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Valerio Di Stefano - Interferenze - Memorie di un radioappassionato disorganico
Prefazione di Andrea Lawendel - Postfazioni di Ezio Toffano e Franco Probi


APRIL 2013

07 APRIL - 10 APRIL 2013

GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES : 44° 02,70' North / 09° 59,40' East


ETON E1, ICOM R7100.
DEGEN 1103 (WITH MURATA FILTERS 80 + 110 kHz), ATS 909
SANGEAN (with PI code decoder), SATELLIT 500 GRUNDIG

RX CAR : Car Radio Blaupunkt on Opel Astra.




128.5 (04 APRIL); 134.4 (05 APRIL); 137.0 (06 APRIL);
137.8 (07 APRIL); 139.2 (08 APRIL); 146.5 (09 APRIL);
148.0 (10 APRIL); 137.1 (11 APRIL); 137.9 (12 APRIL).

04 (04 APRIL); 02 (05 APRIL); 03 (06 APRIL); 04 (07 APRIL);
01 (08 APRIL); 03 (09 APRIL); 04 (10 APRIL); 04 (11 APRIL);
04 (12 APRIL).


kHz day time UTC station details

153 07/04 1800- ANTENA SATELOR, Romania, Tx Brasov/Bod. Gypsy music. Mixed up with DEUTSCHLANDFUNK , Germany, Tx Donebach. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
162 07/04 1805- FRANCE INTER, France, Tx Allouis. Dominant. V.GOOD. BOC-29
171 07/04 1810- RADIO MEDI 1, Morocco, Tx Nador, ID & Talks in Arabic & French, news reports. GOOD. BOC-29
183 07/04 1807- EUROPE 1, Germany, Tx Felsberg (Saarlouis). Talks & News, phonecalls listeners in French. Ids. GOOD/V.GOOD. BOC-29
207 07/04 1815- DEUTSCHLANDFUNK, Germany, Tx Graswegacker . German news. GOOD. BOC-29
216 07/04 1820- RMC INFO, Monaco/France, Tx Roumoules. Sport news reports in French. GOOD. BOC-29
225 07/04 1825- POLSKIE Radio, Polonia, Tx Kujawski. News in Polish language. GOOD. BOC-29
234 07/04 1830- RTL, Luxembourg, Tx Berdweiler, Luxembourg. "le journal parlé de RTL" French news. SUFF. BOC-29
252 07/04 1835- RTA CHAINE 3, Tx Tipaza, Algeria. French reports. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
252 10/04 0210- RTE, Ireland, Tx Clarkestown/Summerhill. News talks in English. Program 24 hours. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
261 07/04 1840- RADIO SOFIA 5, Bulgaria, Tx Vakarel, News in Bulgarian, not // MW Horizon. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
270 07/04 1845- RADIOZURNAL, Chechia, Tx Topolna. News report in Czech. V.GOOD. BOC-29

531 07-10/04 0800....2330 RTA, JIL FM, Tx F'kirina Wilaya d'Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria, //549. "Generation FM" Arabic/French/English IDs, YL Dj in Arabic, great live rock show programs or ethnic modern songs from Arabic artists. Listened also at midday. SUFF/V.GOOD. BOC-29
540 07-09/04 0800....2330 ONDA CERO CATALUNYA, Tx Barcelona, Catalunya, after midday local programs in Catalan & Spanish. After S/off Hungary is dominant the channel. SUFF/V.GOOD BOC-29
540 07-09/04 1600....1900* MR1 Kossuth Radio, Tx Solt, Hungary, has reduced time, usually S/off around 1900 hours. V.GOOD. BOC-29
549 07-09/04 1600....2230 RADIO KOPER , Tx Beli Kriz, Slovenija. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
549 07-10/04 1600....2230 DEUTSCHLANDRADIO, Tx Nordkirchen Muensterstr, Germany. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
549 09/04 2030- IRIB, Radio Iran, Tx Sirjan, in Farsi, // 1359 kHz. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
558 08-10/04 0525-0530 ; 0550-0600 ; 0700-0715 ; 1110-1128 RNE R.5 VALENCIA, Pais Valenciano, Spain, Regional programs. Local only at 0700-0715 Monday to Friday. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
558 07-10/04 0800....2230 MURAVIDEKI Magyar RADIO /R.Slovenia 1, Tx Maribor. After 2200 hours relay Radio Slovenia 1. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
567 07-10/04 0550-0600 ; 0700-0715 RNE R.5 MURCIA, Comunidad Murciana, Spain. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
567 07-08/04 1600....2230 RADIO ROMANIA ACTUALITATI, 2 Txs, Romania. Mixed up with Spain. BOC-29
576 08-10/04 0525-0530 ; 0550-0600 ; 0700-0715 ; 1110-1155 RNE R.5 CATALUNYA, TX Barcelona, Catalunya, Regional Service. Listened also at midday on Sunday special Deportivo "Barça". SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
576 07-09/04 1600....2230 RADIO HORIZONT, Bulgaria, Tx Vidin/Gramada, reactivated. Info about Concerts Lirics in Bulgaria. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29


