RADIO MISTLETOE, 6240/6310 kHz, 2 Emails-QSL Cards in 6 days Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) RADIO MISTLETOE, 3905-4100-6220 kHz, 2 Email-QSL Card f/d, Personal note, in 5 days. V/s: Kris Kringle. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO MOONLIGHT, 6305 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day for Email-report : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO MUSTANG, 6313 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) MUSTANG RADIO, 6325 - 1646 kHz, 2 Email-QSL Card f/days, Email-Christmas Card, Personal note in 01-30 days. V/s : Herman. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO NAPOLEON, 1645 kHz, Email-QSL in 7 days for Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO NEW WAVE, 6295 kHz, Email-Letter + Photos in 18 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO NORTH, 6220 kHz, Email-QSL Card f/d, Personal note in 39 minutes. V/s : Andrew. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO NORTHCOAST, 1635 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO ORBAN, 1660 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day for Email-report to : QSL came from Email : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO OVERIJSSEL, 4065 kHz, Email-QSL Card in 1 day for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) OVERIJSSEL RADIO 4065 kHz, Email-QSL, Personal note. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO PINK PANTHER, 6325 kHz, E-QSL f/d. Personal note in 2 days. V/s: Klaas. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya ) RADIO PINK PANTHER, 6510 kHz, Email-QSL f/d. Email : Power 25 watt. See my blog WEB : ( Giampiero Bernardini, Italy )
RADIO PLAYBACK INTERNATIONAL, 6870 kHz, Email, 90 days. Email : ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany) RADIO PLAYBACK INTERNATIONAL 6305 kHz, Email-QSL in 18 weeks, Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO POLARIS, 3905,5-6385 kHz, 2 Emails-QSL f/d, Personal note in 14-8 days. V/s: Dj Iggy. Email : ( Silveri Gome, Catalunya ) RADIO POLARIS, 6255 kHz, Email in 28 days. for Email-report : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO POWERLINER, 5820 kHz, Emails-QSL f/d, info, in 5 days. V/s : Mark X. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya) RADIO POWERLINER, 6303 kHz, in 3 days. V/s : Mark Olijve. Email-QSL : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy ) RADIO POWERLINER 6295 kHz, Email-QSL Card in 63 days Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO RAMONA, 6524 kHz, Email-QSL in 56 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO RASANT via IRRS, TX Rimavska Sobota 9510 kHz, QSL Card & Depliant turistic in 10 days. Email-rpt ID MP3 Sent to Email : ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
RADIO RELMUS, 1665 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day for Email-report to : (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia, blog : ) RADIO RELMUS, 1624 kHz, Email-QSL, photos in 3 weeks for Email-report to : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO RISING SUN, 6550 kHz, Email-QSL in 7 days for Email-report to : (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia) RADIO RISING SUN, 6550 kHz, Email-QSL in 2 days for Email-report to : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO SAXONIA, 6290 kHz, QSL Card & Post Card in 52 days. Sent 1 US$. Address : SRS Germany - Saxonia - PF 101145 - D-99801 Eisenach, Germany. V/s : Augustus Rex. Sent DC MP3. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy) RADIO SAXONIA, 3905 kHz, QSL f/d. Postcard in 8 days. V/s : Augustus Rex. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO SCIROCCO, 6425 kHz, Email-QSL Card in 17 hour. Personal note, V/s : Jarno. Email : ( Silveri Gmez, Catalunya )
RADIO SCOTLAND INTERNATIONAL, 6305 kHz, Email, 1 day, QSL Card, Letter, Sticker. Reply in 5 days. Address : Postbus 85, NL-9410 AB Beilen. Email : ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany) RADIO SCOTLAND INTERNATIONAL 6400 kHz, QSL, Personal Letter, Stickers in 10 days for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO SHADOW, 6267,5 kHz, Email-QSL A4 jpeg in 23 hours. Email-rpt ID MP3 Sent to : V/s: Wim. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy) RADIO SHADOW, 6282 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO SKYLINE INTERNATIONAL, 3980 kHz, Email, 14 days. Email : ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany) SKYLINE RADIO INT. 3905 kHz, Email-Letter and Photos in 4 days for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO SONIC, 6375 kHz, Email-QSL in 2 days for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) RADIO SONIC 6305 kHz. Email QSL Card, in 8 days. V/s : Jacco Paans. Email : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy ) SONIC RADIO 6375 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day. V/s : Jacco. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO SPACEMAN, 3900 kHz, Email, 2 days, Email : ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO SPACESHUTTLE INTERNATIONAL, 6310 kHz, Email-QSL f/d, Personal Letter in 149 minutes. V/s : Dick. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya ) RADIO SPACESHUTTLE INTERNATIONAL, 12265 kHz, Email-QSL in 15 weeks for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO STAR INTERNATIONAL, 6400 kHz, Partly detailed Email-Letter Email-report to : in 4 days. (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, blog : ) RADIO STAR International 6400 kHz, QSL Email : in 9 days. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy) RADIO STAR International 6221 kHz, QSL Postcard & info papers in 20 days. Sent : 1$ US. Address : RSI, Post Bus 2702, NL-6049 ZG Herten, Netherlands. Sent a CD MP3 with audio rpt. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy )
RADIO STUDIO 52, 3919 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO TARZAN, 4085 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO TROPIQ, 6965 kHz, Email-QSL in 7 days for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) RADIO TROPIQ 6390 kHz, Email-QSL f/d in 13 days. V/s: Zoli. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO UNDERGROUND, 3900 kHz, Email-QSL in 2 days for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) RADIO UNDERGROUND 6325 kHz, Email-QSL f/d in 1 day. V/s : Steve. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO UNIVERSE, 6425 kHz, Email-QSL in 21 days for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO VROLIJKE MIJNWERKER, 1665 kHz, Email-QSL f/d, 21 photos!! Personal note in 2 days. V/s : Gerrit. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO WILSKRACHT, 1655 kHz, QSL Card in 3 days. WEB : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO ZODIAC, 6390 kHz, Email-QSL in 7 days. Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
SHORELINE RADIO, 9290/15065 kHz, 2 Emails-QSL Cards in 3 days for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
SONNET RADIO EUROPE, 6309 kHz, Email-QSL in 17 months after Follow-ups. Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
TIME RADIO, 6210 kHz, Email-QSL , in 6 days. V/s: Henk K. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
TOWER RADIO, 6200 kHz, Email-QSL in 2 days for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
WCS-RADIO WAVES INTERNATIONAL, 6325 kHz, Big paper QSL, Personal Letter, Info, 2 CD, Stickers, Visit-Card, in 14 days. V/s : Peter Hills & Philippe. Address : P.o.Box 130, FR-92504 RUEIL Cedex, France. Email : ( Silveri Gomez ) WCS-RADIO WAVES INTERNATIONAL, 11401 kHz, QSL Card + CDs + info in 28 days. Email to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
WIZARD RADIO, 6296 kHz, Email-QSL + Photos in 21 days. Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
WR INTERNATIONAL, 12257 kHz, QSL + Calendar + Pen+ Personal Letter in 14 days for Email-report to : V/s : Dave Jones. (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia, blog : )
ZENDER BIZON, 6300 kHz, Email-QSL in 32 days for Email-RPT with audio ID MP3 Sent to : ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy )

POLAND : MUZYCZNE RADIO, TX Jelenia Gora, 106.7 MHz, Personal Letter & music CD in 29 days after follow-up, V/s : Darusz Malag (Media Director). Heard in Czech Rep. WEB : Local Address : Muzyczne Radio, Pl. Kard. S. Wyszynskiego 45/1, PL 58-500 Jelenia Gora. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
POLSKIE RADIO 9770 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day for Email-report via their WEB, English Service. WEB : (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia, blog : )
RADIO VANESSA, Raciborz, 100.3 MHz, Personal Letter in 49 days, V/s : Jacek Folega (Programme Director). Heard in Czech Rep. WEB : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
RMF-FM, Bydgoszcz, 93.3 MHz, QSL Letter Email after follow up. Heard june 2011. Thanks Gert Nilsson info blog I try second time to : V/s : Mrs. Przemyslaw Kula (Program Manager & Dyrektora Programowego) Email in 5 hours. Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )

PORTORICO : WAPA RADIO, 680 kHz, San Juan, Email-QSL Letter. V/s : José Raul Arriaga. (Periodista de la Redaccion). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WKCK "Cumbre 14-70", 1470 kHz, Orocovis. Reply by Email after many Reports by snail mail not replied. WEB : V/s : Julio García (Gerente General). Only Email working is : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain )
WMIA RADIO ARECIBO, 1070 kHz, Arecibo. Many tries with Letters from the 80s with NO reply, try with Email in 1 h.50 minutes. V/s : Néstor F. González (Director Técnico). Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain )

PORTUGAL : RADIO CLUBE MONSANTO, Idanha-a-Nova, 98.70 & 107.80 MHz, V/s : (Prof.) Joaquim Manuel da Fonseca (Director Executivo), QSL Email & QSL pdf. Email : (Juan Antonio Arranz, Spain)
RADIO COVA da BEIRA, Castelo Branco, 92.50 MHz, V/s : J.J. Ribeiro, Email : WEB : (Juan Antonio Arranz, Spain)
RADIO GILAO, Tavira, 94.80 MHz, V/s : Ana Cristina, QSL Email : WEB : (Juan Antonio Arranz, Spain)
RADIO HORIZONTE Algarve, Tavira, 96.90 MHz, V/s: Orlandino Martins, Email : WEB : (Juan Antonio Arranz, Spain)
RADIO SIM, TX Seixal, 963 kHz, QSL Card in 14 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunya) RADIO SIM, TX-Muge, 594 kHz. Reply in 578 days. QSL Card + TX Map !. Address : Renascença Comunicacao Multimedia, Rua Ives 14, P-1249-108 Lisboa. ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy )
RADIO UNIVERSITARIA do Algarve (RUA), 102.70 MHz, V/s : Sonia Rosa, Email after 1 year !!!!! Email : WEB : (Juan Antonio Arranz, Spain)
RDP 11905 kHz, special QSL commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Portuguese Public Radio, Personal Letter, in 1 year !!!!! So it is happy 76th Anniversary !!!!!!! V/s : Mrs. Paula Nunes. for report via their WEB : (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia)
RDP ANTENA 1, Lousa, 87.90 MHz. Received a RDP International QSL. V/s : Paula Carvalho in 4 weeks. (Artur Fernández Llorella Catalunia )
RDP ANTENA 2, Viseu, 97.50 MHz. Received a RDP International QSL. V/s : Paula Carvalho in 4 weeks. (Artur Fernández Llorella Catalunia )
RFM, Braga/Sameiro, 89.60 MHz. Email & detailed QSL Card in 35 days. Email-report. V/s : Manuel Artur (Direçao Tecnica) Email : & (Artur Fernández Llorella Catalunia )
STAR FM, 1035 kHz, Email-Letter in 14 weeks for Email report. V/s : Pedro Marques (Director Adjunto Programas). Email : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)