585 07-09/04 0800....2230 RTT TUNISIA, Tx Gasfa, Tunisia, //630, in Arabic. Listened 5 minutes French news at 1830. + RNE R.1 MADRID. Listened also at midday. POOR/V.GOOD. BOC-29
585 07-10/04 0550-0600 ; 0700-0715 ; 1110-1155 RNE R.1 COMUNIDAD de MADRID, Tx Madrid, Spain, midday weak signals. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
594-595 irr. 07-09/04 1800....2230 RTM "A", Tx Oujida, Morocco. Listened one night on 594 .... two nights on 595....crazy technical staff or TX dancing ???. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
594 07+08/04 2113-2305* FRCN KADUNA, Kaduna National Station, Tx Jaji, Nigeria. Loop NW/SE. long talk //6089.86 LSB to avoid Morocco on 595 kHz. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
594 07/04 2055-2110 RADIO SIM, Tx Muge, Portugal, . Clear reception thanks to Morocco on 595 that night. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
594 07/04 0257- IRIB 1, Tx Shiraz, IRAN, in Farsi. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
594 07/04 1945- ; *0300- BSKSA, Tx Al-Aam/Call of Islam, Tx Duba, Saudi Arabia. New S/on time (Ex *0245-). Muslim call. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
603 07-09/04 0800....2230 FRANCE INFO, Tx Lyon, France. Sunday 1605-1655 SS Church Functio from Sainte Marie des Ondes in Lyon + RNE R.5 Network, Spain, 2 Txs . GOOD/V.GOOD. BOC-29
612 07-09/04 1600....2230 RTM, 1st Program, Tx Sebaa-Aioun, Morocco, in Arabic. + QRM RNE R.5 Network. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
621 07-09/04 0550-0600 ; 0700-0715 ; 1110-1155 RNE R.1 BALEARES, Tx Palma Mallorca, Regional Service in Mallorquin & Spanish. At 0550 QRM RTBF, Belgium in French. Listened also at midday. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
621 07-09/04 0550....0800 ; 1800....2230 RTBF, BELGIUM, Tx Wavre in French. + QRM from RNE R.1 Network. Listened also at midday. Evening interferences from EGYPT TX Batra in Arabic. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
630 07-09/04 0800....2230 RTT TUNISIA, Tx Tunis-Djedeida, Arabic national service. Dominating the frequency. Listened also at midday. GOOD/V.GOOD. BOC-29
630 07-09/04 1600....2230 ANTENA SATELOR, Tx Voinesti, Romania. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
639 07-09/04 1600....1900 CRo PLUS, Tx Praha/Liblice + QRM from RNE R.1 Network. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
648 07-09/04 0800....2230 RADIO MURSKI VAL, Tx Beli Kriz, Slovenija + At evening weak signal RNE R.1 Network. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
657 07-10/04 0520-0528 ; 1010-1028 RAI 1 TGR TOSCANA, Tx Pisa-Coltano. Sunday 1018-1027. Dominating the frequency. VERY GOOD. BOC-29
666 07-09/04 0520-0528 ; 0550-0600 ; 1109-1155 SER R. BARCELONA, Catalunya. Sunday only at midday. At evening frequency is splashed from RAI 657 + at evening QRM From Radio FILIA, Greece, Relay FM KOSMOS 93.6 Athens. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
666 07-09/04 1800....2230 RADIO FILIA, Tx Megara, Greece, Relay FM KOSMOS 93.6 Athens. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-28
675 07-09/04 1800....2230 RADIO LIBYA, Tx Benghazi, Libya, Arabic program. NOT // 972,1053,1449 kHz. Mixed up RADIO MARIA, Nederlands, ID in Dutch. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
675 07-09/04 1800-2200 RADIO MARIA, Tx Loopik, Netherlands, ID in Dutch, Christian religious programs. Evening reception up/down Radio Libya, separable with Loop. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
684 07-10/04 0550-0600 ; 0700-0715 ; 1110-1155 RNE R.1 ANDALUCIA, Tx Sevilla, Andalucia. Regional Program. Weak signal midday. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
684 07-09/04 1630....2230 RTT Radio Nationale, Tx Medenine/Harboub, Tunisia. Arabic program. //630 kHz. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
690.91 07-09/04 1900....2330 Unid Lybia Arabic, Holy Kuran, with fading. Not // with other Libyan Txs. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
693 07-09/04 1800-2200 BBC RADIO 5 LIVE, Tx Droitwich, UK. //909. + QRM VOICE OF RUSSIA, Tx Henningsdorf, Germany, in German & Russian. Voice of Russia. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
702 07-10/04 *0700....2200* RCI, CHINA INTERNATIONAL, Tx Col de la Madone, *0700-1200 French ; 1200-1400 Chinese ; 1400-1700 Italian ; 1700-2200* French. Tx owned by MONACO. Blocking the frequency till 2200. VERY GOOD. BOC-29
702 09-10/04 2330-0016 BSKSA 2, Tx Barnamj al-Thani, Duba, Saudi Arabia. Talks in Arabic. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
711 07-09/04 1800....2230 FRANCE INFO, Tx Rennes, France. + QRM COPE Murcia, network program. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
720 07-09/04 1800....2200 WDR 2, Langenberg (Velbert) Rommelsweg, Germany + QRM Radio Romania Actualitati, Tx Sinaia. Partly Looped N/S. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
729 07-10/04 1800....2230 ERA RADIO PROTO, Tx Athens, Greece. National news radio in Greek. + QRM RNE R.1 Network, 2 Txs. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
738 07-09/04 0550-0600 ; 1110-1155 RNE R.1 CATALUNYA, Tx Barcelona, Catalunya, Regional program in Catalan. 1210 "MIGDIA INFORMATIU RADIO UM I RADIO QUATRE". Listened very well at midday. "Las troubadas dals dia em Catalunya" GOOD/V.GOOD. BOC-29
747 07-09/04 0800....2230 RADIO 5 NOSTALGIA, Tx Zeewolde , Netherlands, ID in Dutch, //1251 + RNE R.5 CADIZ, network programs. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
756 07-09/04 1800-2230 EITB RADIO EUSKADI, Tx Bilbao, Spanish program //819, 963. + MIXED Up/Down with DEUTSCHLANDFUNK, Tx Koenigslutter, Germany. + Radio Romania Actualitati, Tx Lugoj-Boldur. Too much kW on this channel !!!!!. SUFF/V.GOOD. BOC-29
765 07-10/04 1900-2230 UKRAY RADIO MAIAK, Tx Petrivka, 1900-2300 Russian program. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
765 07+09/04 1930...2159 SNBC, SUDAN RADIO, Tx Khartoum/Soba , Sudan, Arabic program // 1296.+ BSKSA, General Arabic Programme. 3 Txs. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
774 07-10/04 0550-0600 ; 1110-1155 RNE R.1 PAIS VALENCIANO, Tx Valencia, Regional Program. Listened very well at midday. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
783 07-10/04 0550-0600 ; 1010-1200 COPE MIRAMAR, Tx Barcelona, CATALUNYA, new ID "COPE CATALUNYA I ANDORRA" 0550- "BOM DIA CATALUNYA" After 0900- Programs of political opinions "TERTULLIAS". Local program: 1010-1130. Best Signal from CATALUNYA on MW midday in BOC. SUFF/VERY GOOD. BOC-29
783 07-09/04 1800....2230 MDR Info, Tx Leipzig-Wiederau, Germany. Dominating the frequency at evening & night. // 1044. SUFF/V.GOOD. BOC-29
792 07-09/04 0800....2230 FRANCE INFO, Tx Limoges. + RADIO PROTO/ERA SPORT, Tx Megara-Pyrgos, Greece.//729. SUFF/V.GOOD BOC-29
801 07-10/04 0550-0600 ; 1110-1155 RNE R1, PAIS VALENCIANO, Tx Castellon, // 774 + RNE R1, CATALUNYA, Tx Girona, // 738. At evening frequency blocked by BAYERN PLUS, Tx Ismaning, 100 kW, Germany. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
810 07-09/04 0800....2230 SKOPIERA RADIO 1, SKOPIE. 1200 kW. Blocking the channel, no way to get SER Radio Madrid. SUFF./V.GOOD. BOC-29
819 07-09/04 2000....2230 EITB RADIO EUSKADI, Tx San Sebastian, Euskadi. Spanish program, news, IDs + ERTU, Tx Batrah, Egypt, in Arabic. Separable with loop S/N. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
820 07/04 0200-0230 UNID carrier detected with Excalibur, Loop towards La Plata area. Argentina ??? POOR. BOC-29
828 07-09/04 1800....2230 RADIO 10 GOLD, Tx Heinenoord, Netherlands, ID, Dutch Dj. + Mixed Up/Down NDR info, Tx Hannover, Germany, "RADIO COLONIA, FUNKHAUS EUROPE", // 972. Italian service at 1700-1758. Monday to Friday. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
837 07-09/04 1800....2230 FRANCE INFO, Tx Nancy, France, very strong signals. GOOD/V.GOOD. BOC-29
846 07-09/04 1950....0230 RADIO NORTH, Tx Redcastle, Ireland. Country music & oldies Beatles. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
850 07/04 0200-0230 UNID carrier detected with Excalibur, Loop towards La Plata area. Uruguay ??? POOR. BOC-29
855 07-10/04 0550-0600 ; 1110-1155 RNE R.1 CATALUNYA, Tx Tarragona, Catalunya, // 738 Regional program. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
855 07-09/04 1600....2230 RADIO ROMANIA ACTUALITATI, Tx Bucurest, Romania. GOOD/V.GOOD. BOC.29
864 07-09/04 0800....2230 RADIO FRANCE BLEU 107.1, Tx Villebon-sur-Yvette, France, 300 kW. New WEB : Listened well also at midday + weak signal at evening from Radio Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
870 07/04 0200-0230 UNID carrier detected with Excalibur, Loop towards La Plata area. Argentina ??? POOR. BOC-29
873 07-09/04 0800....2230 AFN GERMANY, Tx Oberursel (Frankfurt), Germany. Dominating the frequency. GOOD/V.GOOD. BOC-29
873 08+09/04 2057-2059 ; 2155-2159 SER RADIO ZARAGOZA, Aragon. ID "Hora 25 Aragon" QRM AFN Germany. Loop E/W. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
882 07-09/04 0800....2230 LA XARXA, Tx Barcelona, Catalunya, Catalan program. Phonecalls & Tertullias. New WEB : Many programs info next Independence of Catalonia. Good midday reception in Bocca di Magra. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
882 08+09/04 2200-2300 BBC WALES, Tx Washford, UK. Regional news in English. ID. Loop N/S. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
882 08/04 0525-0530 COPE ALICANTE, "La manana de Cope Alicante" Local news. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
891 07-09/04 0800....2230 RTA CHAINE 1, ALGERIA, Tx Ouled Fayet-Algers, Arabic Program, listened also at midday. TX problems open carrier one day. Arabic National Program. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
891 07-09/04 1800....2230 RADIO 538, Tx Hulsberg, Netherlands, ID, Dutch Dj, Pop Funky Music. Loop E/W regular at evening. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
900 07-10/04 0520-0528 ; 1010-1028 RAI 1, TGR LOMBARDIA, Tx Milano-Siziano, Sunday 1018-1027. Regional program "IL GAZZETTINO PADANO". At evening reduced power. SUFF/V.GOOD. BOC-29
900 07-09/04 2200....2300 BSKSA, Al-Aam, Tx Qurayyat, Saudi Arabia. Good peaks at night. Loop to S/N. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
909 08-10/04 0525-0530 ; 0550-0600 ; 0700-0715 RNE R.5 BALEARES, Tx Palma Mallorca. No reception around midday. + Romania at evening + BBC RADIO 5 LIVE usually dominant. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
909 07-09/04 1600....2300 RADIO ROMANIA ACTUALITATI/RADIO CLUJ, Romania, 2 Txs, Listened at evening blocking the frequency + BBC RADIO 5 LIVE, UK. 2 TXs. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
917 07/04 2200-2305* RADIO GOTEL, Nigeria, Tx Yola. Listened better in LSB to limit the splash from SLOVENIJA. Loop N/S. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
918 07-09/04 0450....2300 RADIO SLOVENIJA, Ljubljana, Slovenija. Dominant the frequency. GOOD/V.GOOD BOC-29
918 08/04 0450-0500 RADIO INTER/INTERECONOMIA, Tx Madrid, Spain. Morning program "EL CAJON DEL PASTEL" with Loop N/S. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
927 07/04 0435-0440 UNID Station, with light music. Apparently supposed to be SIM RADIO, Tx Evora, Portugal. Loop E/W. But station is reported to be silent. ???. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
936 07-10/04 0520-0528 ; 1010-1028 RAI 1 GR VENETO , Tx Venezia, Veneto. Sunday 1015-1026. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
945 07-09/04 0800....2230 FRANCE INFO, Tx Toulouse, France. Well listened also at midday, dominant at night. + RADIO ROMANIA ACTUALITATI, Tx Mierkurea, weak at night. SUFF/V.GOOD. BOC-29
950 07/04 0200-0230 UNID carrier detected with Excalibur, Loop towards La Plata area. Radio 9, Buenos Aires, Argentina ??? POOR. BOC-29
954 07+08/04 0430-0459 ; 2300-2315 ONDA CERO RADIO, Tx Madrid, Spain. Morning local. + CRo Dvojka/CRo Plus, Tx Brno, Chechia. Usually dominant till S/off at 2300 hours. + QBS, Al-Arish, Qatar, Arabic program. After 2300 Mixed up with Spain. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
954 07-09/04 0800....2300* CRo Dvojka/CRo Plus, Tx Brno, Chechia. Usually dominant, also weak signal at midday in Bocca di Magra. SUFF/V.GOOD. BOC-29
963 07-09/04 0800....2200 RTT , Tx Tunis/Djedeida, Tunisia, Cultural program. NOT // 630. well listened at midday regularily in BOC. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
963 07-09/04 2030....2300 EITB RADIO EUSKADI, Tx Biribilondo-Bilbao, Spanish program // 756 & 819. + HORIZONT RADIO, Tx Dragoman, Bulgaria. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
972 08+09/04 1800-1859 FUNKHAUS EUROPA, "RADIO COLONIA", Tx Hamburg, Germany. Program in Italian for workers & tourists, //828. "LA VOCE ITALIANA IN EUROPA". Monday till friday. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
981 07-09/04 0520....2230 RAI TRST "A", Italy. Program Slovenian minority service, Loop E/W. at 0520-0528 news bulletin. , 1756v-2200 Relay IV Canale Filodiffusione, 2201-0458 Relay RAI 1 // 900. + evening signals RADIO PROTO/ERA SPORT, Tx Athens, Greece + RTA CHAINE 1, Tx Ouled Fayed/Algers, Algerie, in Arabic. Loop N/S. Weak signal at midday in Bocca di Magra. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
990 08+09/04 0450-0500 ; 2057-2059 ; 2155-2159 SER R. CADIZ, Andalucia. 0650 "HOY POR HOY ANDALUCIA" + SER R. BILBAO, "HOY POR HOY EUSKADI" + DEUTSCHLANDRADIO KULTUR, Tx Berlin-Briz, Germany. 100 kW. Dominant signal at evening/night. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
999 07-09/04 0520-0528 ; 1010-1028 RAI 1 TGR PIEMONTE, Tx Volpiano, Sunday 1018-1027. Weak signal midday. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
999 07+08/04 1800....2300 TWR/VOICE of RUSSIA, relay MOLDOVA, Tx Grigriopol, Ukrainian service. + BSKSA Al-Quran al-Karim, Tx Duba, Saudi Arabia. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
999 08/04 0455-0500 COPE MADRID, Spain, Local morning program. Loop N/S. + RAI 1 Network program. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1008 07-09/04 0450....2200 GROOT NEUWS RADIO, Tx Zeewolde, Netherlands. Dominant, well listened midday in Bocca. SUFF/V.GOOD. BOC-29
1008 08+09/04 0450-0500 ; 0525-0530 ; 0550-0600 ; 1210-1255 SER R. GIRONA, CATALUNYA. Local program 0725- "HOY POR HOY GIRONA". Weak signal at midday. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1017 08-10/04 0525-0530 RNE R.5 BURGOS, CASTILLA LEON, SPAIN, Regional news. (Frequency is more clear after closure of SWR Cont.Ra GERMANY, JANUARY 2013). POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1020 07+08/04 0020-0025 ; 0200-0230 Tentative LT10 RADIO UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL, Santa Fé, ARGENTINA, long serious talks about tango and latin american music. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1026 08+09/04 0450-0500 ; 0525-0530 ; 0550-0600 ; 2057-2059 ; 2155-2159 SER R. REUS, CATALUNYA, in Catalan, dominant the channel, but not listened at midday in BOC. IDs : " ESCOLTAN A RADIO REUS CADENA SER" + RTA CHAINE 1, TX Hassi-Messaoud, Algerie, in Arabic. 5 kW // 891 + IRIB 1 TX Tabriz, IRAN, in FARSI. Loop W/E. Israel is off on this frequency. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1026 08+09/04 0450-0500 ; 2057-2059 ; 2155-2159 SER R. JAEN / SER R. JEREZ, Andalucia. Weak/poor signals mixed under SER R. REUS. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1030 07+08+09/04 0020-0030 ; 0200-0230 LS10 RADIO del PLATA, Argentina, talks, weak, better in USB. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1035 07-09/04 1800....2200 E.L.I. TWR, Tartu, Estonia. Russian service, regular at evening thanks STAR FM off air. + BSKSA 2, Tx Yanbu al-Bahr, Saudi Arabia + IRIB, RADIO PAYAM, Iran, Tx Yazd + NORTHSOUND 2, Aberdeen, Scotland. ID & Jingles. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
REMARK : very interesting channel thanks to RADIO STAR FM, Tx Lisbon, off the air !!!!!!! This let the frequency more clear
1040 08+09/04 0024....0220 RADIO CAPITAL, Sao Paulo, Brazil, talks news. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1044 08+09/04 0450-0500 ; 0525-0530 ; 2057-2059 ; 2155-2159 SER R. VALLADOLID, Spain. 2055- "HORA 25 CASTILLA Y LEON", . + SER R. SAN SEBASTIAN, EUSKADI. 0450- "HOY POR HOY SAN SEBASTIAN"Local news. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1044 07+09/04 0450....2300 MDR info RADIO, Tx Dresden, GERMANY. Dominant the frequency. SUFF/V.GOOD. BOC-29
REMARK : the station is expected to be closed at the end of next May 2013.... making the listening to Spain more easy.