REUNION : FR3 RADIO REUNION , 666 kHz, QSL Card, f/d "Rotatable Antenna in Issoudun France" in 80 days for FF report and 5 US $ return postage. No V/s. Report was sent to Reunion, however reply came from TDF Radio Business Unit, Shortwave Department, Montrouge France. WEB : "MILAGRO DE DIOS" ( Albert Muick, C/o : Kabul, Afghanistan, RX : WinRadio G303e )

ROMANIA : RADIO ROMANIA INTERNATIONAL, 6070-7380-9575-9755-9790-11965 kHz, 8 QSL Cards f/d, Personal Letter, Pennant, Christmas Card, Rubber stamp for diploma, Schedule in 148-31 days. V/s : Victoria Sepciu (Servicio Espanol). Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO ROMANIA ACTUALITATI, 88.8 MHz, QSL Letter f/d in 36 days. V/s : Doina Jalea. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO ROMANIA CULTURAL, 89.5 MHz, QSL Letter f/d in 36 days. V/s : Oltea Serban Parau. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )

RUSSIA : DEUTSCHE WELLE, 15595 kHz, Dari & Pashtu Broadcast via TX Krasnodar. Full data (with site) "20 years of German Unity" QSL Card for a Postal report to to Bonn Address : DEUTSCHE WELLE, Customer Service, D-53110 Bonn, Germany. Reply in 26 days. FUTURE Cooperation Requests WEB : (Kusalik, Alberta, Canada, via Canada )
FAMILY RADIO via TX Armavir, 15450 kHz, QSL Card "50 Years" and lots of literatures, in 21 days for RR Email : - remember, this station predicts the end of the world on 21 Oct 2011, usual idiots !!!. ( Eike Bierwirth, Liepzig, Germany )
RADIO KAVKAZ, Chechnya Svobodnaya, 171 kHz, QSL sheet in 56 days. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
RADIO PODMOSKOVJE, 846 kHz, Email-QSL in 8 months. Email Report : & Reply arrived : V/s : Andrey Panfilov (Technical Department). ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO RADONEZH, 846 kHz, QSL Letter in 18 weeks to Address : ul. Pyatnitskaya 25, RU-115326 Moskva. Sent 1 US $. V/s : E.K. Nikiforov. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO ROSSII, Penza, 855 kHz. Letter, contains all the details of the reception. V/s : Head of Radio broadcasting GTRK "Penza" V/s : V.A. Bolyakin. Sent SASE and copy QSL-Letter previously received from another local radio station. (Alexander Beryozkin, St. Petersburg Russia )
RADIO ROSSII, via TX Taldom-Moscow, 7215 kHz, Email-Letter-QSL (doc with picture of site transmitter) in 6 days. Email : V/s : Andrey Shaydurov. (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain)
RV99 RADIO ROSSII, 261 kHz, TX Nº3, Taldom. Sent Email/f.up directly to the tx. site, received Email-QSL-folder (pdf.doc) in 7 d., V/s : Andrey Shaydurov. Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
RV128 RADIO ROSSII, RTRS-Krasnoyasrk, 216 kHz. Sent Email-report, received Email and photos of the LW antenna and the city in 4 hours !!!!! V/s : Shof Sergey (Chief Engineer) Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
RV1091 RADIO MAYAK, Perm, 1359 kHz. Sent Email-report, received Email-QSL-letter f/d in 22 hours. V/s : S.I. Ermolaev. Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
TATARSTAN WAVE, 15110 kHz. QSL Card. Reply in 352 days after follow up Email : V/s : Ildus Ibatullin (QSL Manager). Report sent to : P.o.Box 134, Kazan, Tatarstan, 420136. Follow up Email : ( Rafael Rodriguez R., Colombia, See my blog : )
VOICE of RUSSIA 7250 kHz. English Broadcast to NA via TX Krasnodar. Full data (with site/language listed) "State Tretyakov Gallery/80th year anniversary" QSL Card in 73 days. Email report to : ( Ed Kusalik, Alberta, Canada, via Canada )

RWANDA : IBRA RADIO, via Kigali, 9595 kHz, Email-QSL (with TX site) in 21 days Email-report to : V/s : Maria Levander. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)

SCOTLAND : BBC RADIO SCOTLAND, 810 kHz. Sent Email-report, received f/d. Email in 1 day. V/s : Alan Braidwood (Producer). Report sent to Email : WEB : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )

SERBIA : RADIO BEOGRAD 202, 1503 kHz, f/d Email-Letter, 1 day, V/s : Svetomir Cuckovic. Email : New 10 kw transmitter on 1503 kHz ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO BEOGRAD, 1107 kHz, QSL Card Sent by registered Letter in 70 days. Address : Emisiona Tehnika i Veze, Kneza Viseslava 88, BH-11030 Beograd. V/s : Milan Misic. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO SERBIA INTERNATIONAL, 6100 kHz, f/d QSL Card, Schedule, NEW STICKER !!!! in 100 days. NO IRC. Address : Medunarodni Radio Srbija, P.o.Box 200, Hilandarska 2, SRB-11000 Beograd. WEB : (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO VALJEVO 1368 kHz, Email-QSL in 28 days Email -rpt with audio ID MP3 to : V/s: Svetomir Cuckovic (Stari Banovci). The report with CD MP3 & 1 US $ US sent in 2009 has not been replied. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy )

SINGAPORE : ABC RADIO AUSTRALIA 6140 kHz, QSL Card English Broadcast via Singapore. Full data "Radio Australia in touch with the World". Verified in 29 days, after sending second follow-up inquiry for a total of 4 months. ( Ed Kusalik, Alberta, Canada, via Canada )

SKOPIERA - MACEDONIA : RADIO SKOPJE 810 kHz, Email QSL Letter. After many tentatives Reply via Email : Sra. Gena Teodosievska (Segretary RTV Skopie) Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )

SLOVAKIA : JSWC, via DX Partyline, via IRRS Rimavska Sobota, 9510 kHz, QSL Card (with TX site), Info, Sked of NHK in 42 days for 2 US $. Address : JSWC, Box 44, Kamakura 248-8691, Japan. V/s : J. Ohtake (QSL Manager). ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
MIRAYA FM relay via IRRS Rimavska Sobota, 15710 kHz, QSL Card in 21 days via Fondation Hirondelle, WEB : Address : Fondation Hirondelle, Avenue du Temple 19c, CH-1012 Lausanne, Switzerland. V/s : Mr. Jean-Luc Mootoosamy (Miraya Program Officer). WEB : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
RADIO ALIGATOR, Bratislava, 97.2 MHz, Personal Letter, Stickers, Newspaper in 90 days. V/s : Robert Majling. WEB : Address : Kutlikova 17, SK-852 50 Bratislava. ( Vashek Korinek, heard in Slovakia )
RADIO CITY, 9515-9510 kHz, 5 Email-QSL in 69 minutes-11hours, Personal Letter. V/s : Paul Kuhn. Email : ( Silveri Gomez,Catalunya )
RADIO RASART, via IRRS, Rimavska Sobota, 9510 kHz, QSL Card (with TX site) and Touristic brochure of Sundern in 21 days, Email-report to : V/s : Reinhard Marx. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)
RADIO SLOVAKIA INTERNATIONAL, 9460 kHz, QSL f/d (Last day on SW !!!!!!!!) in 62 days. Report sent to Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
RADIO 39 Dover Street via IRRS, 9515kHz, QSL Card in 32 days. Heard in Czech Rep. Report sent to Email : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
WWRB-Overcomer Ministry-via IRSS-Milano, 7290 kHz, QSL Card, Religious materials, 18 days. (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain)

SOMALILAND : RADIO HARGEISA 7145 kHz, HRD in April 2009, QSL Card in 9 days (175th country verified) Email : WEB : Address : Radio Hargeisa, C/o Konsularische Vertretung of the Republic of Somaliland, Zedernweg 6, DE-50127 Bergheim, Germany. ( Alessandro Groppazzi, see WEB : )

SOUTH AFRICA : eMalahleni FM, Witbank, 98.7 MHz, Personal Letter in 49 days, V/s : Charles Magagula (Station Manager). WEB : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
IKWEKWEZI FM (SABC), Johannesburg, 106.3 MHz, Email verie in 11 days, V/s : Phillip Mahlangu (Station Manager). WEB : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
MIDRAND COMMUNITY RADIO, Midrand, 93.8 MHz, Email verie in 18 days after follow-up, V/s : George Shear (Office Manager). ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
MOUTSE COMMUNITY RADIO, Kgobokwane, 96.3 MHz, Personal Letter in 36 days after Follow-up, V/s : Cedric Mathabathe (Executive Producer). ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
RTE Meyerton 6225 kHz, QSL Card in 104 days for Email-report to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)

SOUTH KOREA : HLAZ, 1566 kHz, QSL Card in 14 weeks for report to : HLZA, MPO Box 88, Seoul 121-707. Sent 1 US $. WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)