1053 07-09/04 1800....2200 RADIO LIBYA, Tx Tripolis, Libya. Local programs in Arabic + evening QRM coming from RADIO IASI, Romania, local programs, WEB : + talkSPORT RADIO, UK // 1089 kHz. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1053 08+09/04 0455-0500 COPE CASTELLON, Pais Valenciano. Spain. Morning local program. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1060 09+10/04 0030....0230 UNID Brasilian, may be RADIO TAPUYO de Mossorrò, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Talks in Portugues..... Sermon ???. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1062 07-09/04 0520-0529 ; 1020-1055 ; 1640-1655 RAI 1 GR SARDEGNA, Tx CAGLIARI, Sardegna, Regional Program. Sunday 1015-1026. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1062 07-10/04 2300....0220 COUNTRY RADIO, Prag, Chechia. Country music. Frequency free after 2200. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1070 07+09+10/04 0030....0230 Tentative RADIO EL MUNDO, Buenos Aires, Argentina. News 0030- . WEB : POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1071 07-10/04 1800-2200; 0210-0230 AL NOUR FM, STUDIO BEIRUTH, LEBANON, RELAY Tx Tartus, SYRIA, WEB : Arabic talks. EMAIL : + ERTU, Abu Zabal, Egitto, songs //1080 fair. + IRIB, RADIO MAAREF, Tx Qom, Iran, better around 0215- SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1080 08+09/04 0450-0500 ; 2057-2059 ; 2155-2159 SER R. MALLORCA, BALEARES, 2155- "HORA 25 MALLORCA" + SER R. HUESCA, ARAGON. "HORA 25 SER HUESCA". POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1080 08/04 0000-0005 ONDA CERO TOLEDO, Network & Sport news. web : // 954 kHz. SUFF. BOC-29
1080 08/04 2300-2310 IBA Reshet Dalet, Tx Tel Aviv, Israel. News bulletin. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1089 07-09/04 0500....2300 talkSPORT RADIO, UK. Dominant. //1053 kHz + Voice of Russia, Tx Tbilisskaya, Russia. Loop to E/W. SUFF/V.GOOD. BOC-29
1098 07-09/04 0450....0800 ; 1800....2030 RADIO PATRIA SRo 5, Tx Nitra-Jarok. Slovakia. Morning & evening blocking the frequency. + RNE R.5 Network program at evening. SUFF./GOOD. BOC-29
1100 07/04 0200-0230 UNID Brasilian, may be Radio Nacional, Sao Paulo ???. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1107 07-10/04 0520-0529 ; 1020-1028 RAI 1 GR LAZIO, Tx Roma-Monte Ciocci, Sunday 1015-1025. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1107 07-09/04 1800....2300 RADIO BEOGRAD 1, Tx Novi Sad-Orlovat, Serbia + RNE R.5 Network program + POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1116 07-09/04 0520-0528 ; 1010-1028 ; 1118-1127 Sunday only. RAI 1 GR SICILIA, Tx Palermo. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1116 07-09/04 1700....2100 RADIO MISKOLC/DANKO RADIO, Tx Miskolc, Hungary. //1251 & 1350. + QRM RAI 1 Network. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1116 08/04 0450-0500 ; 2057-2059 SER R. ALBACETE, Spain, 2057- "HORA 25 Castilla La Mancha" + QRM Hungary. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1125 08+09/04 0520-0525 ; 0550-0600 ; 0700-0715 ; 1105-1129 RNE R.5 CASTELLON, PAIS VALENCIANO. 0700-0715 Local program Monday to Friday. Weak reception around midday with loop toward E/W. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1125 07-09/04 0520....2100 RTBF VIVACITE', Tx Houdeng, Belgium, // 621 kHz + Hungary QRM + RNE R.5 Network. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1130 07/04 0200-0230 UNID Brasilian, may be Radio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro ???. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1130 07/04 0405- WBBR, New York, NY., USA. Bloomberg news. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1134 07-09/04 *1600....2250 HRT RADIO CROATIA, S/on 1600 hours, blocking the frequency. No way to get Regional COPE evenings. GOOD/V.GOOD. BOC-29
1143 08+09/04 0500....0600 ; 1800....2100 AFN POWER Net., 3 Txs, Germany. + evening signals from VOICE of RUSSIA, Tx Bolshakovo-Kaliningrad, Russia. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1152 08/04 0525-0530 RNE R.5 CATALUNYA, Tx LLEIDA, Catalunya. Regional program. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
REMARK : frequency is blocked at evening from signals coming from RADIO ROMANIA ACTUALITATI, TX Cluj & LBC NEWS RADIO, Tx London, UK.
1161 07+08/04 1700....2100 VOIRI, Tx Abadan-Qasr-e Shirin , IRAN, Arabic program + RTA CHAINE 1, Tx Ahaggar, Algeria, Arabic //891 kHz. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1170 07-09/04 0500....0220 RADIO CAPODISTRIA, Tx Beli Kriz, SLOVENJA. In Italian. 1130- "I FATTI DEL GIORNO", news. Regular signal midday in BOC. They are 24 hours in Italian !. 0220- Special Lucio Dalla tribute program. SUFF/V.GOOD. BOC-29
1170 07-09/04 1800....2100 RADIO SAWA, Relay UAE, Tx Al-Dhabbaya.... in Arabic. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1179 08+09/04 0450-0500 ; 0525-0530 ; 0550-0600 ; 2057-2059 ; 2155-2159 SER R. VALENCIA, PAIS VALENCIANO, Regional & local programs, ID "RADIO VALENCIA 1179 ONDA MEDIA". + at evening QRM from ANTENNE SAAR, Germany, news in French from CFI Paris + ROMANIA ACTUALITATI, Tx Galbeni. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1188 07-09/04 1800-2100 RADIO PAYAM, Tehran, Iran, in Farsi + MDR info RADIO, Tx Reicherbach, Germany. Listed 3 kW. (but dominant !!!) + RADIO 4 MAGYAR , TX Marcali, Hungary. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1190 07/04 0200-0230 UNID carrier detected with Excalibur, Loop towards La Plata area. Argentina ??? POOR. BOC-29
1197 07-09/04 1800-2100 EITB, EUSKADI IRRATIA, Tx Vitoria. Euskadi, program in Euskera language, // 1386 & 1476. + NEUMARKT RADIO, Tx Targu Mures, Romania, German language minority program. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
REMARK : it is reported the EITB MW stations will be closed from May 2013. To be controlled. (Info tnx M. Molano, Spain)
1200 07/04 0200-0230 UNID carrier detected with Excalibur, Loop towards La Plata area. Argentina ??? POOR. BOC-29
1206 07-09/04 0600....2300 FRANCE INFO, Tx Bordeaux, France, dominant at night, listened weak at midday + IBA Reshet Bet, Tx Haifa/Akko, Hebrew program. 1800....2100 better reception with loop N/S. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1215 07-09/04 0500....0800 ; 1800....2300 ABSOLUTE RADIO, Tx London, UK, Dominant. + At evening COPE NETWORK with sports, SPAIN. SUFF/V.GOOD. BOC-29
1215 08+09/04 *1500....2100 CRI, relay Fllake, Albania. *1500- in Albanian. At evening interferences from UK. GOOD/V.GOOD. BOC-29
1220 07-09/04 0030....0230 RADIO GLOBO, Rio de Janeiro, BRASIL. Sport & News. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1224 08+09/04 0550-0600 ; 1710-1750 COPE MALLORCA. Frequency is highly interferred from UK & Albania. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1224 07+08/04 2245-2305 GALEI ZAHAL, Tx Beersheba, Israel, //6885 kHz. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1230 07/04 0200-0230 UNID carrier detected with Excalibur, Loop towards La Plata area. Argentina ??? POOR. BOC-29
1233 07-09/04 2000-2130 RMC DOUALIYA MOYEN ORIENT, La Somera, Tx Cape Greco, Cyprus. Program relay TWR Arabic Service to Meaddle East, off after 2130 + ABSOLUTE RADIO, UK. low power Tx, good signals at evening & night. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1242 07-09/04 0800....2300 FRANCE INFO, Tx Marseille, France. Dominant the frequency. Well heard around midday. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1251 07-09/04 1700....2300 RADIO LIBYA, Tx Tripolis, Libya. LocaL programs. + DANKO RADIO, 2 Txs, Hungary, in // 1350 kHz. Gypsy & Tzigan sounds songs. + RADIO 5 NOSTALGIA, Netherlands, in // 747 kHz. + IRIB, Radio Iran, Bandar-e Kiashahr, SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1260 07-09/04 1700....2300 RADIO PROTO/ERA SPORT, Tx Rhodos. Reactivated, Ex 1494 kHz, with bad modulation. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1260 08+09/04 0450-0500 ; 0525-0530 ; 2057-2059 ; 2155-2159 SER R.MURCIA, Spain, 2155- "HORA 25 REGION DE MURCIA 1260 ONDA MEDIA". + SER R. ALGECIRAS, Andalucia. "HORA 25 ANDALUCIA" Regional news. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1269 07-09/04 0800....1800 COPE CATALUNYA I ANDORRA, Tx Figueres, Relay COPE CATALUNYA I ANDORRA, // 783 kHz. Weak Signal aroud midday. + evening interferences from DEUTSCHLANDFUNK, Tx Neumuenster, Germany. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1270 07-09/04 0030....0230 RADIO PROVINCIA de BUENOS AIRES, La Plata, Argentina. USB to limit splash 1269 kHz. Strong Phading. POOR. BOC-29