SPAIN : ACTIVA GOLD, 101.00 MHz. Received full detailed Letter Email as an attached file in 21 days. Email-report sent to : V/s : Jordi Monsonís (Director). Address : Segaria 1,2º, Planta 4, ES-03760 Ondara, Alacant. WEB : (Artur Fernández Llorella Catalunia )
AIRE LATINO, VALENCIA, 88.50 MHz, non detailled Letter, promotional material in 7 days. Address : Uruguay 13, Oficina 701, ES-46007 Valencia. V/s : Camilo Hernandez (Director). Email : WEB : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
CADENA DIAL SER CARTAGENA, 95.40 MHz. Received full detailed Email Letter in 21 days. Email-report to : V/s : Antonio Rosa (Director de SER Cartagena). Address : Calle Real 70, ES-30201 Cartagena. (Artur Fernández Llorella Catalunia )
CADENA DIAL SER ROTOVA (GANDIA), 107.00 MHz. Received partly detailed Letter QSL. to : V/s : José Joaquín Gorrita, (Jefe Tecnico SER Gandia). Address : Loreto 32, ES-46700 Gandia, Valencia. (Artur Fernández Llorella Catalunia )
CADENA DIAL SER VALENCIA, 94.20 MHz, Spanish/English detailed Letter QSL, V/s : Germán Mayans Esteve (Director Técnico SER Valencia). Report Email (sent many times) : ( Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia, see my blog : )
CAPDEPERA RADIO, MALLORCA, 107.50 MHz, full detailed Letter & Stickers in 14 days for Email-report to : V/s : Elena Martín. WEB : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia, my blog: )
COPE Alicante, 882 kHz, Email-Letter in 28 days for EMAIL-RPT to : V/s : Ricardo Sepulcre (Servicio Tecnico) (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
COPE DENIA, 89.60 MHz, full detailed Email-Letter in 63 days for Email-report to : V/s : Ricardo Sepulcre (Jefe Tecnico, COPE Alicante). (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
COPE GRANADA, 99.80 FM, 900 OM : Reports to : Director Técnico : Manuel Marín Regalado. (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Espana)
COPE JAEN 1143 kHz, Email QSL, in only 5 hours !. V/s : David Santos (Director), Email : ( Alvaro Lopez Osuna, Granada, Andalucia) COPE JAEN 1143 kHz, Email-QSL in 8 days for Email-report to : V/s : David Santos Aláez (Director). NEW Address: Federico Mendizábal 10, 4º, 23001 Jaén. (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
COPE VALENCIA, 1296 kHz, PPC, Stickers Very Bigs COPE! After 5 months tentatives. Address : COPE, Pasaje Doctor Serra, 2-5º, ES-46004 Valencia. V/s : Antonio Funes (Jefe Técnico de Alta y Baja Frecuencia). (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Espana)
COPE VALENCIA, 93.40 MHz, Email-QSL in word document in 28 days for Email-report to : (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
COPE VALLADOLID 882 kHz, Email-letter in 4 days for Email-report to : V/s : Julian Pastrana. (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
COPE VINAROS, 101.60 MHz. QSL Letter in 14 days for Email-report to : V/s : Jordi Monsonis, Tecnico. Address : Calle San Francisco 67, 2ª, 1º, ES-12500 Vinaros. WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella Catalunia, see my blog : )
DAS INSELRADIO, 99.60 MHz (CHANGED TO 95.70 MHz in June 2011), full detailed German Letter in 21 days. Address : Paseo Maritimo 26, ES-07014 Palma de Mallorca. V/s : Christina Trapp (General Manager), WEB : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
ESENCIA RADIO, Tres Cantos (Madrid), 92.20 MHz, Email : WEB : (Juan Antonio Arranz, Spain)
Es RADIO, Valencia, 101.50 MHz. Received full detailed Email Letter in 12 weeks. Email to : No V/s. Address : Avenida Maestro Rodrigo 84, Bajo derecha, ES-46015 Valencia. (Artur Fernández Llorella Catalunia )
HERRI IRRATIA SAN SEBASTIAN 1224 kHz, Email-QSL & photos JPEG of San Sebastiàn in 8 days. Sent 1 US$. Address : Garibai 19 - ES-20004 Donostia-San Sebastiàn (Gipuzkoa). V/s : Inigo Irastorza Iribar Email : (Departamento Tecnico Herri Irratia Loyolamedia). Sent CD MP3. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
IBIZA GLOBAL RADIO, Valencia, 94.50 MHz. Received full detailed Email Letter in 7 days. Email to : & V/s : Aitor Gonzalez. WEB : (Artur Fernández Llorella Catalunia )
LA MEGA RADIO, 107.10 MHz, full detailed Email-Letter in 35 days for Email-report to : V/s : Javi López (Director). (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia, my blog : )
LA ONDA, ALBERIC, Valencia, 101.80 MHz, partly detailled Email confirmation in 21 days for Email-report to : V/s : Salva Roses. WEB : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
LATINOS FM, 102.90 MHz, full detailed Email-Letter in 42 days for Email-report to : (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
LOS 40 PRINCIPALES, Gandia, 96.50 MHz, partly detailed Email-Letter. Sent to : V/s : José Joaquin Gorrita ( Jefe Tecnico SER Gandia). Address : Loreto 32, ES-46700 Gandia, Valencia. (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia )
MAXIMA FM, Valencia, 95.70 MHz. Received full detailed Email Letter as an attached file in 50 days. Email-report to : V/s : German Mayans (Servicio Tecnico SER Valencia). (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia )
MI RADIO EXPRESS (becomed MI RADIO from summer 2011), Gandía, 105.30 MHz. Received full detailed Email Letter in 21 days. Email to : V/s : Rafa Martinez (Director). Address : Rausell 5, ES-46702 Gandia, Valencia. (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia )
M80 MENORCA, 93.60 MHz, full detailed Email-Letter in 1 day for Email-report to : V/s : Sergi Ribera. Address : Bisbe Gonyalons 27, ES-07703 Maó. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
ONA MALLORCA, 98.00 MHz, full detailed Email-Letter in 60 days for Email-report to : V/s : Emma Socies (Directora ). WEB : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
ONDA MELODIA GIRONA, 90.40 MHz, ( Onda Cero Radio Group). Letter in 6 days Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
ONDA CERO ANTEQUERA, 1485 kHz, Email-Letter-QSL (doc), after follow up, in 2 years !!! Email : V/s : Pedro Diaz Martos (Director Tecnico Coordinador Regional). Sent snail mail reports to : Onda Cero-Malaga, Calle Peregrino, 3°-1º, ES-29002 Malaga. But NO REPLY from Malaga. (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain)
ONDA CERO MADRID, 954 kHz, two reports confirmation. Two QSL Letters (identical), I returned the sealed and signed reports received also Stickers. It took 3,5 years and 8 months respectively, to confirm my reports !!!!!!!!!!!!!!. V/s : Celso del Rio Marcos (Subdirector de Programas). Address : Onda Cero Madrid, Calle Fuerteventura 12, E-28700 San Sebastian de los Reyes (Madrid). (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Espana)
RADIO ALBOLOTE 106.10 MHz, PPC, V/s : Mrs. Dolores del Rio Jurado (Directora), 25 days, Personal visit to the station (located 5 km from Granada). The Director sealed the PPC at the moment, and gives me : Travel bag, T-shirt and Pencil ! Great Coolness! WEB : ( Alvaro Lopez Osuna, Granada, Andalucia)
RADIO ALBORAN (Almería), 92.70 MHz, QSL PPC + Sticker in 12 days. Address: Calle San Antonio de los Molinos 132, ES-04009 Almeria. ( Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain )
RADIO ARLANZON, Burgos, 98.60 Mhz, Pers. Letter. Address : Plaza De Los Vadillos 5, ES-09005 Burgos. (Juan Antonio Arranz, Spain)
RADIO BALEAR, MENORCA, 102.70 MHz, full detailed Letter, Stickers, Pencils, personal Post-Card. V/s : Jacobo Heredia (Director). Address : Cronista Riudavest 1, 1º, ES-07701 Maó. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia WEB :
RADIO BALEAR, PALMA MALLORCA, 99.90 MHz (frequency sold to Radio Maria,Palma, in June 2011), non detailled Email-Letter in 21 days, for Email-report to : V/s : Fernando Ruiz (Director). WEB : Address : Carrer Manacor 171, ES-07007 Palma de Mallorca. (At this address are located offices of Radio Inter & Radio Intereconomia Baleares ). ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
RADIO BETIS, Sevilla, 89.60 MHz. First received Email, Full detailled Letter in 35 days. Email-report to : V/s : Julio Jimenez (Director Comunicacion e Imagen). WEB : (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia )
RADIO CONTADERO 100.90 MHz, PPC, Stickers !!!!!, 7 days. Address : Calle Granada 45, ES-18198 Huétor Vega (Granada). WEB : ( Alvaro Lopez Osuna, Granada, Andalucia)
RADIO EXPRESS (Inactive November 2011), Valencia, 93.10 MHz. ( Ex La 93 punto 1). Received full detailed Email Letter in 1 year after Follow up sent again to Rafa Martinez. V/s : Rafa Martínez & Josep Ramon Lluch. (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia )
RADIO KLARA, VALENCIA, 104.40 MHz. Email-Letter in 4 days for Email-report to : V/s : Manolo Gallego. Web: ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
RADIO INTER, VALENCIA, 93.10 MHz, Full detailled Email confirmation in 1 day for Email-report to : V/s : Antonio Fuster (Jefe de Emisiones). ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
RADIO INTERECONOMIA, MENORCA, 104.70 MHz, full detailed Email-Letter in 72 day for Email-report to : V/s : Antonio Fuster (Jefe Emisiones). ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
RADIO MARRATXI, MALLORCA, 92.90 MHz, full detailled Letter, Stickers in 14 days. Address : Camí de n'Olesa 84, ES-07141 Sa Cabaneta, Marratxí. V/s : Marta Fernández. WEB : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
RADIO MARINA ALTA ONDA CERO, DENIA, Alicante, 91.30 MHz, Letter, Stickers, Bag, Pencil, Fanclub info, USB pen!!! in 28 days. V/s : Elvio Pedro González (Gerente). Address: Oficina Publicitaria, Marqués de Campo 60, Esc. A, 3ª, Pta 3, ES-03700 Denia. Email : WEB : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
RKM, Valencia, 104.90 MHz. (105.10 MHz November 2011). Received full Email Letter as an attached file in 63 days. Email-report sent to : V/s : Daniel Diez (Director). (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia )
RNE 1 CIUDAD REAL 801 kHz, Email Letter QSL (doc), in 28 days. Email : V/s : Manolo Herrera (Director Tecnico ). (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain)
RNE 5 TN CIUDAD REAL 1305 kHz, Email-QSL annexed .doc in 31 days Sent 1 US$. Address : Ronda del Carmen s/n - E-13002 Ciudad Real. Sent CD MP3. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy) RNE 5 TN CIUDAD REAL 1305 kHz, Email-QSL in 10 days for Email : V/s : Manolo Herrera ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
RNE 5 TN ALMERIA 1305 kHz, Letter QSL in 45 days. Sent 1 US$. Address : RNE Sevilla - Parque del Alamillo s/n - E-41092 Sevilla. V/s : Alicia Bonachera (Directora RNE Andalucia). Sent CD MP3. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
RNE 5 TN SALAMANCA 1314 kHz, RNE-Salamanca ¡Nueva Email-QSL!. Desde ahora confirmaremos los informes de recepción mediante QSL Email...From now RNE-Salamanca will only confirm the reception reports with Email-QSL-Card. The first one has been sent to the Finnish DX-er Antti Aaltonen for his reception on R5TN-Salamanca on Nov. 2010 at 0800 UTC. Reports to Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain, see my WEB : )
RNE 5 TN SALAMANCA 1314 kHz, Email-QSL in 3 days for Email. Report to : V/s : Mauricio Molano (QSL Manager) ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
SER RADIO ALBACETE 1116 kHz, Email-QSL in 9 days. Sent 1 IRC. V/s : Antonio Rada Almodovar Avenida Estacion 5 bajo – 02001 Albacete. NEW ADDRESS !!!!!!!! Report to Email : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy )
SER RADIO ALGECIRAS 1260 kHz, QSL Card, Personal Letter, 25 days, 1 Sticker (75 years of Radio Algeciras), V/s: Miguel Gallego (Director). Address: Calle General Castaños, 2-3 º, ES-11201 Algeciras (Cadiz). ( Alvaro Lopez Osuna, Granada, Andalucia)
SER RADIO ASTURIAS 1026 kHz, QSL Card, Stickers in 10 days. Address : Calle Asturias 19 Bajo, ES-33004 Oviedo. V/s : Josè Mara Garcia (Tecnico). ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
SER RADIO CASTELLON 1521 kHz, Email-Letter-QSL (doc), follow/up, 180 days. Email : V/s : Sergio Moltó Ibarra (Director Tecnico). ( Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain )
SER RADIO GANDIA 1584 kHz, Letter in 18 weeks, V/s : Jose Joaquin Gorrita (Jefe Sector Tecnico) Address : Calle Loreto 32, ES-46400 Gandia. Email : ( Ge Huijbens, Belgium, via )
SER RADIO GRANADA 102.50 FM, 1080 OM : Reports V/s : Director de la emisora : José Luis Ramirez. (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Espana)
SER RADIO JAEN 1026 kHz, QSL Card (looks original very old, with TX place house), 7 days, Many Stickers !!!!!. V/s : Antonio Gómez Lendinez (Director). Address : Obispo Aguilar 1, ES-23001 Jaén. ( Alvaro Lopez Osuna, Granada, Andalucia)
SI RADIO, 97.80 MHz, paper QSL, Personal Letter, Stickers in 110 days, for report to : Avenida Blasco Ibanez 136, ES-46022 Valencia. V/s : Cesar Sanchez (Jefe Tecnico). (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia, ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog : )
SON LATINO GIRONA, 104.20 MHz. Email-Letter in 28 days, Email-report to Email : V/s : Wilson Molina (Director), German Discua (Director de publicidad). WEB : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog : )
VAUGHAM RADIO, 92.80 MHz, Full detailled Email reply : V/s : Daniel Escudero (office in Madrid) Postal Address in Madrid : Virgen de Nuria 11, ES-28027 Madrid. WEB : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog : )
VINILO FM, Valencia, 105.90 MHz. Received full detailed Email Letter in 70 days. Email to : No V/s. WEB : (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia )

SRI LANKA : DEUTSCHE WELLE 6165 kHz, German broadcast to Asia via TX Trincomalee, Full data (with site) "20 years of German Unity" QSL Card for a postal report. Reply in 20 days. Address : DEUTSCHE WELLE, Customer Service, D-53110 Bonn, Germany. (Kusalik, Alberta, Canada, via Canada )
FAMILY RADIO 15210 kHz, English Broadcast to Asia via TX Colombo-Ekala. Full data (with specific site) "50th Anniversary" QSL Card in response to a follow-up report. Reply in 4 months, (3 weeks after Follow up with Email inquiry on whether Family Radio will still verifying short wave reports ). Reports to : (Ed Kusalik, Alberta, Canada, via Canada )
RADIO FARDA, IRANAWILA, 7580 kHz, QSL Card in 11 months for report to RFE/RL, Vinohradská 159a, 100 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog : )
RADIO MARSHAAL, IRANAWILA, 15360 kHz, QSL Card in 11 months for report to RFE/RL, Vinohradská 159a, 100 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog : )
RADIO NETHERLANDS W., TX Trincomalee, 9895 kHz, QSL Card in 10 weeks for Email : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog : )

SWAZILAND : TWR AFRICA, 6130 kHz, Email Letter-QSL (pdr with picture of site transmitter). Reply in 1 day. Email : V/s : Lorraine Stravopoulos ( QSL Manager ) ( Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain )

SWEDEN : RADIO NORD REVIVAL, 6060 kHz, TX Sala. QSL Card + Sticker 50 years anniversary. Reply in 43 days. WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, ) RADIO NORD REVIVAL, 6060 kHz, TX Sala. QSL Card + 35 days. Address : C/o : Ronny Forslund, Vita Huset, SE-17995 Svartsjo. ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany) RADIO NORD REVIVAL, 9940 kHz, QSL Card in 3 months. Address : Vita Huset, SE-17995 Svartsjoo. V/s : Ronny Forslund. Sent 1 $. (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia )

SWITZERLAND : RADIO GLORIA SWITZERLAND 1566 kHz, Email Reply in few Hours. Email : V/s : Peter Galliker (Station Manager) WEB : ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy ) RADIO GLORIA SWITZERLAND 1566 kHz, Email : in 1 hour. V/s : Peter Galliker (Station Manager). ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy )
RADIO RADIUS Zurich 96.90 MHz, Email in 180 days (They had a license for 96.9 in November 2009). Address : ETH Zentrum, Postfach RZ, CH-8092 Zurich. (No reaction on my snail mail Letter, so I tried it again Via WEB : Big surprise - after 180 days : Mr. Adrian Steiner (retired technician of Radio Pilatus in Lucerne, who built-up the studio equipment of Radio Radius, the Zurich University radio, discovered my letter and f/up Email. He sent me a very kind and full-detailled QSL-Letter and promised to send me a QSL Card. (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO RFJ Delemont 100.80 MHz, QSL PPC in 60 days. Address : BNJ FM SA, Programme RFJ, Rue du 23 Juin 20, CH-2800 Delémont. WEB : (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
RADIO 105 ZURICH 93.00 MHz, QSL PPC + Stickers in 21 days. Address : Leutschenbachstrasse 95, CH-8050 Zurich. (the full name of the station is "Music First Network AG, Radio 105 & ROCK NATION, Radio Monte Carlo Siwss ") WEB : (Norbert Reiner, heard in Zurich area )

SYRIA : RADIO DAMASCO 9330 kHz, QSL Card, Pennant, Stickers, Personal Letter in 21 days, Email-report to : V/s : Amelia Puga. (QSL Manager Servicio Espanol) ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) RADIO DAMASCUS 12085 kHz, via TX Adra, in 7 days, QSL, Stickers, Sheet with the Arabic alphabet, Flag Pennant radio station. V/s : Amelia Puga (Segretaria Redaccion Espanola) Report Sent via Email : (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain) RADIO DAMASCO 9330 kHz, QSL Card, V/s : Amelia Puga (Servicio Espanol) Sent Calcomania, Banderin y material Turistico. Email : Reply in 296 days. ( Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogota, Colombia, WEB : ) RADIO DAMASCO 9330 kHz, Email-QSL in 24 hours !!! After many years of tentatives "inseguimento". V/s : Amelia Puga ( Segretaria Servicio Espanol ) Email : ( Alessandro Groppazzi, Italy )

TAHITI (FRENCH POLYNESIA) : RADIO POLYNESIE "LA 1ere", Papeete, 738 kHz, English QSL Letter in 535 days for French report and US $5.00 !!!!!! WEB : (follow-up report in French with 3 IRCs !!! via registered mail QSL in 45 days after follow-up.) Station heard on Kandahar Airfield Afghanistan. V/s : Christophe Marquand (Directeur de l'Antenna Radio). IRCs Sent back !!!!! & received business card and a very nice station ballpoint pen! ( Al Muick, USA )

TAIWAN : FAMILY RADIO, Tanshui, 6280 kHz, QSL Card, lots of info, Sticker 35 days for Email-report : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) FAMILY RADIO, Chinese Broadcast 9280 kHz, to Asia via TX Bao-Zhong (Yunlin). Full data (with specific site) 50th Anniversary QSL Card after follow-up report. Reply in 7 months. Reports to Email : ( Ed Kusalik, Alberta, Canada, via Canada )
RADIO FREE ASIA, Tanshui 11605 kHz, QSL Card, Sticker & Schedule in 25 days . No RP. Address : Reception Reports - Radio Free Asia - 2025 M Street NW, Washington, DC., 22036 USA. Sent CD MP3. WEB : ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy) RADIO FREE ASIA, 11605.1 kHz, Vietnamese Broadcast via Tanshui. Full data (with site indicated as "Asia") 15 years of bringing Free press to Closed Societies, QSL Card and a nice RFA Blue Date Book for an Email report to : Reply in 11 days. (Kusalik, Alberta, Canada, via Canada )
RADIO TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL 3965 kHz, QSL, Magazine RTI n.4 in 59 days. Reporta via WEB Report : Address : P.o.Box 24-38 Taipei. ( Nino Marabello, Italy, see WEB : )
VOICE OF KUANGHUA 9745 kHz, QSL puzzle, Bookmarks & Schedule & Pocket Calendar 2010, in 41 days. Sent 1 US$. Address : P.o.Box 1700 - Taipei 10099. Sent CD MP3. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)