1278 07-09/04 0700....2330 RADIO FRANCE ALSACE, Strasbourg, France. ALSACIAN Language, after 1800- hours they carry programs in French language regional service. The news on the hour are coming from FRANCE BLEU from Paris. Signals dominating the frequency. Midday regular reception in BOC. Only 09/04 Tx problem, on/off, at 2200-2320. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1278 09/04 2300-2330 UNID Pop oldies Music station (Beatles & Four Tops), may be from UK, RADIO PULSE 2 ??? Tx Bradford. WEB : POOR. BOC-29
1280 08+10/4 0020....0302 RADIO TUPI, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, sport news. USB better. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1287 08+09/04 0450-0500 ; 2057-2059 ; 2155-2159 SER R. LLEIDA, CATALUNYA. 2255- local news + ID, ADVERTs + SER R. BURGOS, CASTILLA LEON. 0450- "HOY POR HOY BURGOS" POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1287v 08/04 2000-2100 UNID GREEK PIRATE. Reported here Pirate "ELEKTRONIKA PIREAS" (Athens) Ex 1278 kHz ??? and also RADIO 322 (Athens) Ex 1071 kHz ??? . POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1296 07-09/04 0457-0500 ; 0525-0530 ; 1105-1155 ; 1705-1755 ; 2155-2159 COPE VALENCIA, PAIS VALENCIANO. Local/Regional service. Regular at midday in BOC + evening weak signals from RADIO BEOGRAD 1, Tx Vranje, Serbia. 10 kW + SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1296 07+08/04 1850....2130 SUDAN RADIO, Tx Reiba, Sudan, in // 765 kHz, news in Arabic. Phading with loop to NW/SE. + IRIB, Radio Iran, Radio Qazvin, in Farsi. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1300 09/04 0430-0432 WOOD, Grand Rapids, MI, USA, news, id "Michigan Radio WOOD", web : POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1305 08+09/04 0450-0500 RNE R.5 CASTILLA la MANCHA, Tx Ciudad Real, Spain. Morning regional program. + evening weak signals 2100-2200 GALEI ZAHAL, Tx Rosh-Pina, Israel, in //6885 kHz. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1314 08+09/04 0450-0500 ; 0700-0715 ; 1105-1130 RNE R.5 TARRAGONA, Catalunya, Local program only 0700-0715 Monday to Friday + Evening signals from ROMANIA, ANTENA SATELOR, 2 Txs. Loop E/W. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1323 08+09/04 2100-2200 BBC RELAY CYPRUS, Tx ZYYI, CYPRUS. ENGLISH WORLD SERVICE. LOOP E/W + GOLD AM, low power, Tx Southwick, Brighton, in // 1548 kHz. GOOD Peaks with Loop N/S. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1323 07-09/04 1700....2300 RADIO TARGU MURES/RADIO NEUMARKT (German minotity), Romania. 2 Txs. Dominant the frequency. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1332 07-09/04 1900....2200 RADIO TEHRAN, Iran, Program in FARSI. + RADIO ROMANIA ACTUALITATI up/down + Evening signals from GOLD AM 1332 AM, Tx Gunthorpe, Peterborough. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1341 07-09/04 2100-2300 BBC RADIO ULSTER, Tx Lisnagarvey, Northern Ireland/UK. Sinfonic Concert 2130- + ONDA CERO RADIO, mixed up/down, Spain. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1350 07-09/04 0800....2300 RADIO ORIENT, Tx Nice, France. Mostly in ARABIC with FRENCH news at 1205- & 2105- GOOD/V.GOOD. BOC-29
1359 08+09/04 2100-2300 GOLD AM, Tx Chelmsford, UK, //1548 kHz. Almost free channel at evening & night, only low power Tx from UK. ! + BBC RADIO 5 LIVE, relay Tx Solent, UK. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1359 09/04 2030....2330 IRIB, Radio Iran, Tx Darab, Iran. //549 kHz. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1368 07-09/04 0430- ; 0800- ; 1800- CHALLENGER RADIO, Villa Estense (Padova), Italy. With programs produced by IRRS NEXUS Milan, old programs "ALTO GRADIMENTO-RAI " & Overcomer Ministries & at 0000- STUDI DX 510 produced by Roberto Scaglione. + MANX RADIO, Isle of Man, UK. at evening with news & talks + BBC RADIO 5, in // 909 kHz + GALEI ZAHAL, Tx Pilon, Israel, in // 6885 kHz. Mixed up/down all together. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1377 07-09/04 0800....2300 FRANCE INFO, TX Lille, France. Dominant the frequency + 2115-2300 TWR, Relay Gavar, Armenia, Arabic service, only partly looped E/W. SUFF/V.GOOD. BOC-29
1386 07-09/04 0450-0530 ; 1800-2300 EITB, EUSKADI IRRATIA, Tx Bilbao, Euskadi, in EUSKERA. in // 1476 kHz. Dominant the frequency + GREEK PlRATE MAKEDONIA, from Thessaloniki area, ON/OFF, still blasting 5 kHz up/down. SUFF/V.GOOD. BOC-29
1390 07/04 0423-0433 W E G P, PRESQUE ISLE, MAINE, USA. ID, weather news 0431- ; advertising "special big cheese pizza in Presque Isle" WEB : Reports may be sent to : Bryan Lawrence (Operations Manager). POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1395 08+09/04 2230-0030 RADIO KAUKAZ, TX Gavar, Armenia, Russian program. Alone on the frequency. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1404 07-09/04 0800....2200 RADIO CORSE FREQUENZA MORA, Tx Ajaccio, CORSE. Well heard midday in // 1494 kHz + FRANCE INFO Network at evening/night. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1410 07/04 0418- Tentative WPOP, Hartfort, CT., USA. News Sport. web : POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1413 08-10/04 0450-0500 ; 0700-0715 ; 1105-1130 RNE R.5, Tx Girona, Catalunya, Local only at 0700-0715 Monday to Friday. // 576 kHz. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1422 07-09/04 0800....1900 RTA CHAINE CULTURE, Alger, Algerie. Arabic program. Mixed up/down with DEUTSCHLANDFUNK, Tx Heusweiler, Germany. Reception possible also at midday for both stations. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1430 07/04 0420- WENE, Endicott, NY., USA. News sport. ID. web : POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1430 07/04 0424- Tentative WOIR, Homestead, Florida, USA. web : Talk show in Spanish mentioning Florida. POOR. BOC-29
1431 10/04 0520-0528 RAI 1 GR PUGLIA, Tx Foggia, Puglia, Italy. Still operative. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1431 07-09/04 1740....2300 RADIO SAWA, Tx Arta, Djibouti, Arabic program. Popmusic program. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1440 07-09/04 0800....2100 RTL OLDIES, Tx Marnach, Luxembourg. Well listened at midday regularily in BOC. Dominant at evening. Relay RADIO CHINA INTERNATIONAL German program at 1900-2100. SUFF/V.GOOD. BOC-29
1449 08+10/04 0520-0528 RAI 1 GR VENETO, Tx Belluno, Regional program // 936 kHz. Sunday only 1015-1025. + POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1449 07-10/04 1600....2300 RADIO LIBYA, Tx Misrata, Libya. Arabic Local programs. GOOD/V.GOOD. BOC-29
1457.64v 07-09/04 1600-2230* RADIO CHINA INTERNATIONAL, Tx Fllake 500kW, Albania, drifting down making beatin with 1458 kHz SUNRISE RADIO,London, UK. POOR/V.GOOD. BOC-29
1467 07-09/04 *0400-1800* RADIO MARIA FRANCE, Tx Col de la Madone /MONACO-FRANCE. Regular midday reception in BOC. GOOD/V.GOOD. BOC-29
1467 08+09/04 2100-2300 IRIB 1, Tx Isfahan, IRAN, in Farsi. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1476 07-09/04 0430-0530 ; 1900....2230 EITB, EUSKADI IRRATIA, in Euskera, in // 1386 kHz. Dominating the channel at evening. SUFF/V.GOOD. BOC-29
1476,3v 08+09/04 1730....2000 UNID GREEK PIRAT. Reported active VALENTINO RADIO, in Korinthos area. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1485 07-09/04 0430-0500 ; 2345-2350 COPE CATALUNYA I ANDORRA, Tx VILANOVA I LA GELTRU', Catalunya. Their audio link is managed from studios COPE in Diagonal 441 in Barcelona. // 783 kHz. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1485 08/04 0450-0500 "SINTONIZAN RADIO SANTANDER" SER R. SANTANDER, SPAIN. Local spot & ID. + weak signal from AFN The Eagle. 2 Txs. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1494 07-09/04 0800...2200 RADIO CORSE FREQUENZA MORA, Tx Bastia, Corse. Sunday "MEDITERRADIO" at 1205-1230, Monday 1305-1328. // 1404 kHz. Multilanguage program Corsu/Italian. Usually signals dominating the frequency. GOOD/V.GOOD. BOC-29
1500 07/04 0425- WFED, Washington, DC., USA, news, News talks. web : Contact : Joel Oxley (General Manager) Email : POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1503 07-09/04 1700-1800 RADIO BEOGRAD 202, Relay BEOGRAD 1, SERBIA + UP/DOWN IRIB 1, Tx BUSHEHR, IRAN, Farsi, National Program. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1510 07/04 0308-0433 WUFC, BOSTON, CT., USA. NBC SPORTS RADIO. ID. web : 1510 NBC Sports Radio. Address : 308 Victory Road, 3rd Floor, Quincy, MA 02171. Email : POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1512 07-09/04 0450-0600 ; 1700....2200 RADIO PROTO/ERA SPORT, Tx Heraklion, CRETE. Mixed up/down SAUDI ARABIA, Tx Jeddah, H0LY KURAN Channel. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1520 07/04 0423-0434 WWKB, BUFFALO, NY., USA, NBC NEWSTALK. web : Better in LSB. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1521 08+09/04 0450-0500 ; 0525-0530 ; 2155-2159 SER R. CASTELLON, Pais Valenciano. Local program Monday to Friday. 2155- "HORA 25 CASTELLON" + Usual problems at evening with BSKSA, SAUDI ARABIA, Arabic first program. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1530 07-09/04 0313-0330 ; 1745-1900 VOA AFRICA, Tx SAO TOME', 1845- FRENCH, 0313- ; 2100- ENGLISH + RADIO ROMANIA ACTUALITATI, Tx Constanzia. ID. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1539 07-09/04 0450-0500 ; 0520-0530 ; 1745-1755 ; 2155-2159 SER R. MANRESA, CATALUNYA. "SINTUNIZAN A RADIO MANRESA 1539 AEMA" + 0525- SER RADIO ELCHE, LOCAL ID & ADVERTs. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1539 06/04 2029-2035 RTD, Tx ARTA, DJIBOUTI, the same Tx site as 1431 kHz. REPORTED INACTIVE !!!! POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1539 08+09/04 2355-0005 VOA, Relay Dhabbaya, UAE, news in English, QRM SER Spain. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1548 08+09/04 2130-2226* LA VOCE DELLA RUSSIA, Relay Grigoriopol, MOLDOVA. This is the only Italian program from Voice of Russia. The 07/04 program listened in Russian for a TX fault. + GOLD AM, Tx London, UK. good oldies. Loop N/S. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1550 07/04 1930-1945 RASD, LA VOZ SAHARAWI, Tx Rabouni, Algeria. Arabic news. Phading ! POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1557 07-09/04 0800....2200 FRANCE INFO, Tx Nice, France. Dominant the frequency. Best signal on MW at midday in BOC. GOOD/V.GOOD. BOC-29
1557 08/04 1840-1850 presumed VAHON RADIO, The Hague, Tx Stompwiik, Netherlands. web : Hindustani music. Loop N/S. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1560 07/04 0428-0430 WQEW, Radio Disney, NY., USA, pop songs. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1566 07-09/04 1830-2130 ; 0001-0345 RADIO KOLBE SAT, Schio, ITALY. Programs in Italian. "MOVIMENTO DI CRISTO PER LA VITA" + Mixed with 5 other stations mixed up/down making a total confusion: TWR BENIN : Tx PARAKOU, in Vernacular/French + BBC relay RADIO 5 LIVE //909 kHz, Tx SOMERSET-BRISTOL, UK + EAGLE EXTRA FM , GUILDFORD, UK + Monster signal from PIRATE GREEK "ASTERAS" making an horrible splash 1565-1567 kHz.... POOR/GOOD BOC-29
1570 07/04 0427- CJLV, Laval, QC., Canada, French pop songs. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1575 07-10/04 0520-0529 ; 1020-1028 RAI 1 GR LIGURIA, Tx Portofino-Genova, Sunday 1015-1025. Local signal at midday. GOOD/V.GOOD BOC-29
1575 07+08/04 0330-0415 RADIO FARDA. Tx Al-Dhabbaya. UAE. Persian Service. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1575 08+09/04 2355-0015 presumed PIRATE GREEK, Studio 21, Edessa, Greece, Greek songs, strong signal SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1584 07+08/04 0800...2200 RADIO STUDIO X, Momigno, Italy. ID+JINGLES. Regular after long period off the air. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1584 08/04 0450-0500 SER RADIO GANDIA, Comunidad Valenciana. 0450- "HOY POR HOY Comunidad Valenciana" ID Regional news. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1590 07/04 0425-0428 Tentative BNN RADIO, Envigado, Colombia. Religious program in Spanish. web : POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1590 07/04 0427-0430 Tentative XEVOZ , La Mexicana, Mexico City, Mexico. Modern Mexican music, news Sport from Mexico. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1593 08/04 1840-1900 RADIO TARGU MURES, German program, Romania, Local program + ROMANIA ACTUALITATI, 2 Txs. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1600 07/04 0430-0432 WUNR, Brookline,NY., USA. Spanish program. web : in LSB to limit the spash from 1602 kHz. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1602 07-09/04 0525-0530 ; 0550-0600 ; 1700....2300 EITB RADIO VITORIA, Euskadi, ID Spanish "RADIO EUZKADI" + local news. Dominating the frequency. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1602 08/04 1750-1757 ; 2057-2059 ; 2155-2159 SER R. CARTAGENA, Spain, regional 1750- news Murcia province ; local news 2057- ; 2157- .
1602 08+10/04 0450-0500 ; 0525-0530 SER R. ONTENYENT, Pais Valenciano. Spain. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1602 10/04 0450-0500 RADIO WADDENZEE, Tx Harlingen, Pop Music + ID. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1602 09/04 1933-1936 RADIO ORIENT, Tx Nimes, France.// 1350 kHz. Arabic program. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1610 07+10/04 0422-0450 CARIBBEAN BEACON, ANGUILLA, sermon in English // 6090 kHz. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1619 09/04 2100....2300 Greek Pirate, presumed "GIORGOS" greek folk music. GOOD. BOC-29
1620 07+09/04 0425-0432 RADIO REBELDE, CUBA, 2 Txs //5025 kHz. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1620 07/04 0440-0445 Dutch Pirate, THE ARCHIES, ID. GOOD. BOC-29
1620 07/04 2215- Dutch Pirate, UTOPIA, ID. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1633 09/04 2200- Dutch Pirate, BARCELONA, ID. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1638 07/04 2140-2205 Dutch Pirate, BATAVIA, Polkas & Ballads. GOOD. BOC-29
1640 07/04 0420-0450 Greek Pirate, presumed Radio Dimitrys, greetings to Larisa town pirate. Blocking the frequency. GOOD. BOC-29
1646 09/04 2155- Dutch Pirate, NOORDZEE. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1650 07/04 0425-0427 W H K T, Portsmouth, VA., USA. Conservative Talk Radio. web : Contact : Tom Winslow (Chief Engineer) Email : POOR/SUFF. BOC-28
1650 07/04 0426-0429 CJRS, RADIO SHALOM, Montreal, PQ., Canada, talks in French. web : POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1650 07/04 0428-0429 CINA, Mississagua, ON., Canada, Bollywood sounds. web : Email : POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1651 07/04 2140- Dutch Pirate, UNIEK. SUFF. BOC-29
1656 08/04 0005- Dutch Pirate, BARONES, greetings. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1659v 09/04 2130- Presumed Greek Pirate, Aquarius (Athens) SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1660 07/04 0422-0433 WCNZ, Marco Island/Naples, FL., USA. New format Country Jazzy. web : POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1660 09/04 0425-0426 Tentative KRZI , Waco, TX, USA, web : ESPN Sport talks. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1660 07/04 0430-0432 WWRU, Jersey City, NJ, USA, talks in Korean, over WGIT. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1660 07/04 0430-0443 WGIT, Canovanas, Puerto Rico, advertising in Spanish, how to buy a car, signal over WWRU. Last signal to fade out in the X-band. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1670 07/04 0422-0433 WPLA, Dry Branch, GA., USA, Sport, WEB address, web : Address : 7080 Industrial Highway, Macon, GA 31216. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1670 07/04 0425-0428 CJEU, Gatineu, PQ., Canada. Radio Enfant. Disco Mix music. Email : POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1675 07/04 2210- Dutch Pirate, BATAVIA, polka sounds. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1680 07/04 0425-0427 WOKB, Winter Garden, FL., USA, Christian songs, web : Address : WOKB 1680 AM, 3765 North John Young Parkway, Orlando, FL. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1680 07/04 0422-0423 WTTM, Lindenwold, NJ., USA. Mexican music, station slogan LA UNICA. Covered by WOBK. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1680 09/04 0427-0429 Presumed KRJO, Monroe, LA., USA. ID taped & news. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1680 09/04 2140-2230 Presumed Greek Pirate, Giannis Thermaikos. Station with breaks in Tx. POOR/GOOD. BOC-29
1690 07/04 0420-0450 UNID Greek Pirate, on/off. Almost breaking the balls and blocking the reception. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29
1690 07/04 0426-0427 CHTO, Toronto, ON., Canada. Greek talks radio !!!! news. web : POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1690 07/04 0440-0442 WPTX, Lexington Park, MD., USA. Talk 1690 WPTX. Listened just 2 minutes in a break of the Greek Pirate. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1700 09/04 0430-0434 KVNS, Brownsville, TX., USA, Fox Sportsradio 1700 talks. ID. web : POOR/SUFF. BOC-29
1701V 07+09/04 0440-0500 Presumed Greek Pirate, Nikos-Samurai. Kalamata. Good modulation & Modern Greek Songs. SUFF/V.GOOD. BOC-29