TAJIKISTAN : DW via Dushanbe, 9380 kHz, QSL Card in 14 days for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
VOICE of RUSSIA via Dushanbe, 4975 kHz, f/d QSL Card, 21 days. Address : Pyatnitskaya 25, 115326 Moscow. Report Sent via the VOR WEB-site ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)

THAILAND : IBB Udorn Thani, 12130 kHz , QSL in 28 days for Email-report to : (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia)
RFE Udorn Thani, 9465 kHz, QSL in 11 months for report to RFE in Prague. RFE/RL, Vinohradská 159a, 100 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog : )

TURKEY : NTV SPOR RADYO, Istanbul, 87.7 MHz, Email QSL & Audio files MP3 with Station Programming in 47 days. V/s : Kaan Ekesan (Programme Director). Heard in Turkey. Address : Buyukdere Caddesi, USO Center No. 245/A, TK-34398 Maslak, Istanbul. WEB : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
TRT IZMIR 927 kHz, QSL Card in 60 days, NO RP IRC Sent. Reported 20 August 2010. Heard 1430-1500* S/off, with regional service to Izmir area. Report sent to : TRT Turkiye Sesi Radyosu, P.K. 92, Cankaya 06551, Ankara. Sent Italian FM stickers. ( Dario Monferini, Italy )
VOICE OF TURKEY 9610 kHz, QSL Card+Depliant+Stickers in 51 days, NO IRC. Sent Audio Clip interview EDXC 2010 to Dario Monferini. V/s : Mehtap Yildiz (Segretaria Redazione Italiana) Email : In 2011 They have printed a nice Cloth Pennant in Italian !!!. ( Roberto Rizzardi, Italy, my WEB : ) VOICE OF TURKEY : 11930-9495 kHz, 3 QSL f/d, Sticker, Schedule, Tourist info in 29-45 days. Email : ( Silveri Gomez, Catlunya )

U.A.E. : ABC RADIO AUSTRALIA relay UAE 17880 kHz QSL Card 31 days. WEB : ( Christian Ghibaudo, France ) ABC RADIO AUSTRALIA Relay UAE 17880 kHz, QSL Card in 165 days. V/s : Ian Johnson. Address : GPO Box 428, Melbourne, Australia 3001. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
DEUTSCHE WELLE 9715 kHz, Russian Broadcast to CIS via TX Dhabayya. Full data (with site) "20 years of German Unity" QSL Card. Also sent press release of the up-coming changes on short wave future. Reply in 33 days. & DEUTSCHE WELLE 13840 kHz, English broadcast to Africa via TX Dhabayya. ( Ed Kusalik, Alberta, Canada, via Canada )
POLISH RADIO relay via TX Abu Dhabi, 9650 kHz, QSL Card, Personal Letter in 105 days, V/s : Slawek Szefs. Address : Polskie Radio SA - Redakcja Lacznosci ze Sluchaczami Al. Niepodleglosci 77/85, PL 00-977 Warszawa, Poland. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
TWR relay via TX Abu Dhabi, 9745 kHz, QSL Card, Religious brochure & Schedule in 120 days after follow-up via Swaziland office, V/s : Mrs. L. Stavropoulos. Addrress : RADIO TRANS MUNDIAL, P. o. Box 64, Manzini. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )

UGANDA : DUNAMIS BROADCASTING, 4750 kHz, QSL Card "Dunamis Broadcasting - A Christian Voice for Uganda" 30 days, heard on RMRC DX Camp. Report : WEB : ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)

UKRAINE : GALA RADIO FM, Kyiv, 100.0 MHz, f/d. Email-Letter, 1 day. Address : Saksaganskogo vul. 91, office 17, Kyiv 01032. Email : V/s : Mrs. Helen Marutovska. WEB : (Director of the Sales Department) (Reply in English). ( Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
KISS FM, TX Kramatorsk, 107.0 MHz, QSL Card in 42 days. Heard in Ukraine. WEB : Address : Ulitsa Vikentiya Khvoiky 15/15, Kiev 04665 ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
DW Relay Simferopol 7510 kHz, QSL Card in 21 days for Email-report to : (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia)
RADIO UKRAINA INTERNATIONAL, 7490 kHz, QSL Card & Schedule transmissions in 78 days. NO Rp IRC. V/s : Mrs. Tetiana Stechak (Editor-in-Chief of the English Section) Email : WEB : (Gioacchino Stallone, Italy, Received in September 2010.) RADIO UKRAINE INTERNATIONAL, 7440 kHz, QSLcard + Schedule for Email-report to : in 28 days. (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia
RADIO UKRAINA TERNOPIL Regional Radio, 69.83 MHz, TX Lozova. QSL Email. First reported in 2007. No Reply. Heard again 3 july 2011. Sent Email Reporta. Thanks help from Dmitry Mezin y Vlad Titarev. Reply in 8 days Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
VOICE of RUSSIA via Lviv, 11655 kHz, QSL Card "Voice of Russia 80 years / Tretyakov Gallery" in 63 days after RR to German service Email : ( Eike Bierwirth, Liepzig, Germany ) VOICE of RUSSIA, via TX Lviv, 11655 kHz, QSL Card (with TX site) in 15 weeks for Email-RPT to : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)

UNITED KINGDOM : BBC SOUTHERN COUNTIES RADIO Duxhurst 1368 kHz & BBC WILTSHIRE Swindon 1368 kHz, Email-QSL in 100 days. Sent 1 US$. Address : BBC Southern Counties Radio - Broadcasting House, 40-42 Queen's Road - Brighton, BN1 3XB. V/s : Simon Furber Email : (Senior Producer). Sent CD MP3. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
COTTON TREE NEWS, TX Rampisham 15220 kHz, QSL Card in 256 days. Sent 1 US$. NEW Address : Avenue du Temple 19C, CH-1012 Lausanne (Switzerland). Sent CD MP3. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
COUNTY SOUND RADIO, Guildford 1566 kHz, QSL Card in 28 days for Email-RPT to : WEB : (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia) COUNTY SOUND, Guidlford 1566 kHz. Sent Email-report. Received Email in 13 days. V/s : Steve Dean. Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain )
MAGIC 1161, Hull, 1161 kHz, no-detailled Letter but friendly QSL Letter V/s : DJ, Darry Lethem, in 4 days, Address : Magic 1161, Commercial Road, Hull HU1 2SQ. WEB : ( Eike Bierwirth, Liepzig, Germany )
RADIO NEDERLAND, TX Orfordness 1296 kHz, QSL Card in 26 days. No RP. Address : P.O. Box 222 - NL-1200 JG Hilversum, Nederland. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
RFE, RADIO FREE EUROPE, Relay Rampisham, 15565 kHz, QSL Card in 11 months for report to : RFE in Prague. RFE/RL, Vinohradská 159a, 100 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog : )
SPECTRUM RADIO, 558 kHz, LONDON,UK, sent Email-F/up, received F/D Email in 3 days. V/s : (Station Director) John Ogden. Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )

URUGUAY : RADIO RURAL CX-4, Montevideo 610 kHz - QSL-Letter full data, in 30 days, V/s : Gabriel Silva Petraglia (Gerente Geral do Diário Rural SA) Sent R$ 2,00 Banknote & SAE. Address : CX4 RADIO RURAL, Avenida JOAQUIN SUAREZ 3409, Prado, Montevideo. ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, Tubarao,Brasil )