06 APRIL - 10 APRIL 2013

kHz day time UTC station details

2430 10/04 0324 Makedonsko Radio 1, Macedonia, H 810 x 3, songs. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29

3215 10/04 0318 WWCR, Nashville, TN, USA, religious talks in English. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29

3240 10/04 0321 TWR, Mpangela Ranch, Swaziland, African lang., songs. SUFF. BOC-29

3310 10/04 0148 Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, Bolivia, long talk in Quechua. SUFF. BOC-29

3320 08/04 2240 Sonder Grense, South Africa, talks, pop songs. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

3330 10/04 0153 CHU, Canada, time signals. GOOD. BOC-29

3345 10/04 0310 Channel Africa, Meyerton, South Africa, interview. GOOD. BOC-29

3350 10/04 0314 REE, Cariari de Poroci, Costa Rica, Spanish. GOOD. BOC-29

4319 10/04 2008 AFRTS, Diego Garcia, USB, songs. SUFF. BOC-29

4363 09/04 1603-1606* Monaco Radio, Mont Agel, USB end English BC, id, web, hymn. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29

4699.94 10/04 0013 Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, Bolivia, talks. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

4700 10/04 0335 Voice of Broad Masses, Eritrea, songs HOA style,//7175. GOOD. BOC-29

4716.7 10/04 0017 R. Yatun Ayllu Yura, Bolivia, enphatic talks in Quechua pres, weak. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

4747.05 10/04 0020 Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, Peru, talks. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

4750 07/04 *1950 PBS, Xining, China, start BC in Chinese. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

4750 08/04 1705* Bangladesh Betar, in Bengali, news & end of BC. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

4760.01 10/04 0023 AIR Port Blair, Andamane, India, songs. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

4765 08/04 1706 Radio Tajikistan, Yangi Yul, reports. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

4774.946 10/04 0027 Radio Tarma, Peru, nice music, some talks, weak but getting better. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

4775 10/04 *0400 TWR, Manzini, Swaziland, start BC, slow music. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

4780 07/04 1955 RTV Djibouti, conversation, phone talks, weaker than usual. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

4810 08/04 1710 AIR Bhopal, India, reports in Hindi. SUFF. BOC-29

4810 08/04 1920 Voice of Armenia, Gavar, in Arabic, talks & music. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29

4824.48 10/04 0032 La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, talks. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

4830 09/04 2312 Mongoliin Radio 1, Altay, songs,//4895 worse. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29

4834.63 10/04 0059 Ondas del Sur Oriente (pres), Quillabamba, Peru, talks. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

4835 07/04 1959 ABC, Alice Springs, Australia, talks, id, reports. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

4840 08/04 0005 AIR Mumbay, India, Indian songs. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

4845.24 10/04 0037 Radio Cultura, Manaus, Brazil, talks, fair signal but QRM Codar. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

4859.72 07/04 0238 Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, Iraq, talks, poor because jammed. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

4877.94 07/04 0243 Radio Roraima, Brazil, Brazilian songs. POOR/SUFF. (on 10/4 4877.74 SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29)

4880 08/04 1714 AIR Lucknow, India, music, QRM SW Radio Africa. SUFF. BOC-29

4885 07/04 0530 Radio Clube do Parà, Brazil, oldies songs. SUFF. BOC-29

4915 09/04 2318 Difusora Macapà & Radio Daqui (4914.91), mixed, fair signals but not usable. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

4925.22 09/04 2320 Educacao Rural, Tefé, Brazil, talks. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

4930 08/04 1720 VOA, Mopeng Hill, Botswana, reports mentioning Zimbabwe. GOOD. BOC-29

4950 08/04 1724 AIR Srinagar, India, talks. SUFF. BOC-29

4960 08/04 1727 Voice of Russia, Tajikistan, reports in English. SUFF. BOC-29

4960 10/04 0404 VOA, Sao Tome, English news. GOOD. BOC-29

4976 07/04 0247 UBC, Kampala, Uganda, songs, low modulation. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

5000 10/04 0406 WWV, Colorado, USA, pips, time, male voice. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

5010 08/04 1728 AIR Thiruvananthapuram, India, music, talks, at 1730 news in English. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

5024.917 10/04 0048 Radio Quillabamba, Cusco, Peru, songs, id 0101 after bird sound, weak (Rebelde OFF! till 0105). POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

5025 07/04 0534 Radio Rebelde, Cuba, songs. GOOD. BOC-29

5025 09/04 2143 VL8K ABC Katherine, Australia, interview, fair NOT //4835. SUFF. BOC-29

5040 08/04 1732 AIR Jeypore, India, news in English, (news //5010). SUFF. BOC-29

5040 08/04 2248 Radio Habana, Cuba, in Spanish, reports. SUFF. BOC-29

5765 08/04 1828 AFRTS, Barrigada, Guam, USB, interview. SUFF. BOC-29

5820 08/04 1636 Radio Free Asia, Tinian, Mariana, in Korean, reports. GOOD. BOC-29

5845 08/04 1633 BBC DRM, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand, WS, few audio stops. GOOD. BOC-29

5875 08/04 *1630 BBC, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand, start in Bengali, id "BBC Bangla". GOOD. BOC-29

5909.92 10/04 0005 Alcaravan Radio, Colombia, Puerto Lleras, usual songs prg, fair, at 0115. GOOD. BOC-29

5910 08/04 *1600 Radio Romania Int. in Italian. GOOD. BOC-29

5915 07/04 2004 Zambia NBC, Lusaka, talks in African language, later songs. SUFF. BOC-29

5915 10/04 0001 Myanma Radio, Naypydaw, slow songs, NOT //5985.79 POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

5925 08/04 1624 Voice of Russia, Novosibirsk, reports in Russian. SUFF. BOC-29

5939.8 09/04 2355 Voz Missionaria, Camboriù, Brazil, songs. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

5940 08/04 1620 Radio Australia, Shepparton, reports, //9745 9540 11660. SUFF. BOC-29

5950 07/04 0328 V. of Tigray Rev., Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, talks, HOA style songs. GOOD. BOC-29

5952.46 08/04 2338 Radio Pio Doce, Bolivia, talks, music. SUFF. BOC-29

5953.9 09/04 2352 Radio Republica, Cariari, Costa Rica, talks, Spanish, fair signal low modulation. SUFF. BOC-29

5964.7 09/04 2345 RTM Klasik, Malaysia, talks, music. SUFF. BOC-29

5985 08/04 2343 Myanma Radio, Naypydaw, Myanmar, slow songs. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

5985.79 09/04 2338 Padauk Myay Radio, Yegu, Myanmar, talks, songs. GOOD. BOC-29

6055 07/04 0338 Radio Rwanda, Kigali, African songs, then reports in Vern. GOOD. BOC-29

6065 07/04 2015 VOA, Sao Tome, Jazz, songs, in French. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29