USA : ACONTECER VENEZOLANO via WRMI, 9955 kHz, QSL Card + WRMI Brochure in 34 days, V/s : Jeff White. WEB : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
EWTN 5810 kHz, QSL Card in 180 days for Email-report to : (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia)
GOSPEL of The KINGDOM via WRMI, 9955 kHz, QSL Card in 77 days. WEB : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
HCJB/DX Party Line via WRMI, 9955 kHz, QSL Card, sticker, fridge magnet in 58 days, V/s : Iris Rauscher (Vozandes Media).
JESUS CHRIST OUR ONLY HOPE via WRMI, 9955 kHz, QSL Card in 77 days, V/s : Jeff White.
KCJJ 1630 kHz, Iowa City, IO, Sent Email/f.up, received Email and n/d snail-mail QSL-card in 5 days. V/s : Tom Suter (General Manager). WEB : Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
KCNZ 1650 kHz, Cedar Falls, IO, Email QSL Letter after 4 tentatives. WEB : Reply in 25 minutes !!! V/s : Jesse Gavin (News/Sports Director). Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
KOA Denver, CO, 850 kHz, Sent Email-report, received p/d Email-QSL PDF in 23 hours. V/s : Jan Chadwell (AM Chief Engineer). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
KSL 1160 kHz, Salt Lake City, UT, Sent Snail-mail Report, Received QSL-card & Coverage map in 10 days. V/s : John Dehnel (Chief Engineer). WEB : Email : First day BC 06 May 1922 ! ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
KVNS 1700 kHz, Brownsville TX. After many snail-mail reports and some Email-f/ups unanswered !!!!!!!!! finally I have received a short confirming Email in 21 minutes. V/s : Tim Thomas (VP/Market Manager). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
KZQZ 1430 kHz, St. Louis, MO, Sent Email-report, received Email in 105 minutes ! V/s : Ray Diamond. Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
LA VOZ de LA ASOCIACION (CUBANA) via TX WRMI, 9955 kHz, QSL Card in 77 days, V/s : Jeff White. WEB : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
LA VOZ del C.D.H.D. "Brigada 2506" (CUBANA) via TX WRMI, QSL Card in 77 days, V/s : Jeff White. WEB : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
MARAVILLOSAS PALABRAS de VIDA (The Salvation Army) via TX WRMI, 9955 kHz, Personal Letter in 45 days, V/s : Major Pauline Elder (Audience Correspondent, Radio Ministries). Via WRMI R. Miami International, P.o.Box 526852, Miami, FL 33152. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
RADIO MARTI', 11930 kHz, QSL Card, after 4 years !!!!!!. Email : V/s : Margarita Ray de Arenas (Secretria Radio Martì). What a surprise!!. WEB : (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain)
RADIO PRAGUE, via TX WMRI, 9955 kHz, QSL Card in 14 days. Email-report sent to : & WEB : (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia )
RADIO TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL via TX Okeechobee, 6875 kHz, QSL Card f/d, in 72 days. Report : via WEB : ( Silveri Gomez, Catalunya )
SEEKEING THE LOST International RADIO via TX WRMI, 9955 kHz, Personal Letter, Religious Literature in 35 days, V/s : John Allen. Via WRMI R. Miami International, P.o.Box 526852, Miami, FL 33152. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
TELL The WORLD MINISTRY via TX WRMI, 9955 kHz, Personal Letter in 77 days, V/s : (Rev.) Horace B. Bridges. Via WRMI R. Miami International, P.o.Box 526852, Miami, FL 33152. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
WABH 1380 kHz, Bath, NY, Sent Email-f/up. Received Email confirming reception and confirming they had tech. problem making them to stay with day power at night 10 kW ( Usually vs. 450Watts !!!!!!!!!). V/s : Jeff Neal (Operations Manager). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WBAP 820 kHz, Fort Worth, TX, Sent Snail-mail Report, Received F/d. QSL-Letter in 112 days. V/s : Neal Peden ( Director of Engineering). WEB : First day BC 02 May 1922 ! ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WBBM 780 kHz, Chicago, IL, Letter date/frequency in 22 days forone first-class stamp. V/s : Greg Davis ( Chief Operator). WEB : ( Al Muick,Whitehall, PA. USA )
WBEN 930 kHz, Buffalo, NY, 7th Email try! received f/d Email in 1 day. V/s : Tim Holly (Sales Director). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WBIX 1060 kHz, Natick, MA, Sent Email-F/up, received F/d. Email in 25 hours, V/s : Grady Moates (Chief Engineer). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WBOB 1320 kHz, Jacksonville, FL, Sent Letter-F/up, Received Email in 7 days. V/s : A.J. Davis (Operations Manager). Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, ) Station is now on 600 kHz see WEB : (Dario Monferini Dx editor)
WCKY 1530 kHz, "ESPN RADIO Cincinnati", Cincinnati, OH, V/s : Ted Ryan (Chief Engineer), Pers. Letter, Stickers, Visit card. Ted is also QSL Verifier for WLW 700 kHz, WEBN 102.7 MHz, WSAI 1360 kHz & WOFX FOX SPORTS 980 kHz. Address : 8044 Montgomery Road, Suite 650 , Cincinnati, OH 45236. WEB : (Juan Antonio Arranz, Spain)
WCNZ 1660 kHz, "The Avenue FLA", Marco Island, FL, 2nd Email-f/up received short Email in 27 minutes !!!! V/s : Rick Vaske (General Manger). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WCPC 940 kHz, Houston, MS, Sent Email-report (2nd try), received f/d Email in 45 minutes. V/s : Steve Stigall (Operations Director). Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WDAE 620 kHz, St. Petersbourg, FL, Email-QSL Letter, in 16 days, after many tentatives. Station heard at 0000 UTC 19 November 2009, thanks to my Perseus to limit the splash from RNE 621 kHz. Taped ID : "six-twenty W-D-A-E". I got an Email reply : "Thank you for the reception report from Spain about 620 WDAE-AM. I did listen to your audio clip, although it is tough to hear through all the other noise, it do hear WDAE. This letter is to serve as confirmation that from Aldea Del Cano, Spain on November 19th 2009 that you did tune into 620 WDAE broadcasting from St. Petersburg, Florida, USA.". Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WDCD "THE LIGHT", 1540 kHz, Albany, NY, Sent Email-F/up, Received F/d. Email in 5 minutes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! V/s : Rich Leighton. Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WDMC 920 kHz, "Divine Mercy Catholic Radio" WDMC (5 kW day/1kW night), Melbourne, FL, Email-QSL Letter, after 5 tentatives. Email : Sr. Robert G. Groppe. ( Station Manager ). ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WENJ "ESPN RADIO", 1450 kHz, Atlantic City, NJ, 2 Letters snail-mail and 4 Email reports unanswered, the 5th was replied in 51 days. V/s : Kristen Lucca (Promotions Coordinator Millennium Radio Group) Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
WEZE "CHRISTIAN AM" 590 kHz, Boston, MA, Sent Email/f.up, received Email in 4 days. V/s : Frank Kelley (Engineering). Email : WEB : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
WEWN 11810 kHz, QSL Card, in 23 days. V/s : Glenn Tapley (Frequency Manager) Report sent via WEB form : ( Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogotà, Colombia )
WFAN 660 kHz, New York, NY, Sent Email-f/up. Received f/d Email in 13 minutes !!!!. V/s : Eric Spitz (Program Director), Email : WEB : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
WFED 1500 kHz, Wheaton, MD, QSL Letter & Coverage map in 55 days, V/s : David Kolesar (Senior Broadcast Engineer) QTH : Federal News Radio 1500 AM WFED, 3400 Idaho, Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20016, USA. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
WFLA 970 kHz, Tampa, FL, Reply with Email in 70 days. V/s : John McMartin (Director of Engineering) WEB : Address : 200-202 South Parker Street, Tampa, FL 33606. ( Ge Huijbens, Belgium, via )
WFSM "SPORT RADIO" 1670 kHz, Dry Branch, GA, Sent Email-report, received Email in 3 hours, V/s : James Gay (Chief Engineer) . Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
WFTL 850 kHz, West Palm Beach, FL, Sent 4th Email f/up. Received f/d Email in 2 hours !!!!!. V/s : Dave McBride. (Program Director) Email : WEB : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
WHBL 1330 kHz, Sheboygan , WI, Sent Email-f.up, received f/d. Email in 45 minutes !!!!. V/s : Kevin Zimmermann (Creative Services Director Midwest Communications). Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
WGAM "THE GAME ESPN RADIO", 1250 kHz, Manchester, NH, Sent Email-f/up, received short Email in 55 minutes !!!. V/s : Michael S. Winn (General Manager). Email : WEB : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
WHKT "CBS RADIO", 1650 kHz, Virginia Beach, VA, QSL in 2291 days. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( is not a printing mistake) Address : Corporate Woods Drive N° 165, Virginia Beach, VA. 23462-4381. V/s : Monica Rae Clanin Ward (QSL Assistent, Promotion Manager & Chief Operator). Sent 1 IRC. WEB : ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy)
WJHR 15550 kHz, Milton, FL, 15550 kHz, Email verie & Mpeg picture of the transmitter in 1 day for an Email report. V/s : G.S. Mock. Address : Radio Station WJHR, 5920 Oak Manor Drive, 32570 Milton, FL. Email : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
WJNO "NEWS RADIO", 1290 kHz, West Palm Beach, FL, sent 4th Email/f-up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, received Email and n/d Email-QSL Card in 90 minutes !. V/s : Scott Paxson (Director of Engineering, Clear Channel Palm Beach) Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WKBN 570 kHz, Youngstown, Ohio, Sticker + QSL Card "Clear Channel Radio Youngstown" with WKBN checkmarked, in 7 days after RR with SASE to Address . Heard in Pittsburgh PA. WEB : ( Eike Bierwirth, Liepzig, Germany )
WKVQ 1540 kHz, Eatonton, GA, QSL Card-Email, DX-Test 12 March 2011 to Europe !!!!!!. 10 kW, usually 1,6 kW at 0500 a 0530 & 0600 a 0630 UTC. 0615 y las 0630Z. Reply with Email. V/s : Craig Baker (Owner Station). Address : WKVQ, P.o.Box 3965, Eatonton, GA. 31024. ( Mauricio Molano , Spain )
WLKF "TALK RADIO",1430 kHz, Lakeland, FL, Sent Email-f/up, received Email in 150 minutes. V/s : Andrea Oliver (News/Public Affairs Director). Email : WEB : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
WLS 890 kHz, Chicago, IL, Sent Email-f/up, Received Email in 1 hour, V/s : Anabel Roda. Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, ) WLS 890 kHz, Chicago, IL, f/d Letter in 22 days for 1 first-class stamp. V/s : Warren Shulz (Chief Engineer) ( Al Muick,Whitehall, PA. USA )
WLVJ "THE CHRISTIAN VOICE", 1040 kHz, Boynton Beach, FL, 4th Email-f/up for a 2004 Snail-mail Report. Received f/d Email in 1 day. V/s : Jerry Kiefer (General Manager) Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain )
WMBD 1470 kHz, Peoria , IL, Sent Letter snail-mail report and Email-f/up. Received Email with pdf QSL-Letter. V/s : Wayne R Miller (Chief Engineer). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WMCA 570 kHz, New York, NY, Sent Email-f/up, received short Email promising QSL-card in 1 day. V/s : Stuart Engelke (Chief Engineer) Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WNAM "AMERICA's BEST MUSIC", 1280 kHz, Neenah-Menasha, WI, Sent Email/f.up, received no data PDF QSL-form in 1 day. V/s : Steve Griesbach (Chief Engineer) Email : WEB : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
WNAX 570 kHz, Yankton, SD, QSL Card-Email + photo + coveage map with pdf attachment, in 6 days. V/s : Jerry Oster (News Director) Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WNCT 1070 kHz, Greenville, NC, QSL Card-Email in 1 hour, V/s : Bruce Simel, ( Market Manager). Email : WEB : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
WPHT "CBS PHILLY", 1210 kHz, Philadelphia, PA, Sent Email-f/up (2nd), received Email in 8 minutes !!!!. V/s : Marc M. Rayfield (Senior Vice President/Market Manager). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WPTF 680 kHz, Raleigh, NC, Sent Email-f/up. Received very friendly f/d Email in 31 minutes. V/s : Brian W. Freeman (Program Director). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano- Spain )
WPTX 1690 kHz, Lexington Park, MD, Sent Email-f.up, received coverage map and f/d. Email in 30 minutes !!!!. V/s : Mrs. Sharon Robertson (Sales Manager). Email : WEB : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
WRED "SPORT RADIO-BIG JAB" 1440 kHz, Westbrook, ME, Sent Email-f/up (4th!!!!! tentative). Received f/d Email in 45 minutes. V/s : J. Morgan Grumbach (Local Sales Manager, Atlantic Coast Radio) Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain )
WRNO 7505,6 kHz, Email in 20 days, Email : WEB : ( Leonardo Bolli, Italy)
WSCR "THE SCORE 670" 670 kHz, Chicago, IL, QSL Letter Email after 1 snail report & 7 Emails !!! V/s : Ashley Fields (Marketing and Promotions Manager) Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WSM 650 kHz, Nashville, TN, QSL Card + Sticker in 300 days. emisora. Very dificult to be heard in Aldea del Cano, Badajoz, cause 648 kHz RNE Badajoz. Address: WSM-AM, 2644 McGavock Pike, Nashville, TN. 37214 Cooper, V/s : (Chief Engineer) WEB : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
WTAR "FUNNY 850", 850 kHz, Norfolk, VA, Email verie with pictures of transmitter & transmitter site and signal coverage pattern attached. V/s : Dave Morgan (WO4S), Director of Engineering and AM Operations, Sinclair Communications. WEB : Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
WTDY 1670 kHz, Madison, WI, Sent Snail-mail Report, , Received P/d. QSL-Letter & Coverage map, in 33 days. V/s : Rex Charger (Program Director). WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WUNR 1600 kHz, Brookline, MA, QSL Email after 4 tentatives, in 20 minutes. V/s : Samantha Edwards (Property & Office Manager) Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WURN 1020 kHz, Kendall, FL, Sent Email-f/up received Email in 1 days. V/s : Lorena Mata (Marketing Manager), Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WTJC 9370 kHz, Newport, NC, f/d FBN Lighthouse QSL Card + Sticker + Program guide in 38 days for one first-class stamp. V/s : A. Robinson. WEB : ( Al Muick,Whitehall, PA. USA )
WTWW 9480 kHz, QSL Card in 265 days. Address : 1784 West Northfield Blvd. 305, Murfreesboro, TN 37129. V/s : Dan Dixon (QSL Manager) Sent 1 IRC. ( Roberto Pavanello, Italy ) WTWW 5755 kHz, Email-QSL format.PDF, V/s : George McClintock. Email : Reply in 1 day. ( Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogota, Colombia, WEB : ) WTWW, 5755 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day for Email-RPT to : V/s : George Mc Clintock. (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)
WVON "THE TALK OF CHICAGO", 1690 kHz, Chicago, IL, Short Email after 6th Email-try !!!!!!!!!! (and two snail-mail rep.) Reply finally in 2 days. V/s : Todd Ronczkowski (Program Director) Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WVNA "NEWS TALKS", 1590 kHz, Tuscumbia, AL, Sent 3 Email-f/up, received f/d Email in 40 minutes. V/s : Jeffrey Z. Vaughn Sr. (Chief Engineer). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
WWRU 1660 kHz, Carlstadt, NJ, 1660 kHz, Personal Email in 133 days after Follow-up, V/s : Mark Buniak (Chief Operator, NYC Master Control ). Email : Address : 136-56, 39th Avenue, NY 11354 New York. WEB : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
WWTW 5755 kHz, QSL Card, Send $ US 1. Reply in 180 days. V/s : George McClintock. Address : 1784 West Northfield, 305 Blv, TN 37129 Murfreesboro. ( Alvaro Lopez Osuna, Granada, Andalucia) WTWW, Nashville, TN, 9480 kHz, QSL Card in 56 days after follow-up, v/s Dan Dixon. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )
WYLL 1160 kHz, Chicago, IL, Sent Snail-mail Report, Received N/d. QSL-card in 26 days. V/s : not readable. WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
ZION TEACHER via WRMI, 9955 kHz, QSL-Card in 77 days, V/s : Jeff White. Via WRMI R. Miami International, P.o.Box 526852, Miami, FL 33152. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )

US VIRGIN ISLANDS : WDHP 1620 kHz, Frederiksted. At least!!!!!!!!! after many snail-mail reports unanswered I tried the Email way but It has not been an easy task. All my f/ups to the addresses of "" domain were bounced back. The same for my previous 2 attempts to "". But this time all worked flawlessly. V/s : "DJ Luis". Correct Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )

UZBEKISTAN : NHK RADIO JAPAN, via TX Tashkent, 15735 kHz, QSL Card. Reply in 21 days. Email : via their WEB (English Service). ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )

VATICAN CITY : RADIO NEDERLAND Relay S. Maria di Galeria 6035 kHz, QSL Card in 25 days. No RP. Address : P.O. Box 222 - NL-1200 JG Hilversum, Netherlands. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
RADIO VERITAS ASIA Relay S. Maria di Galeria 11715 kHz, QSL Card, schedula, Report forms, Port cellular strip, in 66 days. Sent 1 US$. Address : P.O. Box 2642 - Quezon City, Philipinas. Sent CD MP3. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)
RADIO VATICANA 105.0 MHz, QSL Card + Postcards + Booklet story of Radio Vaticana in German. Reply in 10 days. Address : 00120 Città del Vaticano (via their German Service) During my next visit to Rome I'll make an appointment to the Radio Vaticana Museum. WEB : ( Norbert Reiner, Germany, heard in Italy )

VENEZUELA : YVLT RADIO SENSACION, 830 kHz, Email-f/up. Received f/d Email in 150 minutes. V/s : Juan Carlos Feijoó (Gerente de Operaciones). He is the Director of a web about horses racing and as none of the station Email addresses gave any result I wrote him through the Email of that web : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain )
YVNG ONDAS DEL MAR, 1380 kHz, Puerto Cabello, Sent Email-F/up, Received Email in 8 hours !!! No V/s. Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
YVUD RADIO DEPORTE, Caracas, 1590 kHz, Sent Email-F/up for a 1997 ! report. Received Email in 1 day V/s : Ing. Asdrúbal Fuenmayor Pérez (Presidente de Radio Deporte 1590 AM). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )
YVZA RADIO FE Y ALEGRIA, Caracas, 1390 kHz, sent Email-F/up, received F/d. Email in 7 hours !. V/s : José Rafael Roca (Director). Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano, Aldea del Cano, Caceres, Spain, )

WINDWARDS ISL. : HARBOUR LIGHT 1400 kHz, Harbour Light 1400 QSL Card in 8 months after "follow-up" WEB : Email : V/s : Randy Cornelius ( General Manager ) ( Alessandro Groppazzi, Italy, see my blog WEB : )

ZAMBIA : CVC-1 Africa 13590 kHz, Transmitter Relay Lusaka, QSL-Letter, in 70 days, V/s : Miss Brigitte (Secretary) Email : ( Alvaro Lopez Osuna, Granada, Andalucia)

U T I L I T Y QSLs :

ALASKA : NOJ 12577 kHz, Coast Guar Alaska, TX Kodiak. QSL Letter 40 days. V/s : Phillip A. Jordinelli. Address : P.o.Box 190017, Kodiak, Alaska 99619-0017, USA. ( Ivan Dias Jr., Sorocaba, Brasil. Blog : & see blog WEB : via Radio Escuta Dx Group, Brasil )

BERMUDA : ZBR BERMUDA RADIO, 518 kHz Navtex. Sent Email/f.up received Email in 3 days and post-card in 14 days. V/s : (Duty Officer) Bermuda Maritime Operations Centre. (no V/s. name). Rpt. sent to Email : reply from Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )

BRAZIL : OBSERVATORIO NACIONAL 10000 kHz, Letter, info depliants, in 28 days. Address : Rua General José Cristino 77, CEP*20921-400 Rio de Janeiro, RJ. V/s : Ricardo José de Carvalho (Head Time Signal Division) Email : (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany) OBSERVATORIO NACIONAL Rio de Janeiro, 10000 kHz, Letter-QSL (two pages) + Large envelope with nice stamps & Booklets Time Signal in Brazil. Email : V/s : Ricardo Carvalho ( Diretor ). (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain) OBSERVATORIO NACIONAL Rio de Janeiro, 10000 kHz. NO detailed Letter in 42 days. Address : Rua General José Cristino 77, CEP-20921-400 Sao Cristovao, Rio de Janeiro RJ. V/s : Ricardo José de Carvalho. Sent 1 $. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia, my blog: )
MARINE RADIO RIO NAVY BRASIL 16975 kHz, Pactor mode, registered priority Letter + Personal Letter + Card Merry Christmas + Key Ring with the emblem of the Brazil Navy). V/s : Leonardo Pires Black Pereira (Capitao Tenente Chefe do Departamento de Operaçoes Radio -PWZ33) Address : EMRJ Marine, Rio De Janeiro, CEP*20000. ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy )

CANADA : CHU 3330 kHz, Ottawa, QSL Card, 17 days. V/s : Raymond Pelletier (Technical Officer) Address : 1200 Montreal Road, Blvdg M-36, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0R6. Report Sent with Email : ( Leonidas dos Santos Nascimento, Sao Joao Evangelista, MG., Brasil. Info via : )

CANARIAS : EAL/LAS PALMAS RADIO, 490 kHz, NAVTEX, "Tenemos un volcan activo en las costas españolas! en la isla de El Hierro, en las Canarias." ( Mauricio Molano, Spain ) Reports NAVTEX may be sent to : TELEFONICA, SERVICIO MARITIMO, Calle Rios Rosas 26, Zona B-4a Planta, ES-28003 Madrid, Spain. WEB :