6070 07/04 0344 CFRX, Toronto, Canada, id CFRB "Ten Ten", phone talks. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29

6080 07/04 1943 Radio Australia, Shepparton, reports in English, //9500. SUFF. BOC-29

6090 07/04 0354 Amhara State Radio, Ethiopia, talks, songs, QRM Dr.Gene Scott. SUFF. BOC-29

6090 08/04 2347 Dr.Gene Scott, Anguilla, religious speech. GOOD. BOC-29

6095 07/04 1130 KBC, Wertachtal, Germany, great songs, receiver and antennas commercials. GOOD/V.GOOD BOC-29

6100 08/04 2350 Radio Habana, Cuba, really nice songs, //11840. GOOD. BOC-29

6110 07/04 0403 Radio Fana, Ethiopia, international reports, HOA songs, Vern. SUFF. BOC-29

6130 08/04 1935 TWR, Swaziland, religious talks in Portuguese. SUFF. BOC-29

6134.81 10/04 0009 Radio Santa Cruz, Bolivia, talks Spanish, great id at 0121. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29

6154.92 10/04 0124 Radio Fides, La Paz, Bolivia, talks politics, music. SUFF. BOC-29

6160.72 07/04 0412 CKZN, St John's, Canada, Interview, (in USB to avoid Russia 6160). SUFF. BOC-29

6165 07/04 1943 R.N. Tchadienne, Chad, problems with TX. off air for 2 minutes at 1945-1947, then reports. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29

6173.95 10/04 0131 Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco, Peru, talks, nice songs, good mod. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

6180 07/04 0418 Radio Nacional, Brazil, songs. SUFF. BOC-29

6185 10/04 0138 Radio Educacion, Mexico City, nice latin popular music. SUFF. BOC-29

6200 08/04 1640 PBS Tibet, songs, talks in English, weak/fair //6025. GOOD. BOC-29

6260 08/04 1645 CVC Asia, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Indian style songs. SUFF. BOC-29

6295 07/04 2023 Reflections Europe, religious talks in English. SUFF. BOC-29

6305 07/04 2027 tentative Radio Lowland International ? Dutch Pirate, songs. GOOD. BOC-29

7120 10/04 *2027 Radio Harghaysa, Somaliland, start BC, hymn, id, prayer. V.GOOD BOC-29

7175 10/04 0335 Voice of Broad Masses, Eritrea, talks, songs HOA style, //4700. GOOD. BOC-29

7234.17 08/04 1654 Radio Ethiopia (pres), talks, poor, strong QRM 7230 & 7235. POOR/SUFF. BOC-29

7250 08/04 1659 Bangladesh Betar, songs, bad mod. strong (but QRM AIR //12025). GOOD. BOC-29

7295 08/04 1648 Traxx FM, Malaysia, songs as usual, in English. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29

7850 08/04 2307 CHU, Ottawa, Canada, usual pips, time, ids. SUFF. BOC-29

9265 08/04 2309 WINB, Red Lion, PA, USA, religious talks, English. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29

9330 08/04 2312 WBCQ the Planet, Monticello, ME, religious in English, only USB modulation. SUFF. BOC-29

9365 08/04 2315 FEBC, Bocaue, Philippines, Asian language, religious songs & talks. SUFF. BOC-29

9390 07/04 2046 Radio Thailand, Udon Thani, in Thai, Asian reports. V.GOOD BOC-29

9405 08/04 2318 FEBC, Bocaue, Philippines, in Chinese, slow songs. GOOD. BOC-29

9475 09/04 1555 Radio Australia, Shepparton, English service, news at 1600. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29

9505 08/04 1802 Voice of Sudan, in Arabic, talks, songs, better in USB. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29

9525.9 08/04 1748 Voice of Indonesia, in Spanish, "Mundo musical". GOOD. BOC-29

9565 08/04 2321 Radio Martì, Greenville, USA, sport live. SUFF. BOC-29

9579.12 08/04 1754 Medi 1, Nador, Morocco, songs, jamming Africa 1 9580!. GOOD. BOC-29

9580 08/04 1910 Africa 1, Gabon, songs, talks in French, fair if in USB to avoid Medi 1. SUFF. BOC-29

9600 08/04 1756 AWR, Meyerton, South Africa, nice Afro song stopped at 1758 by CRI. SUFF. BOC-29

9645 08/04 1811 Afia Darfur Radio, via Germany, talks in Arabic about Darfur, ids. V.GOOD BOC-29

9700 08/04 1739 Radio New Zealand Int. songs, good signal, but QRM CRI 9695, fair in USB. SUFF. BOC-29

9730 08/04 1816 Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, in Spanish, reports. V.GOOD BOC-29

9740 08/04 1820 KBS, Korea South, Kimjae, Spanish, talks about fruit. SUFF. BOC-29

9745 08/04 2325 Radio Bahrain, Arab pop songs, in Arabic. SUFF. BOC-29

9790 07/04 *0900 AWR Europe, Studio-Dx 510, TX Issoudun, France. Greetings to partecipants BOC-29. V.GOOD BOC-29

9835 08/04 2328-2330* HCJB, Germany, latin music, end BC with id in German. GOOD. BOC-29

9835 08/04 2330 Sarawak FM, Malaysia, talks, songs, after HCJB SUFF. BOC-29

9855 08/04 2333 Radio Australia, Dhabbaya, UAE, reports in English. GOOD. BOC-29

9915 08/04 1825 Radio Pilipinas, in Tagalog, conversation, //11720 15190. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29

10000 07/04 0732 Italcable, Italy, music, pips, time. Lower power. Off 8/4 evening. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29

11510 07/04 0538 Denge Kurdistan, Grigoriopol, Moldovia, songs. GOOD. BOC-29

11560 07/04 0542-0600* Radio Miraya, via Bulgaria, in English, songs, ids, , end of BC. GOOD. BOC-29

11655 07/04 *0600 Radio Dardasha, start BC with many ids. GOOD. BOC-29

11675 07/04 0557 Radio New Zealand Int. DRM only written info, no audio. BOC-29

11720 08/04 1736 Radio Pilipinas, Philippines, news in Tagalog. SUFF. BOC-29

11725 07/04 0600 Radio New Zealand Int. News in English. GOOD. BOC-29

11765 07/04 0600 Radio Deus è Amor, Curitiba, Brazil, full id. GOOD. BOC-29

11780 07/04 2040 Radio Nacional, Brazil, sport live. SUFF. BOC-29

11930 07/04 0600 Radio Belarus, Minsk, time, id, talks. SUFF. BOC-29

11945 07/04 0600 Radio Australia, Shepparton, news in English, //12080. V.GOOD BOC-29

12080 07/04 0600 Radio Australia, Brandon, news, //11945. SUFF. BOC-29

12130 07/04 0600 Mashal Radio, Iranawila, Sri Lanka, id, news in pres. Pastho. SUFF. BOC-29

15120 07/04 *1930 Voice of Nigeria, DRM, start BC in English, news. GOOD. BOC-29

15120 09/04 1502 Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, news in English. GOOD. BOC-29

15190 07/04 1925-1930 Radio Pilipinas, Philippinas, song, id, signal off. SUFF. BOC-29

15345.04 07/04 1934 Radio Nacional, Argentina, Spanish, interview. SUFF. BOC-29

15480 07/04 0635 Radio Iran, Italian program, news. SUFF/GOOD. BOC-29

15525 08/04 2300 HCJB Australia, Kununurra, Asian language, talks. SUFF. BOC-29

15595 07/04 1938 Radio Sultanate Oman, Arabic reports. SUFF. BOC-29

15610 08/04 2304 WEWN, Vandiver, AL, USA, religious, in English. SUFF. BOC-29

15720 07/04 2033 Radio New Zealand Int. DRM, interview, //11725. GOOD. BOC-29

15725 07/04 0650-0701* Pakistan BC, songs, end of BC with Hymn, fair signal but bad modulation. SUFF. BOC-29

15850 07/04 1941 Galei Zahal, Israel, talks, Hebrew. SUFF. BOC-29


Reception on MW respect BOC-27 & BOC-28 has been more good, the reason is related to the missing of storms in the area of the listening.
On the other hand the Solar Flux of the Sun has been going up, helping to get many signals in the Tropical Bands.
Most good results on MW from USA/Canada around 0400-0445 hours and to Spain at 0450-0530 hours.


73's Dario & Giampiero


Hasta la proxima BOC-30 !
73's Dario & Giampiero