CHILE : CBV PLAYA ANCHA RADIO 8767 kHz, QSL Card + Personal Letter. V/s : Capitán de Fragata Cristian Marín Stevenson (Jefe del Centro de Telecomunicaciones Maritimas Valparaiso ). Reply in 90 days. Email : with audio .mp3 ( Mauricio Molano, Spain )

CHINA : ZHOUSHAN MARITIME METEOROLOGICAL 3303 kHz (USB). Reply in 30 days. Sent 1 IRC. Address : Huang Hui, Room 323, Ding Shen Road, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province. 316021. ( Dxer 8849 QSL Informations via Japan Short Wave Club, September 2011 )

FINLAND : OFK TURKU RADIO 1677 kHz, Sent Email-report. Received f/d Email with photo in 3 hours !!. V/s : Dan, OH1BB. Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain )
MIKES TIME SIGNAL 25000 kHz, QSL Letter in 10 days. Address : Centre for Meteorology and Accreditation, P.o.Box 9, Espoo. V/s : Valevi Kalliomaki, Ilkka Iisakka, Tapio Mansten. Sent 1 IRC, Sent it back !. ( Roberto Pavanello,Italy )

FRANCE : AX NDB Auxerre Branches 417 kHz, PPC in 7 days. RPT Sent to Aérodrome Auxerre-Branches, Le Chef du Control, FR-89380 Appoigny. Stamp on PPC "C.C.I. Aéroport Auxerre Branches", no address given. (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
BLB NDB Blois - Le Breuil 397 kHz, PPC in 42 days. Address : Service AFIS, Aérodrome Blois-Le Breuil, FR-41330 Villefrancoeur. (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
CTX NDB Chateauroux-Déols 428 kHz, PPC in 14 days. Address : Aérodrome de Chateauroux-Déols, Maintenance régionale Centre Ouest, FR-36130 Déols. V/s : P. Marchewka (Le Chef de la Maintenance Régionale Centre Ouest)
IS NDB Ajaccio - Campo del Oro 341 kHz, PPC in 21 days. Address stamped as : "Aviation Civile, Maintenance Régionale Ajaccio, Col d'Aspretto, FR-20000 Ajaccio. (By the way, according to Ajaccio -Campo del Oro Airport is now called "Ajaccio Napoléon Bonaparte Airport") (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)

GERMANY : ALG NDB Memmingen 341 kHz, PPC in 3 days. Address : Allgau Airport, Postfach 1125, DE-87681 Memmingen. The company operating the NDB and responsible for the local Air Traffic Control should be 'The Tower Company GmbH', a sub-company of the Deutsche Flugsicherung, but I'm not sure... (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)

HAWAII : WWVH, Kekaha, 10000 kHz, QSL Card serial 22514, in 25 days. V/s No Readable. Address : Radio Station WWVH, P. o. Box 417 Kekaha HI. Report Sent via Email : ( Leonidas dos Santos Nascimento, Sao Joao Evangelista, MG., Brasil. New QSL Card WWVH, Hawaii at )

HONG KONG : HONG KONG VOLMET 8828 kHz, Letter in 86 days. V/s : Leung Chi-Lan ( Chief Aeronautical Communications Supervisor ) Address : Airport Meteorological Office, Second Floor, Air Traffic Control Tower, Hong Kong International Airport, Hong Kong. QSL may be seen : (Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogota, DC., Colombia )

IRELAND : SHANNON VOLMET, 8957 kHz, Email-QSL format .doc V/s : John Power (Officer in charge) in 86 days. Report ssent via WEB : QSL may be seen : (Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogota, DC., Colombia )

ISRAEL : 4X6TU PROPAGATION BEACON, 14100 kHz, is the I.A.R.C. propagation beacon from the University of Tel Aviv. QSL Card : P.o. Box 17600 - Tel Aviv - 61176 Israel. Reply in 10 days. ( Francesco Cecconi, Italy)

ITALY : IQX TRIESTE RADIO, Navtex, 518 kHz. Sent Email-report, received QSL-Card in 34d. Email : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )
IZ0CWW/B Cervaro 28295,5 kHz. QSL Card in 14 days. Address : Marino Francesco, Via San Paolo 21, IT-03044 Cervaro (FR). OM Francesco wrote that it's a pleasure for him to get reports and to send his QSL (even the return postage was sent back...) (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
PDA NDB Padova, 332 kHz. QSL-ppc, Email in 14 days. Address : ENAV S.p.A., AREA OPERATIVA - ACC Padova, Coordinamento Esecizio Tecnico, Via Armando Diaz 63, IT-35031 Abano Terme (Padova) V/s : Roberto Cincotti (Responsabile Team Monitoraggio Manutenzioni Siti ENAV) (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)
NAVTEX ITALIA 490/518 kHz. Email to : (Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, my blog : )

JAPAN : JFC 13074 kHz KAGANAWA FISHING RADIO. QSL Letter in 20 days. Address : JFC Kanagawa Prefectural Fishery Information Radio, 1-7 Harumi-machi, Miura-city, Kanagawa prefecture. ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy )
JFX 8658 kHz KAGOSHIMA FISHING RADIO. QSL Card + info Sent Email. Received Email in 24 hours. Email : ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy ) JFX 8658 kHz KAGOSHIMA FISHING RADIO. 8658 kHz, Fax Broadcasting, Email-QSL and PDF info in 24 hours. Pictures of QSL and Fax reception available at my WEB : ( Francesco Cecconi, Italy )

LITHUANIA : KUS 343 kHz, NDB Service, Reply QSL Card in 33 days, V/s : Stasys Kudokas. Address : ATC Kaunas Int. Airport, 4301 Karmelava. Email : ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy )

LUXEMBURG : LX0HF Beacon 5205 kHz, QSL Card in 90 days. Address : Reseau Luxembourgeois des Amateurs d'Ondes Courtes a.s.b.l., P.o.Box 1352, L-1013 Luxembourg (bureau). V/s : OM Ham Op. LX2A Philippe Lutty (QSL-manager). Address : 8 Sentier de Bricherhof, L-1262 Luxembourg. (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)

MARTINICA : FUF - Fuerzas Armadas Francesas, 8478,5 kHz. QSL Card confirming STANAG-4285 TESTS. Reply in 20 days. QSL-PPC. Address : Marine Française, Station Radio Pointe des Sables, B.P. 619, FR-97261 Fort de France Marine-Cedex. ( Mauricio Molano, Spain )

NEW ZEALAND : ZKAK Auckland Radio, 13282 kHz USB, Letter & info. Reply in 44 days. Address : Airways New Zealand Limited, ZKAK Auckland Radio, Fred Ladd Way, Auckland International Airport, Auckland. ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy )

REUNION : FUX - Fuerzas Armadas Francesas, 12691 kHz. QSL Card Text on Postcard handwritten in 20 days. STANAG-4285 TESTS. Address : D.I.R.I.S.I., Station Radio FUX, 2 Rue de la Grande Montée, FR-97438 Sainte Marie. ( Mauricio Molano, Spain )

SENEGAL : 6WW - Fuerzas Armadas Francesas, 12857 kHz, Dakar. QSL PPC carimbado. Reply 40 dias. Address : Boite Postale 3024, Dakar. ( Ivan Dias Jr., Sorocaba, Brasil. Blog : & see blog WEB : via Radio Escuta Dx Group, Brasil )

SOUTH AFRICA : ZSC/Cape Town Radio 8414,5 kHz GMDSS QSL Card. Report sent by Email reply immediately with QSL, info attached PDF. V/s : Jeff Tylee (Operations Specialist). Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain )

SWEDEN : SAQ 17.2 kHz, Special TEST TX 24 dec. 2010 & 4 Jan. 2011, Reply in 17 days, 2 x QSL Card, E-mail report. V/s : Lars. Address : Radiostationene, Grimeton 72, SE-430 16 Rolfstorp. ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy )

THAILANDIA : BANGKOK METEOROLOGICAL RADIO, 8743 kHz, V/s : Miss Jantina Niyomchok (Segretary) Reply Letter-Folder, QSL card, Address : Bangkok Meteorological Radio, Telecommunication Division, 4353 Sukhumvit Road, Bangna, Bangkok 10260, Thailand (Juan Antonio Arranz, Spain)

TURKEY : TAH Istanbul Radio, 8431 kHz, full-data Letter QSL in 56 days for airmail report and US $1.00 return postage. V/s : Mehmet Colak (Director of Turk Radio). Address : Kiyi Emniyetive Gemi Kurtarma, Isletmeleri Genel Mudurlugu, Telsiz Isletme Mudurlugu, Sefakiy - Istanbul 34630. Email : ( Albert Muick, C/o : Kabul, Afghanistan, RX : WinRadio G303e )

UNITED KINGDOM : BRI NDB Bristol, 414 kHz, QSL-ppc, Letter + Photo picture in 18 months. Address : V/s : Mike Littleton (Community Relations, Bristol International Airport, Bristol, BS48 3DY. Email : The first verie already had arrived by Email after manyweeks in 2009
FWOC NORTHWOOD 12390 kHz, PPC signed in 9dd. Address : FLEET OPERATIONS COMMANDER IN CHIEF, Northwood - Middlesex HA6 3HP. ( Francesco Cecconi, Italy)
GFF KINLOSS RESCUE 5680 KHz, QSL Letter & info folder, in 10 days. Address : AERONAUTICAL RESCUE COORDINATION CENTRE, Royal Air Force Kinloss, FORRES, Morayshire, IV36 3UH. WEB : ( Francesco Cecconi, Italy )

UZBEKISTAN : Tashkent VOLMET, 10090 kHz, no data thank you QSL with picture of Tashkent Intercontinental Hotel in 56 days for airmail report and US $2.00 return postage. V/s : Renat Grenaderov (Communication Leading Engineer-Inspector), Email : Address : 13 Lokomotivnaya Street, Tashkent 100167. ( Albert Muick, C/o : Kabul, Afghanistan, RX : WinRadio G303e )
Tashkent VOLMET, 10090 kHz, QSL Card, in 22 days, V/s : Renat Grenaderov. RPT Email : Address : 13 Lokomotivnaya Street, Tashkent 100167. ( Fabricio Andrade Silva, Brasil, via )

